part 18

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I was here at the hospital with Belle and Henry, when I was just walking around the hospital. I notice Neal was in the Emergency room with Granny. I went to Granny and said," Granny, what happen? Is that Neal Charming?"
Granny said," I put him on the floor to play and all of sudden he started to shake. So, I brought him here. I was about to call Snow and David to let them know what happened. If you want to you can call them."
I said," I will call them for you. You stay with Neal alright I'll be right back." What I didn't know was that Belle and she went to let Henry and Jay know about Neal. After I got done with telling Mary-Margaret to meet me at the hospital. I turn around to go back to Granny and Neal. I almost ran into Henry and Jay in a wheelchair.
Jay said," What happen to Neal, my little brother?"
Henry said," Hey mom, what's going on with uncle Neal?"
I said," I don't know all I know is that Granny was watching him and she put him on the floor to play. He started to shaking so she brought him here to get check out. Jay, your parents will kill me if you aren't back to your bed. Why don't you and Henry go back to your room and I will keep you update about him. Alright?"
Jay said with a confidence voice," No, I want to be here for him. I can deal with my parents when need to be. Please don't send me to my room and plus I hungry. Henry was bring me to the cafeteria for some food. Plus Dr. Whale said 'It is good for me to get out of my room anyway.' So don't worry your pretty head about me."
I look at her and said,"We all worry about you. " I notice that Snow White and Kelly is behind Henry and Jay. They gave me a nod not to say a word about them being back there.
Jay said," Why do you guys worry about someone who was thrown away like trash? Every time I get to feel like I am safe people gets hurt. So no more. No one should worry about expect two people Sharna and this baby."
I looked up at Snow and Kelly .
Snow was on the verge of crying and I said," I am sorry you feel that way but we all wont stop worrying about you. I am the reason you were given away in the first place."
Jay said," They had a choice and they choose to give me and Emma away like we were trash. Emma can forgive them but it will be a long time before I can forgive them. I over hear Kelly and Jax talk about my medical bills and it sounds like to me that they regret on adopting me. So you want tell me why I should feel safe with them or anyone?"
Henry said," Jay, why don't we get some food OK?" Jay nodded her head yes. I didn't know how to answer her. Once Jay and Henry left, Snow let the tears out. Kelly and I tried to confront her.
Snow said once she could talk," Why would she say that stuff? Kelly, do you regret adopt Jay? Regina what is it that you wanted me down here?"
Kelly said with a teary voice," No,I don't regret adopting her. She over heard us talk about paying the those bills because we were about to lose everything and no one knows about that. She only heard part of conversation about the bills."
I look back to Granny and said," I do have something to say its about baby Neal. He is in the emergency room with Granny. Granny brought him in because he shaking. Dr.Whale is doing everything for him. If you want you can go back there with him. I know how upset you are right now and I think you should calm down before going in to see him."
Snow looks like she is about to have a panic attack and said," What happen to my baby boy? Do you know what happen, Regina? Where is he?"
I said," All know is this, Granny place him down on floor to for awhile to play and when she got to him again he was shaking it scared her. She brought him ."
I was scared to death for my kids being in the hospital. One just got out of surgery less than six hours ago and one in the emergency room for what no one know.
I got enough courage go and see my son. When I did that I ran into Dr. Whale and I said with worry in my voice, " What is going on with my baby boy? Can I go and see him please?"
Dr. Whale said," We are doing tests on Neal right now. So if you want you can go on and see him. He is a sleep. Snow, Granny is with him right now. Why don't you spend time with Jay? Jay is going through a rough patch. I heard what she to Regina. She said it because she can't trust anyone yet and you think Emma had thick wall. Jay's wall is double that. You,David,Jax and Kelly need to gran her trust one baby step at a time."
I said with some understanding," OK let me check on Neal and I will go to Jay. How can I get her to trust me?" I am on the verge of tears again.
Dr. Whale said," Remind her that you won't go anywhere. Tell her why you did what you did. Tell her that you and David do love her repeatedly and time. Time is the big key. Snow, you will get her back slowly. Just take your time with her."
I took what he said to heart and said," Thank you, Dr. Whale. Now, can you tell me what room my son is in?" He and I went down to room 4 and I went in. When I went in I see Granny crying and I rubbed her back.
I said in a clam voice," How are you doing ? How is he doing?" She looked up at me with such sadness.
Granny said teary voice," I am so sorry, I don't know what happen. One minute he was alright and than the next he was shaking badly."
I hugged her and and said," It's alright. He'll be fine. Now, why don't you stay with him. So, I can get to know my daughter, Jay. Call me if there is any news, OK?" Granny nodded yes and I kiss Neal on his forehead. I went to Jay without Kelly knowing. I text Regina and asked her to keep Kelly busy for awhile

~five minutes later~
I am with Henry and Belle in the cafeteria talking and playing trash. I was teaching them how to play trash. It's my turn and something or some sort of feels made me look up and I see my birth mother, Mary- Margaret, I played my turn and said, " I am done playing. I am going to write a story and eat my food over there."
Belle said," Do you need any help,Jay?" I nodded no. I went to Mary-Margaret.
I said," Did you and Kelly hear what I said to Regina? "
She nodded her yes and said," Yes,I did heard you.Your father and I wanted the best chance of life we can give. We didn't have a chose to keep you or your sister. We didn't want you two to be crused with us. We didn't mean for you to feel like you were or ever was trash."
I was eating through the story and after she was done I said," Do you feel better? You want to know me don't you? Is it because I am the protector of the Savior?" I was waiting for her to tell me that it was not true and that she wants me to stay with.
Mary-Margaret said," Your my daughter I want to make you feel safe again. No, I don't feel better. I want us to be family. Why don't Emma,Neal, David ,you and I go to the park or the beach tomorrow?" I loved the idea but part of me wanted to hate her for what she did. I also want to know why Emma and had such a big gap in years.
I said," Yes, that would be nice. Do you know if my parents went back to get my stories? If you want to get to know me that is one way to do so. My stories are my life beside Sharna and my baby." I really hated not knowing what to do in these cases.
Mary-Margaret said," No, we are trying to go and get your stories. One day I hope I can be one person you can count on and trust. So, does that mean you are keeping the baby? If you do keep this child, I want you to know that I am here no matter what. I am not going to leave you again. I want you to feel loved by me and David and your adopted parents. Can you let's us? Why don't you let me stay with you tonight?"
I have so much anger towards my parents both birth and adopt. How can I get rid of this anger?? Do I cut or write? I said," For right now I am figuring it out for me. I want out of this place and I hate hospital for a reason. One day I will feel loved by family and friends but right now I can't . Right now all I want to do is take care of me and this little one. Henry is staying tonight with me but if you want to you can stay as well."

Mary- Margaret POV

Well it is a start in a good direction. I really hope that she keeps the baby. I hope that Jay and I would have a relationship like Emma and I.
I said, " Well why don't you, Henry and I have a movie and junk food?"
Jay said with some worry in her voice," Alright. What movie or movies should we watch?"

"I really want to get to know Jay like I did with Emma, but how is the real question? Maybe I could get Jay to pick the movie we will be watching. Some people understand someone by the movie they watch." I thought to myself before saying, "Why don't you pick one out. " I hate seeing Jay like this but who can blame her after a life that she was given. I wished better for my children and maybe I can get it right with Neal.

Henry comes on over and said," Hi Grandma, how can I help you out? Or do you need anything?"
I looked at Jay said," Can I join you and Jay tonight? If you don't want me there it's alright. I'll understand."

A/N sorry it took so long.

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