part 7

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I said to Mrs. May," I am planning to go to the ARMY. Go to college for physical ed or special ed teacher and creative writing on the side. I love to write stories. Anything else you want to know about me?"
Mrs. May said,"You can call me and my husband by our first name. My name is Alexis Evie May and my husband name is Luca Levi May."
I said," Alright. Alexis, can I come over tomorrow to get to know you and your family a lot more better? Unless you have something else going on."
Alexis said,"We are going to Sioux Falls for some work but Sharna will be here. If you want to come and keep her company until we get back that would be great." I nodded my head yes. I left once Alexis got into her home.
The next morning came and I text Sharna to see what she was doing. Sharna text me back it said with my parents. I'll see you later.

Four Months later


Jay and I are going on four months strong. I like to say to myself, our families went to Maine to camp for at least two weeks. We all went swimming than something happened. We all gotten out of the what looked like the ocean.
Jay said in her swimming trunks and drak blue bikini top,"Hey mom it looks like we are in my tv show ONCE UPON A TIME. I think that is Captain Hook or Killian Jones. But how hell did we land here?" The guy up dock come running down to us with blankets with kid about the age of 13-15 years old. Jay was helping my parents out of the ocean.
I said with some confusion," You the one we watch every night on dvd this past few months? The you have dreams about?"
Jay said with everyone looking at her," Well yea. I that I told you not to say anything about my dreams. Hello. Can you gives me a hand, sir?"
The kid said," I can help you out. Here grab my hand." Jay grab his hand and thanks him.
Kelly said while trying to get warm,"Thank you for your help. May I ask where are we at? Who are two young men?"
The man said,"This town is called STORYBROOKE.My name is Killian Jones and this is Henry Mills. How did you guys get here and where are you from?" We all introduced ourselves to Henry and Killian.
Alexis said," Well the last thing I remember is swimming in the lake in Maine. Than all of a sudden we end up here in a tv show."
Henry said," Let's get you into some dry clothes. I can introduce you to my family. See if the can help you out and get you ba....," Henry looked at Jay and hit his friend's arm and whispered something.
Kelly said,"What is it? Did we do something wrong?"
Killian said while pointing to Jay ,"What's her name?"
Jax said,"Her. That's Jay. Mine and Kelly's adopt daughter Jay. Why?"
Henry said,"Let go to my mom's place. Jay, do you have a birthmark?"
Jay looked at Kelly, Jax,& Sharna and said," How did you know about that? You guys didn't say anything did you?" Jay was kinda mad and we nodded ours no.

Twenty minutes later

I was excited but also confused when I got out of the bathroom everyone looked at me. When I mean everyone it was Emma, Mary- Margaret, David and Regina. Henry had a big, Brown book.
Henry said to everyone including my family and girlfriend and her parents, "This part was added just recently. It says that Mary-Margaret had twins one went through the magic wardrobe. The other went with blue or so we think. Jay, can I see your birth mark?"
I couldn't handle all of the attention so I ran.Kelly tried to stop me.
Mary-Margaret said,"What was all of that about? Emma, why don't you go and get Jay."
I ran till I couldn't run anymore. I wanted to cut or hurt myself bad.

Mary - Margaret said with a confused look on her face," What was that all about? Emma, why don't you go and get Jay."
I said," Take Sharna with just in case she is having one of her episode. Sharna knows what to do. If you want Emma you can take Killian and Henry. " All four went after Jay.
David said with worry," I thought Henry said that you and your husband adopted her this year. If you don't mind me asking what happened before you adopted her? "
Jax said in a brief details,"From be one month old till fifteen years old she was adopted in a lovely family than one day they didn't want her anymore. Six months in the system was extremely hard by the time we got her we had to put her into the hospital for not eating and self-harming. We vist her everyday for four months. Than we found out that she had mental disorder. Than we are still learning about her triggers. Sharna has help a lot."
Regina said," You still kept her after all that."
I said,"I love her like she was mine very own child. She might seem tough but she is very sensitive about certain things but mess with any of us five people who came with her whatever that was in the water. Now that's not a pretty site to see."
Mary- Margaret said,"Have you guys seen the birth mark?" I nodded yes.
Luca said,"I' m hungry. Is there a place to eat." Alexis looked at him and hit him in the arm.
Jax said," I am hungry as well."
Regina said,"There is GRANNY'S down the road." They all agree to go and eat there.

After leaving Mary-Margaret's place, we went to a little yellow bug. Henry and I got into the back. Emma and Killian was in front.
Emma looked me and said while driving,"Sharna,what did Kelly meant by having an episode. Do I need to bring a doctor?"
I said while shaking my head," Let's hope not." I looked down to my necklace that she gave earlier that day. It's glowing.
Henry said,"Hey mom, her necklace is glowing like grandma's ring did when grandpa was looking for grandma."
Emma pulled over by this time the were outside of town and," We will go on foot. I call Red to help us out?" She called Red and she was there within ten minutes. I mind wouldn't stop thinking of the worse case. Killian noticed that I was very uneasy.
Kllian said," Everything will ve alright. We will find her no matter how long it takes."
I was starting to cry and they all tryed to cheer me up. All I wanted was Jay back into my arms.
Red said," I need something with her scent on it. So I ca nt track her."
Emma said," Here is her towel. I hope I didn't need but here it is." Emma hand the towel to Red. Red headed off to where I don't know.
It took us about twenty-five minutes to find Jay. When we got she was bleeding a lot. Jay was unconscious. Emma and Henry held me back. All I was thinking Jay, you better not die on me. You crazy ass woman that I love so much. God please don't let this wonderful, sweet person die.
Emma called Mary-Margaret to let them know that Jay has veen found and heading to the hospital for blood because Emma somehow stop the bleeding.

Twenty minutes later
When Mary-Margaret said that we are going to the hospital. When we got there I was in very much panic mode. I saw Sharna and she come running to me and said," It was pretty bad. She cut her wrists and it look like she hit head on some rocks."
Emma said," We found her by troll bridge. She was unconscious. Dr.Whale is with her right now."
Jax said with some worry, "Can we trust him with our daughter?"
Mary- Margaret walked over to Jax and hugged him and siad,"He is the best we have in town. If he can there is always Regina." As soon as she said that Dr.Whale came out.
Dr.Whale said,"Emma, nice work on the wrist. Can I talk to the parents to the patient Jay." Jax and I walked up to him.
I said with a clam voice how I did bets the hell out me," What is the matter to our little girl?"
Dr. Whale said," She is very strong woman you got there. I would like to keep her here for at least two days because she has told me that she has been feeling run down. It could be nothing. I like to be safe than sorry. "
We nodded in agreement with the doctor. Jax and I went back to the group. Jax said with a clam voice,"Jay is going to stay here for a couple of days just to make sure she is alright."
Sharna said," Can I see her before we go?"
Mary-Margaret and I took her to see Jay. Mary-Margaret was confused and it didn't seem to borth her at all. Mary-Margaret said to me," Do you mind if we can see if she is also our daughter?"

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