Doc X Ren - Flustered P2

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Doc gets fed up with Ren flirting with him. So he gives him a taste of his own medicine by calling him a pup and touching his ears and tail.


That it!! I'm so sick of Ren's flirting!! It's driving me up the wall!! I'm going insane!!! How do I get revenge? I need the NHO's help! So I had called a meeting with BDubs, Etho, Beef and X, since he was sick of Keralis too.

Once everyone got there, I started the meeting. "Ok. I'm so sick and tired of REN's flirting. It's so annoying. Does anyone have any idea on how to make him stop?" I asked. "Make him sick, maybe?" Beef replied. "No. You just need to get him to break a bone so he's been bound." Etho retaliated.

I sighed. "How about if you give him a taste of his own medicine." We all looked over at the short brunette. "Well, think. How do you act when he does that to you? Do you get mad, flustered, or simply just ignore him?"

"Mostly ignore. I don't know HOW to act when he flirts with me." I replied.

"Ok, then," BDubs smiled evilly. "This is what you gotta do.."


I had taken to the skies after making a deal with Cub and Mumbo and handing Tango a shulker box full of deepslate.

When I landed back on looser island, Doc was there waiting for me.

"Uh, hi, I'd there something I can do for you, Doc?"

He didn't say anything but stepped closer as k backed away.

Yeah, I like to flirt with him all the time because he's hard to fluster. But this? The way he's acting now is wrong. "Doc? Did you go feral or something? Or did a computer chip break?"

He kept getting closer to me and I realized my back hit the wall. He had trapped me against it and leaned in close.

"D-Doc?" He raised his hand and.. scratched my ear? What?! "Uh, bro?" I didn't notice where his other hand was until I felt pressure on my tail where it connected to my skin and I all but melted.

"D-Doc?" I kept trying to get his attention but failing.

Then he started rubbing my tail and I put a hand in my mouth to stop myself. My whole body was shaking.

"Do you enjoy this, pup?" I blinked twice. "Uh? Wh- I
don't-" I couldn't form even just one word.

"That's ok. Just relax. Good boy." I could feel my cheeks get warmer. I didn't know how to react.

Then Doc leaned in close so our lips were just barely touching. I've become a tomato, I'm sure. "This. Is. Punishment." I was confused. He must have known I was. "For the flirting. I was getting sick of it. It doesn't affect me. So stop trying."

He then grabbed his rockets and flew away.

I was frozen to the spot. What? How dare he!

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