part 19

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Henry POV

When Jay left the table I notice that she was kinda off, and I didn't know why until I turned around. When I turned around I notice that my grandma, Snow White or Mary- Margaret, and it all made sense. Belle and I played a little bit more and I was keeping my eye on Jay. When I notice that Jay's head went down as if she was sad or getting tried, I told Belle that I was going to come right back. I got up and went over to Jay and my grandmother.

I said, " Hi grandma, how can I help you out? Do you need anything?"

Mary -Margaret looked back at Jay and said," Can I join you and Jay tonight? I you don't want me there it's alright. I'll understand." I looked at Jay and made her look at me because her head was still down.

I said, " Yea, grandma you can stay. I think we are in for long night. Do you want something other than hospital food, Jay?"

Jay said with some worry and ashamed in her voice," Yes and no. I am not that hungry, but there nothing better than Sharna's dish and Mama Kelly's chilli would be nice. I know I can't get that so, can Granny make Taco salad or something Mexican?"

Mary-Margaret said," Let me going and ask her if she can? I'll be right back with food ok."

After Mary - Margaret left I looked back at Jay and seen that she had her notebook closet to her chest and rocking as if it was to much to process. I said," Jay are you alright? Do I have to get Dr. Whale or your mother or Sharna?"
Jay said," No, it will pass. Is Snow always like that, trying to push her kids on opening up to her?" My grandma pushy, I thought to myself.

I said," Sometimes, she does it because she loves you. You may not understand what that is like. If you want she don't have to stay tonight."

Jay calm down no more rocking and said," No, she can stay. Henry can you do something for me?"

I said," Yes sure what is it?" Jay handed me a piece of paper.

Jay said," Give this to Sharna. Tell her that I love her."


I was walking around till I got hungry again. When I got to GRANNY'S, I see Hook, David, and Jax was at a table talking.

I walked over and said," Hey, where is everyone?"

Hook said," Love, your mom and Kelly went back to the hospital. Where were you ? I tried to call you but nothing for hours."

I said," I slip my phone into Regina's purse. I need to clear my head." Just as I said that my mom, Snow, comes in and whispered something to the waitress. I went over to Snow and hugged her. I said," Mom, I am sorry. How is my sister?"

Snow said," She is good, a bit sore but good. Neal is in the hospital too."

David heard Neal's name and ran to us and said," What's wrong with Neal?"

Snow said," I don't know for sure, but Dr. Whale is doing everything possible to find out what is wrong. Granny is with him. " Than I started to wonder is she starting to get pushy with my sister like she did with me. She needs to know that Jay is sensitive to new people.

Than David said," Snow, why are you here? You not pushing yourself onto Jay like you did with Emma? The doctor said that she is sensitive to new people and new things. " One look from her we both know what she is up to.

Than Snow said," I didn't want to but what she said to Regina really got to me. I have to prove to her that I do love her and I want to be there for her no matter what."

I looked at my dad and said," What did she say to upset you?"

Snow said," Jay said that we throw Emma and her away like trash. Every time she feels safe people get hurt. Jax and Kelly regret adopting her .When I ask Kelly about that she said no they don't  regret adopting her. Regina was trying to tell her that wasn't the case." Jax overheard what Jay said to Regina and come on over.

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