Part 38

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Meanwhile at Charming's  apartment 

David's POV

I was hoping that Jay will take the gift that we wanted to give her.  I got up to hug her and said, "Hey Jay, why don't you take my sit kido. Henry, Hook and Robin went upstairs to get the present.

Jay said," What is going here, David and Snow? How is Neal doing?" Snow went to get Neal.

Snow said as she place him into Jay's arms like a big sister," He is doing a lot better. Thanks for asking." Henry came down first and then Hook and Robin was carrying something.  

When Hook and Robin , Henry said," This was mine and Neal's crib and we wanted you to have it. You are family and so does that baby as well. Granny told me that she can watch the baby when you have school or after school programs if you need to. She also said that you can work with her if you."

First time ever since Jay has been here she smile, Jay said," Thank you, so much. Can you take that  crib to Regina's guest house.  Tell Granny that I'll take her offer on both and thank her. I want you to know that I will try to trust you guys but it will take time. How much time will it and that answer is not easy to answer."

I said," We know it will take time but do it in your way. Jay, we will be here when you are ready. We want to be there for you and the baby and Sharna but we can't do that if you don't let us help you out when you need it. " I know Jay has been through a lot more then Emma and it will be harder to have her open up. 

Snow said," Why don't you stay here and Emma can go to the guest house. We can help out when you need it. If you and Sharna think about it and just talk about it. Just think about it is all I'm asking. No, I'm not want to push." 

Robin said," Why don't we just talk about the cons and pros about the living situation with Sharna. Then we can decide what to do. Regina and I can help you and Sharna out without having a fight going on. I'm not saying that Snow and David will pushing one way or the other. All I am saying that Regina and I or Emma will be natural about it."

Jay said," Thank you for the crib and we can talk about it. Once we come to a decide about  the living situation. Just let me talk to Sharna and then I will tell what will happen. I will also talk to Granny to talk about the details. "

Snow looked at me and I wanted to scream at Jay to let her know that we are not going anywhere but I know it will take time. I just wish that Jay could just trust me and Snow. My heart hurts for her and Emma because of what they went through as kids. I just wish I could take their pain way forever but the reality is I can't at all take their pain. 

I said," Okay. Will we see you at Neal's birthday party?" Jay nodded her head yes and walked to Snow to give Neal back before she left. 

Jay said," I'll call you little bro. Snow, David I'll be in touch. I got to go and thank you for the crib."  Snow just smiled and waved. 

Jay left and I said to Snow," How are you doing? I don't know what to do and how I am feeling."

Snow said while putting Neal back to his play area," I'm happy that she will consider to stay with us.  I really wish that Jay said yes to the plan of us and Granny helping out but I am starting to understand her. That why I can see her pain and it why I have not push anymore. I wish I could be more in her life like Emma's but I know I can't because of how she feels about us and the whole situation. Do you blame her feeling the way she does?"

I thought for a moment after Snow said what said. I don't know how to answer her at all. 

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