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After Henry, Regina and Belle left. I could actually could talk to my parents since I find out that my birth parents is the famous fairytale characters Snow White and Prince Charming. Now it's time to talk about how I feel about this whole thing. What's going to happen while and once I get out of the hospital.
  David said," What is it, Jay?  Whatever it is we all can get through it together as one big mix family."
  Jax, Mary Margaret nodded in agreement. Kelly mad but didn't say anything.
   I said,"Well I want to start off by saying it's nice to meet you Snow White and Prince Charming or do you like Mary Margaret and David?"
   Mary Margaret and David looked at each other and Mary Margaret said,"Mom and dad would work unless you feel it is to soon."
   I looked at Kelly and Jax and I said," Why don't I call you mom and dad. Kelly and Jax mama and papa. Is that ok with all of you?"
  Kelly looked pissed and I could that she didn't even want anything to do with them.I gave her a look that she is my mommy and Mary Margaret is my mom.
   Kelly said,"As along you know who was there doing your darkest hours." Jax elbows Kelly in the ribs as if he was trying to get her to play nice.
  I said," My first half was you but the other part is Sharna May. I won't forget who saved me from foster system. Now if you want me to stay with you. You will have to get along with the Charmings. That's the end of that conversation. Type change I do have a question for the Charmings."
  David said," What is it? We will answer or try to. So shoot the question kido."
  I said," How would you feel if I said that I am gay?" They all looked at each other than at me. Kelly looked kinda worried.
   Mary Margaret said,"We would have to get used to that but no matter what you are we will always love and support you. Why are you asking?"
   I took one look at Kelly and Jax than said quick,"Because I am gay or lesbian." They all sign of relief that it was more bad news like cancer or something.
   David hugged and kiss her forehead and said, "You scared the hell out of me. I thought you were going to say cancer or something. Look kid, there will not be anything that have done or will do that will makes us or at  least me run away from you, our daughter.  We love all of our kids. Our hearts are big enough for all three of you. Your parents told us brief details of your past."
    Jax said," Jay, they were as worried about  you then we were. They ask your mom Kelly and I thought you should tell them more if you want or if they ask. You don't have tell anything you don't wanted to. Alright Jay rabbit."
I was a little bit angry and I thought for a moment. I was clam again and I said," Mary Margaret and David, what did they tell you about me?"
   Mary Margaret look like she was about to cry and David just looked very sad. They nodded to each other. David said,"Well in short vision of it is that at one month old you gotten adopted by a loving family til one day they put you back into the system.  You were there for six months and within those six months you were in some bad homes. When you got to Kelly and Jax you wouldn't eat and you were self harming.  They hospitalized you for four months and they came to visit you every day. They kept careful eye on you ever since than. When Sharna came into your life she been a great help for parents."
    I looked at all four of them and I smiled. I never really cryed in front of anyone.
Meanwhile with Emma and Sharna.
Emma POV
  I really wanted to get to know Jay, so I might ask Sharna what is Jay's issues with new people and new places, I  thought to myself.
   Sharna said," What it is like to have Mary Margaret and David as your parents?"
  I said,"I don't know. I guess its great in a way.They are kinda overprotective at times. They mean will but it gets annoying at time. I love them. I do wish I grew up them instead of the foster system. Now I have them a little brother and a twin sister that much younger than I am. Speaking of my twin sister, Jay how on the heck did Jay get back into the foster care system, if you don't mind me asking?"
Sharna said,"That's a story you have to ask her. I swear that I won't say a thing about it. When I asked that question she shut down quit. Than I told her this when she was ready I 'll listen to her. She hasn't been ready to tell me. I think she might think that I would leave her and I wouldn't leave her. She does have some trust issues but we are working really hard. Sometimes she can tell that the person mean no harm or lying about something. So she can talk to them like nothing. Why do you ask?"
  I said," I wanted to get to know her a little bit. My parents and son thinks that I want her gone, but I don't  want her gone. I'm just confused that's all I swear."
    Sharna said in a worried voice," I am not sure about that. Your voice says another tone. Your voice don't lie." Sharna and I went to GRANNY'S to eat. When we got there I seen Henry,Regina,Blu, and Belle eating together at one table. I told Sharna that we should eat with them. So we did.
    Henry said,"Hey Sharna, do you want to go with to see Jay later?" Sharna shook her head yes. I was just sitting there wondering how Jay was doing. Everyone must think I'm some sort of a monster.
I tap led Regina's shoulder and said to Regina,"Do you mind  watching Sharna? She might hang out with Henry."
   Regina said,"Well, I 'all watch them both. Where are you going? I'll need to them and your parents something. Don't do anything that you will regret later."
    I said to Regina, " I  am just going for a walk and I don't want anyone to follow me. I won't do anything dumd."
I left and walked off into the late day ,night time and what they don't know is that I slipped my phone into Regina's  purse. When I  said that I didn't want anyone to follow me I meant it.
  I saw Emma talking to Regina about something. Than she walked out. I went to Regina since I was sitting next to Henry and Blu on the other side of the table. When I got to Regina, she looked kinda worried about something but what it was I couldn't tell you.
   I said," Regina,what happened to Emma? Why do you look so worried?"
   Regina said,"Emma just ask me if I could keep any eye on you and Henry. She didn't want anyone to follow her. I am afraid that she might do something stupid. Why?"
   I said,"Can you check your purse? I hope she don't do what Jay does."
   Regina had confused look on her face and while looking said," What do you mean by do what Jay does?"  Regina pulled out Emma's phone. Regina said," How did you know?"
  I said," I hoped that I was wrong. Jay did it to me a few times after her being attacked awhile back."
    Regina said as Blu overheard us talking,"What kind of an attack? Is she alright?"
     I said,"She was assault by four guys and now with child. I don't know if she will be alright but she is working on it. It might take a long time. I don't think I should have told you about the baby."
    Blu remember something about what the book said about and said," Jay, might have more problems than Emma did with trust. That wall that she put up is hard to break down than Emma's. How long was it before she trust you? Would you mind if I ask you some questions about Jay? It's all I want is

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