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I want my two sick kids with me. Jay and i are talking that might be because of Sharna's help. Kelly was right about Sharna. Sharna helps break or get Jay to break down some of the walls. I said while pointing at her hands they were sparking again, "Jay, you don't need to be scared or nervous to be alone with me. I am not going to hurt you. You need to clam down. What classes do you like in school?"

Jay said," I am NOT scare or nervous to be alone with you, Snow. I AM NOT afraid at all. I love science, history, math, writing, and music class. What did you have a favorite class you like? What was your favorite thing to do when you were younger,Snow?"

I said, "I love everything that school has to afford you. I love doing archery? " Just as I finished that sentence Henry and Sharna came back with my baby boy, Neal, Sharna was holding him while Henry was pushing an IV stand.

Sharna said with a big smile on her face," Someone couldn't sleep without seeing his new big sister, Jay, do want to hold him, sweetie?" Jay looked at as if she was ask for permission to hold him.

I said with a smile on my face,"Jay, you don't have to ask me if you can hold your own brother. You need to understand that we all love you, even that little guy there in your arm. " Sharna had given Neal to Jay and they looked so cute together. I sneak a photo of them and than Sharna got in there. Than I took a photo of the three of them and last Henry got in there I took a photo of all four of them. 'It would have been complete if Emma, Kelly, David and Jax was here. In time we will have a photo with everyone.' I thought to myself.

Henry said,"I can't sleep either. Jay, what was that song you were hymning to Neal? It was pretty song. "

Jay said while rocking and walking with Neal, "That song is call 'I love the daffodils ' I use to sing when I in middle school. " Henry went to look up the word to the song, and while he was doing that Jay was doing some actions to the song. When I went to see if Neal was alright, he has the biggest smile and he was laughing. I pulled out my phone again and took one more photo.

I said to Jay," Jay, are you always good with kids? Your brother loves ya. Not many people can do that."

Sharna and Henry said, " Do what to Neal? What are you talking about, Snow?"

I said," I don't mean it in a bad way , but on Neal's face there is a huge smile. I rarely see it on any of my kids. As a mother it is good to see your kids happy." Henry and Sharna went to them and seen Neal. Jay looked at looked at the clock and it say 4:30am.


I was looking at Jay, Neal , Henry and Snow and I felt a tear fallen down. I told myself that she will be fine with her family no matter what happens with me. Once Jay said it was 4:30am. I said to everyone, " I think before your guys go on your panic today . Jay, you should try to sleep for a little bit. " Snow and Henry nodded in agreement.

Jay said," Sharna, I not tried. I am not tried. I would like to hold Neal. I can try to go to sleep." Snow nodded yes, and Henry went to the extra cot to catch some sleep.

I and Jay cuddle on her bed with Neal for once I got to wrap my arms around her. I kissed the back of her neck since she was trying to sleep while she was holding Neal. Snow was in the chair next the Jay's bed next to Neal.

Jay started to hymning the same song that she sang earlier to Neal and one last look around the room Henry was a sleep and Jay gave Snow a pillow. Snow fallen a sleep within minutes after Jay gave her the pillow. One look over Jay's shoulder to see if Neal had fallen asleep as well. I fell asleep on Jay's arm.



When I got to the hospital Emma was there outside waiting for me, I said," Emma, how long have you been waiting out here ? Have you gone inside to see Henry ,Jay , Neal or your mother? Is Sharna still up there?"

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