part 13

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When Kelly said that I looked shocked and wonder what the heck happened.
Blu said,"She is part of the other side with her. Some say you die and brought back. You bring something back like in Jay's case a gift. Did you ever read any of her work?"
Kelly said,"If it wasn't for school nope, but for school yes. It was great and I loved it. Why are you asking about her writing? They aee just stories, aren't they?" Everyone looked at each other.
Belle said," Well, they could be just stories but to be for sure we need to exam or read them. Do you some of her work?"
Kelly said," No, we left them back at the cabin."
I notice something was off about Regina and I said,"Regina, are you all right?"
Regina looked kinda nervous about something and she is getting better with being good act. Regina said," Well, we may not have to find away to it them. She gave me this early this morning. If you ask me it seem like journal story type. If I let you have it can I have it back. She told me not to let Mary Margaret, Kelly, Jax, and David read it." Kelly and I looked at each other. I don't know what she was thinking about when we heard that.
"What the heck was in there that she doesn't want her two sets of parents to know. It's not like would get mad at her. Kelly and Jax loves her more than anything. David and I want to get to know Jay more," I thought to myself.
Kelly said,"What you have read is it bad, Miss Mayor Mills? "
Blu said this before Regina could say something, " Let us read it and if there is anything to report we will let you know. Alright? "
Belle looked like she was hiding something but I will find out. I went to pull Belle aside and said," Belle, is everything alright? "
Belle looked up at me and said,"Yes and no. I need to talk to Jay. It's important that I do speak to her."
I looked worried and said,"Why is bad or good?"
Belle said, "No it's not like that? Don't worry. Just let me handle it. I'll let you know. Ok?"
Regina tapped me on the shoulder and said," Is everything alright you two?" Than everyone over heard Regina and now Blu and Kelly are also looking at Belle and I .
I said," Yes, why wouldn't be?" Kelly looked little relief but honestly I really didn't know what to say. I think Kelly know that I was unsure.
Than all of the sudden Emma came out running and when she got to us she said,"It's Jay. They are taking her up to surgery for something about stopping a bleed in her head. If you wanted you tell something go now. Dr. Whale just want the parents in there before they take her up." Kelly was just stopped crying and than she started up again.
I was shaking in disbelief and I said," What happen, Emma? What made her head bleed? Was it from last night head banging on the wall?" Now everyone was looking at me.
Emma said,"Dr. Whale say it was from that head banging and the fall she just took about ten minutes ago. She was telling me and Henry what Neal wanted to say to that he didn't get to before he passed away. We were all hugging and all of a sudden she fell down. She hit her head on the table and than hit again on the floor." Blu and Regina told that we will do more research on Jay's necklace and her dreams. Emma and Belle went inside and Kelly held me back.
I waited for everyone to go and said, "What is it, Kelly? Did I do something wrong? Look if this is about what happened last night with Jay's head banging. She told me not to tell you and I really didn't know why?" Kelly looked like she was or is going to kill me.
Kelly said," I don't want to lose her again. If you are planning to take her from me. You will have a big battle on your hands because I wont let you have her. I almost lost twice and I am not going for a third time. Do I make myself clear? " I nodded my head yes for understanding her.
I said, "No that not why I am here. Yes, she is my daughter but I would never take her from you. All I want is to get to know her and be in her life if that's alright? David, Neal, Emma and I would like to get to know her a lot more just like you know her."
Kelly said,"Well, see about that. I'll let you and your family and friends get to know Jay. Now let say good luck to Jay."

Kelly and Mary Margaret came in running to Jax and I. All we did was just hugged them.
Than Dr. Whale said," Just the parents. You only have five minutes."
Kelly grabbed Mary Margaret's arm and dragged the four (Jax, Snow and myself)of us. We all went to see Jay. Jay was lying on the bed peaceful beside all of the wires and tubes. She looks like she is our sleepy beauty.
Jax was the first to broke the silent while being strong and said, "Hey ARMY girl, we all need you to fight and come back to us. We both know that youe mom will not say or admit it but you are our pride and joy. I meant I what I said in my vows to tour mom on our wedding day. "
Jax flashback
April 25th, 2014
We all three was in a court room. Jay was in back middle and Kelly was to my left and I to her right.
Judge Mark said," Do you have your own vows?" Kelly and I nodded yes. Judge Mark said," Now let's hear them than. Kelly, you go first."
Kelly pulled out a piece of paper and said," You are my best friend , my lover and my helper with any problems we have you are there. You are there for not just for me but our daughter Jay. The way you to hangout with each other makes me want to cry of joy and happiness. "
Judge Mark said," Jax it's your turn."
I said," Kelly, I wanted you know you are my lover and partner in crime. No matter what lies in front of us we will take care of it. Jay, you are my pride and joy no matter what you do or whatever happens. I'll be there for you because you are my daughter. I will always love you as if you were mine."

Judge Mark said," Now I pronoun you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Back in the ER with Jay on the bed.
Mary Margaret was holding Jay's left hand and said,"Jay, I love you no matter what happens. When you get back David and I would love to get to know you. I would like to introduce you to your little brother, Neal. He would like to get to know that his big sister besides Emma."
I said," Jay, the way your father talks about you makes you amazing and tough young woman. I want to teach everything from families traditions rhat arw paase down. I don't want to take Jax's place as your father/dad. I love you."
Kelly didn't say anything but she did kiss her forehead. Dr. Whale came and took Jay upside.
Dr. Whale said before leaving," I or someone will update you when we are done."

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