Part 39

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POV Snow

I don't know if he'll answer me at all but right now. David needs to find that ground to feel comfortable about helping Jay in her way not ours. I learned that night when Jay said that she don't want to be an experiment and I knew from that point on that Jay was on the edge of pushing all of us away. 

David went to the kitchen and he looked like he was ashamed to said anything or do anything. I wished I could show what Jay did and said on that night that the Kings was arrest. Only if David knew how Jay really felt. Once David realize that Jay feels more comfortable with  Regina and Robin he will might get mad at them. 

I went to the kitchen to start make dinner and tried to talk to David. Once I got in the kitchen, David was leaning against the sink with a glass of water in hand. I was hoping David was rethinking the question about Jay. I said," What do you want for supper?" 

David said," Why don't we try to learn something from Jay? We can try do more things for Jay and Sharna. We need to try to get Jay to trust us some how. How do we get her to trust us? " 

I said , "Like everyone was telling me. Don't push it and be there when she needs someone to talk to. Just be there when she has the baby and when Sharna dies. When Sharna dies she will need us more then ever. I do the feeling of losing someone that you love deeply. No matter what is going on with me. I am just listening to our daughter and actually hearing her."

David said," What made you change your mind about Jay?  What happen that night the Knights was arrested?"

I said," The conversation that night when the Knights was arrested. Jay told me that she feels she don't want to be an experiment for anyone. I told her that she wasn't an experiment. It wasn't the words she said it was how she said it. It almost made me cry. I made the choice that night to listen and not push everything. I am just here to listen to Jay and if she needs me. She knows where I am at. I am not going to judge her on the choice she makes. No matter how I feel about anything. Jay needs to know that we are here for them and we wont leave."

David was shocked and was about to cry. David said with sadness," I can try to just listen and be non-judgmental  with the choices. I will try to have no feelings and just be here for them. Snow, how can we get her to trust us?"

I said," She needs to know that we wont leave or give up on her . She needs to feel safe &comfortable with us. She was abuse in every way possible. Jay don't know what love is from parents. The ones who is supposed to love, care, protect, and let her be a kid. It will take a long time or lifetime. "

David said," How can we do this or that?  I don't know if I could do that for her. Snow, how can you be so clam with this whole situation?"

I look him dead in the face and said," You weren't there the night Jay was talking to Regina at the hospital when little man was sick. Regina was defending our choices before the curse. Jay was hurt and mad at us for leaving her. Then the conversation the night the Knights was arrest. Regina is only person I have been able talk to about this."

David said," What happened at the hospital? All you told me was that you ran into Jay and Henry. Why didn't you tell me the truth?" Before I could answer him. David storm off and went out. 


I was going to get the keys for the guest house. Sharna had ask for help with a will for her and she was very clam during the meeting. 

Robin said," Are you okay?"

Sharna said," NO, I am not okay. I am going to die and I wont see my kid being born. I wont be with Jay forever." 

This is the first time we seen Sharna just blow up on us or anyone for that matter. I will let her vent off. 

Robin said, " What is really going on? How do you really feel?"

Sharna said," I am fraking pissed off. I going to miss out on a lot with my kid's life and my life with Jay . What hell am I going to with that?"

I went to Sharna and hugged and said, " Why don't you write them letters on special days. If you want I can give it to them when time calls for it. "

Sharna said, " I could try it.It wont hurt. I could start today. Thank you."

There was knock on the door and I answer it. Jay was standing there. I said," Hey , Jay did you walk over here?" 

Jay said," Yes, I did now what is anyone going to do about it? "

Sharna said," I will change that if you don't.  Now how do you feel and lie to me found out. " 

Jay said ," I am cramping bad but I am good. Why ?" 

Sharna pointed to Jay's face and said," Your face is telling me that you are in pain dumb, dumb. "

I said ," I get the car. Robin get a chair. "

Sharna said," Jay, do you want me call Kelly and Jax, David and Snow?"

Jay said," Not till we get settle at the hospital. I am trying to let them in it's not going to be easy."

I waved at Sharna to get Jay to the car. 

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