part 2

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    I waited for what felt like a lifetime. Than within two minutes I heard Sharna's voice calling me because I was looking down at my plate playing with my food. Sharna told me to look at her.
   Sharna said while her right hand was lifting up my face," Jay, I know that we just meet and here is my answer about being your girlfriend. I would love to be your girlfriend. I do have one question to ask you?"
     I had a big smile on my face and I said , "You can ask me anything about anything.  Now how can I be of service to my girlfriend?"
       Sharna said with a little scared look, "It's about tomorrow.  Can you show me around the school? I am knda of  nervous for it."
       I look into her pretty blue eyes with her fiery red hair that dangling in the middle of her face and I said,"I can show you around. If you want I can pick you up unless you want to drive yourself to school. I did have soccer practice after school."


   I thought to myself, Why is this woman treating me like princess? I don't really care about being treated as a princess because my dad always say when you found the right person who treat you right. I hope this is one.
      Jay reached over the table and held my hand  and said,"Hey do you what to come on over to my place this weekend for some grilling and bonfire? You can meet my so called mom whom is a teacher at the high school.  You can also bring your parents if you want."
       Sharna said,"That sounds great.  What is the occasion for the  grill out? I can tell my parents and I'll let you know tomorrow at school. What time is it?"
        Jay looked at her and said with a shock of the time was, "It's almost 9pm. I need to get going. Do you need a ride home?"
          I said,"Yes I do need a ride home. Do you guys have dance class or something?"
           Jay got out and wait for Sharna and said while going out of PIZZA RANCH,"We have a dance squad and dance class." I jumping like if I won thw lottery or something.  Jay said," Are you alright? "
            I said, "I'm sorry. I just love dancing. That one thing I can  lose myself." Jay open my door of her car which is 2006 royal blue 150 ford pick-up. When I got in to her pick-up,Jay went to the other side and got in.
            Jay said while starting up the pick-up,"Now where do you live at? "
          I said while putting on my seat belt," I live by the school. It's a big white house."
         Jay said ," I know  exactly what house you are talking about.  I think."
   I noticed that Jay always second guess herself. I thought to myself, What else is she not telling me? There has to be more to this Jay Jo O'Connor- Lopez. I hope she will let me into wall she has up.
     Jay said," Is this it?" I got out but before I did that I kiss Jay on her cherry blossom color lips. Than she waited until I got into my house. Than Jay left, than I got text and it was from Jay and it said I forgot to tell good night beautiful. I will see you tomorrow. Xoxo. From your Jay.
      My father said while come out of his study," How was your night?"
        I said," I met someone.I had a great night. How was your guys night? "
          My father said,"Can we meet this one person who stolen your heart? Our night was great and your mother went to bed early. We both should go to bed."
            I said to while walking up the stairs, "Yes, you can meet her and her name is Jay Jo O'Connor- Lopez. She has invite all of us to go to her place for a grill out." My told me to go to bed and I did.


   When I got home Kelly was still up doing paper work and said,"Hey Jay, do you know that you are home late? How was your night? "
   I said while going to Kelly in the kitchen, "I know that I am late and I am so sorry it won't happen again. I have something to tell you something on why I was so late."

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