WelsKnight X Xisuma - Did I Stutter?!

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I love it when Weld says Did I stutter?! In a video talking to X. So That's my headspace on this lol. Will be cursing in this YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

Plot: Wels is kidnapped by HelsKnight and EX. Can Xisuma find out where they are? Also, Wels is a sarcastic little Bitch in this one. Sorrynotsorry

Wels would be lying if he said he was was in a good mood. He was in a pissy mood. How did he get into this particular situation you may ask?

It was a normal recording day..

I went to the shopping district with about twenty shulker boxes in my arms. I had some restocking to do.

Once there, I picked up my camera and started recording as I saw Etho trying to get into my rocket shop. He looked like he had just died as he had nothing on him. When he noticed me, he waved. "Hey." "Howdydo?" I asked. "I kinda died to the wrath of Doc and his trident. He has channeling on it and so all my stuff was gone with lightning." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He didn't seem too happy. "I can get revenge for you if you want?" He nodded vigorously. I smiled evilly.

For those who don't know, I'm the best at stealth. I'm the assassin on the server. Etho may be the ninja, but I was even better then that.

"How about right after I restock? I got nothing else to do today anyways." He smiled. "In the time you do that, I'm going to go mining for some diamonds as I can't pay you right now." I shook my head at Etho. "No. Just consider this as revenge." I laughed evilly.

A couple of minutes later, I was done restocking and I turned to Etho who was keeping me company.

I made my way over Doc's place, trying to be quiet. I scanned the ground for signs of life. Suddenly, I saw him digging into some chests. I was just about to land when I felt pain in my back where my wings connected. I was flapping uselessly, not able to get air.

As I was falling, I saw Doc close the chest and look up just as my eyes closed.

When I woke up, I was standing up against a wall, my wrists tightly chained to the ceiling. I yanked at them a couple times before I deemed them way too tight. I noticed a gag in my mouth. I just rolled my eyes. I knew who took me. It didn't take a genius to figure it out.

Evil X and HelsKnight.

I sighed, severely unamused. 'Great. I'm kidnapped by the two worst kidnappers..'I thought.

I have dealt with worse.

"Ow! My head. What the hell? Where am I?" I hummed.
"Effle xthh" I tried to say but was muffled by the gag.

"Doc looked over to me and raised his eyebrow at me. "Why are you here?" He asked I glared at him. He seemed to understand. "Evil X? I nodded. "Heffzmifft." The creeper hybrid seemed to know what I said this time. "Hels is worse than EX in my opinion." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Well, we'll, well. What do we have here? Two hermits who should not be here." "Bphlm Heffzmifft." Exil X rolled his eyes. "That blasted idiot. He knows not to go into the overworld!" This time it was our turn to be confused. "Go get your brother instead of standing there! If you don't want us here." Doc said as no one could understand me.

"And why in the hell would I do that? I AM evil too, you know!" I sighed.

"Well, see ya around." He walked out of the dark room we were in. I saw black brick of some kind.


I thought I knew where we were. I closed my eyes. That was until the door bashed against the stone wall, making a dent. "Oop. Didn't mean to do that." I rolled my eyes. HelsKnight is just a walking disaster.

"Do you guys need something to eat? Drink? Oh I'm sorry. One of you are gagged." He laughed as he undid my gag from the back and let it slip to the ground. "Now. Doc." Hels grabbed his head with his hands and Doc screamed. Forced Memory loss. "There. Now you can go back home and you won't remember anything." He undid the chains. "Now GO!" Obediently, Doc walked away, a dull lifeless look in his eye.

Once Doc was gone, Hels turned to me. "I'm taking what you have always loved most. And I'm not talking about the server." My heart sped up. "You will NEVER get away with this! Xisuma won't let you! If I get hurt, than you will have hell to pay." I growled out.

My wings. He wanted to chop my wings off..

"Like anyone would come looking for you! No one cares about just another stupid hermit! You know they'll just replace you." I began to believe it. But I still glared at him. "You're so stupid." I sighed.

It had been a couple weeks I think since Hels had taken Doc and I. Doc hasn't come back nor has Hels. He was right. No one is looking for me. Evil X still visits me a few times and told me that Xisuma actually did call a search for me. But was called off after no one could find me and would probably never would. Recently, X had replaced me with one of Impulse's friends. Skizzleman or something.

I was very upset but I didn't let that show. Now, I didn't care if I was never found. I stared ignoring EX because he was just annoying and unhelpful. Turned out, Hels never ended up chopping off my wings. Wich I was thankful for. He knew I would die if he did that. And he, may be evil, but he didn't want a murder on his hands. No. He would rather me suffer.

Another week goes by and EX stopped visiting me. Which was understandable. I was a jerk.

Just then, I heard a sound out in the hall beyond the door. I didn't acknowledge it. Until the door swung open.

"I looked up and did a double take. There stood Beef, Tango, impulse, Zedaph, skizzleman, Bdubs, Doc and Xisuma.

Hels had put the gag back in before he had left two weeks ago.

X, Tango and Bdubs ran over to me and got the chains off. Impulse took my gag off. I fell into Tango's arms as I was too weak to stand on my own anymore. "Hels. Kidnapped. Doc." He nodded. "Hels was banned two weeks ago." I nodded.

"Just rest now. Your safe." X said. "I'm taking you back to my place to rest. Cause I know you won't." I rolled my eyes as he just picked me up bridal style.


I could barely feel X place me down on a bed and sit in a chair at the bedside. I just had enough strength to say, "thank you for not replacing me. "Wait, what?" He asked me. I turned to Xisuma and said, "Did I Stutter?" Before darkness took over again.

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