Grian And Scar - blizzard

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(Ok so, let's start off with a Grian X Scar because I can. I will put the plots up top underlined so you all know.)

Plot: Grian is stuck outside in a blizzard and nearly gets frozen to death when Scar finds him and cuddles him to warm him up.


I was working on an automated Firework farm to, hopefully, sell at the barge to the good people of HermitCraft. But I needed more redstone to make the signal go around a pole in my base.

So I set out to the shopping district and to Tango's ore shop where he traded things such as Lapis, Redstone and Gold.

I got the other things I needed for the back of my mansion as well.

As I was heading home, I felt something wet and cold land on my nose. I look up to see snow drifting down to the ground.

And I started to walk home because, once again, I forgot my elytra.

A few minutes later, I was completely soaked through and my hair was dripping down my back. It was at least -10 out for a late January afternoon.

By the time I made it to the other side of the shopping district, I could barely stand upright. I stumble and fall to my knees. I can't do this. I can't make it home like this. I'm going to die here. When I started out, I felt the cold, but now all I felt was numbness.

I sighed and crawled over to one of the shops and sat there with my back again Ed the cool stone work. I pulled my knees to my chest and put my head on them hoping to save some warmth.

I was just starting to fall asleep when I heard gasps in front of me. When I looked up I saw Zedaph and Scar.

They both grabbed me and hugged me. "Why are you out in this blizzard?" Asked Scar. "You are completely soaked."

"I-I needed some r-redst-stone for m-my firew-work farm so I c-could sell them at t-the barge." I said as clearly as I could. The two looked at each other. "Scar, go back to your base and start some hot chocolate and maybe put some blankets in the dryer." He nodded and flew off.

Zedaph turned to me. "Do you have your Elytra?" He asked me. I shook my head. "It's alm-most destroyed." He looked around for a second. "I have some extra diamonds hold tight, the shop is right here around the corner I'll go get another for you." He said and started to run off, but paused as I grabbed his shirt sleeve. "I don't think I can fly right now." I said to him. He just nodded and picked me up bridal style and flew me all the way to Scar's base.

By the time we got there the sun was just starting to set and the snow came down heavier now. Zedaph landed carefully as Scar ran out of the house and took me out of his arms.

"I've got some clothes for you." He said as I was set down in the bathroom. "Get out of those wet clothes and meet me in the living room. I have hot chocolate and warm blankets for you." I nodded and he closed the door.

Why am I suddenly swooning over Scar's voice? It's not like me to do that. Absentmindedly, I took off my clothes and changed into the warm ones that were in the counter. I open the door and go to the living room to see a nice sight. There are two mugs of hot chocolate on the coffee table, the fireplace was on and the tv above it, had Netflix on. There was a huge fort that Scar had made with the couch cushions and a bowl of pretzels in front of him. As soon as he saw me standing there, he beckoned me over.

I sat down and he wrapped about four Woolley blankets around me and I curled into his side as he lay on his stomach, still flipping through movies.

"How about Lord Of The Rings?" He asked me, pulling up the movie. I nodded. "Sure."

(I'll be on tomorrow as I have a hair appointment to go to. And so I will be working on this. The next one is Iskall and Impulse.  Also, for those who don't know I have a YT Channel if you want to go check it out. It is SunsetTheGlamour.)

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