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Jay said," I'm not staying here at the hositpal again, am I? I don't want to stay here, Doc." I can tell that she wanted to cry but I didn't know why. Is Jay trying to be tough or is it that she is trying to keep it together. 

Dr.Whale said while putting his hand on her shoulder," I know that you don't like to stay at the hospital. I will try my best to hurry the testing for you. I can't promise anything right now but I will try okay. Now, lets do these tests and than you can go get something to eat."

Jay nodded in agreement. David went out of the room. Jay laid back down and said,"Why me? Why me? Why me? I hate my life. I hate myself! Why I can't I through life without something bad happening to me or to those that I love." I started to cry &I went to Jay and held her until the nurse came for her.

Once the nurse came for Jay I said," Jay, I'll be here when you get back. I will find your father."

Jay said while getting into the wheelchair, " I love you guys. I could go for double cheese burger with onion rings and Mtn.Dew for dinner." I agree with her. They left and I went to find David. It took me fifteen minutes to find David outside  of the building and he was crying. I got there David stop crying. I said," David, what is the matter? Charming, talk to me."

David said," I am afraid for her and the baby. I don't like feeling so hopeless. I can't help our daughter with her problems. How can I help her. I wanted to make him feel better but reality is that She might have issues with men because of her history men.

I said, " Don't take it so personal, Charming. Don't forget her history with men. All you can do is remind her that Jax, Herny, Robin and you is never going to hurt her at al. All you guys can do is be strong for her. Show her that it is ok to show emotions." We were hugging for about five minutes and I got a text to let me know when Jay was almost done with her testing. We went back to the room to wait for Jay. While waiting for Jay we talk about her future and her life with baby. Than we heard someone at the door it was Jay and the nurse. Jay looked at me and David and said,         "Mom, what's wrong?"  I just want to hold her and never let her go.

David said," Nothing is wrong and we just realize how much I miss you. I want you to know that we will never leave you again."

Jay said with a smile," I know that then but mom's face says a different story. I know that something is going on."

I said," We were talking about your future. Kelly has a smart young woman. I love you and your family. I will protect Sharna, the baby and you while I'm still around."

Jay said," Thank you, Mom. Kelly and Jack's hope that was a lot. I hope a new place go out. Thank you for everything. I know that you and Kelly overheard what I told Aunt Regina. I didn't mean to hurt you guys but I was just angry. The reason why I was angry is because I was in the hospital and I found out who my birth parents are. To add to that  I found out that I was pregnant with my rapist child. I do sometimes feel like that you throw me away like trash. I do know that you tried your best. I want to say that I'm sorry that I hurt you guys."

David said," Thank you for open in up like that. I'm sorry that you feel like that sometimes. I didn't even know anything about it. Snow, Why didn't you tell me about that. Is that why you didn't talk to me for two nights ago?"

I didn't know what to say I just looked at the floor took me about three minutes to say anything. I that finally said," I was trying to to understand how Jay felt but I didn't blame her. I didn't tell you because I didn't want bring trouble home. Regina handle the situation very. Well yeah it hurts when with she said those things. They were her feelings about what happened with Jay and Emma. Jay, I do love you. Thank you for the apology. Jay, I am not going anywhere." 

After I said that Dr.Whale came in and said," Jay, you do have a broken arm with a dislocation of the elbow. Other then that you good but we are waiting to get your blood work back." Jay didn't look scared. They fixed her arm without meds and I notice that Jay didn't flinch at all when they fixed her arm.

Once they got done, I said," Dr. Whale, can I speak with you for a moment?"

Dr. Whale said while point to the door," Sure, Snow."

Once we got outside, I said with so much worry in my voice," I don't think Jay can feel pain at all."

Dr. Whale said,"She might bit we can run test after the baby is born. If she can feel pain she has high tolerance of pain. We will get it taken care of it. Don't forget she was abuse as kid." I agree with him.

Jay said," Mom, can we go now? I'm hungry and I want to eat before I have to see Blu.

I knew that she must be putting on a strong face for everyone. I look up at David and said," Let's go to Granny's. Neal and Sharna should be there by now." We left to go to Granny's and Sharna was waiting for us outside of the hospital.

Sharna came up to hug Jay and kiss her. Sharna said," Jay, what did he doctor say?"

Jay said," Broken arm with a dislocated elbow. The baby is good. I have to see Blue tonight at 7 p.m. Do you still want to talk about the wedding before then?"

Sharna said while trying to put her arm around Jay's waist," I am glad that you and the baby is good. We can talk about the wedding at the dinner. How long do you have to see Blu?"

Jay said," I have to see Blu everyday  for a month at 4pm. I hope this weekend I could make the appointment early like 6 or 7 am. What time is the wedding?" I love over hearing Jay and Sharna talking about the wedding.

I said," Jay, if you don't want to see Blu you might see Tink. Let's go for supper. I will pick you up after your meeting with Blu."


Once we got to Granny's , I went to get Neal from the back. When I got back to Snow. Neal cooed and got Snow's attention.  I said," Dad and mom, look who I found. Did you guys order for me?"

Snow looked up at me with a smile and said,"Yes, we order yours and ours food. I love seeing my kids happy." I felt weird.  I never felt this before  expect with Sharna.

Sharna said as I was trying to sit down with Neal ," Are you alright? You seem off, do you want to talk about it?"

I looked up at her and said," No, I am good. Let's talk about the wedding. I do want to talk about but later. Now, who is standing up there with us?"

David said," Why don't you have Emma, Hook,  Henry and Belle? Rolland can be the ringbearer." 

I said, " Well, I was thinking Emma, Hook, Henry and Rolland. Neal as the ringbearer. Sound good. " I looked at Sharna and she nodded in agreement. After that the food came. 

Snow said," How are you doing, Jay? Do you want to stay home tomorrow?"

I said," No, I don't want to miss any school . Sharna, you, and Henry will be with me. Mom, don't worry. I love my family but once you or anybody worry  about me they get hurt. I am done talking about my supersinention. Sharna, this is for you."

I gave Sharna a picture of my baby. Sharna started to cry a little but she said," Thank you ,Jay. This means a lot to me." We ate dinner and left. 

We spreated. David and Snow with Neal went home to put Neal to bed, but before doing that Snow said," Jay, here is Blu's address where you will meet her. I will be there at 7:45 pm. " 

Sharna said," Thanks, Snow. I'll make sure that she makes it to her meeting with Blu. Neal here is something from Jay and her family." Sharna pulled a box that has a necklace with our family's, my adoptive family and family's birthstones within a special symbol that I made up.

David open it and said,"Thank you, you two. We'll see you later at home,Jay."

Sharna and I walk over to Blu' s place. Sharna said while holding my hand," Jay, what is going on? You are scaring me."

I said," I am feeling like I am betraying my adoptive parents. My birth parents is loving, caring and more comfortable. I don't know why but I can be more of myself. I don't know how to tell them."

Sharna said,"That's good. I can help you tell Kelly and Jax. We need to talk about it before we tell them. Jay,how is your arm? Do you know what you are going to have boy or girl?"

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