Part 31

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I was with Snow in the office to sign up for classes. I have to be honest to myself I am terrified as hell to be here. I know that I have to do this. I said, " Hello my name is Jay Jo O'Connor- Lopez and I am new here. Snow and David are my birth parents and Emma is my twin sister. I know this request is going to be weird but here it goes. Can I be in the same classes with Sharna May or Henry Mills, because I have episodes that can be hard to handle and they know how to get me back. I didn't think you want to call Snow out of class to get me to clam down or out of that state of mind. "

The lady is about five foot three inches with dirty blond hair that is about shoulder length, and hazel green eyes. The lady said," Hello Jay. My name is Alex Larkin. Let's see what we can do for you. I can't promise you anything but we can try. Is that alright?" We worked it out on my schedule it took us about fifteen minutes. I have classes with Sharna, Henry or Snow. I went back with Snow.

Once I left class, I went to find Sharna. I seen her and I ran to her. We were hugging for about what felt forever but it was only few seconds. I said with a smile, " How was class? What class is next for you? Shar, I am alright."

Sharna said," Biology is my next class. What is yours? What was you last class?"

I said," I had history with my mom, Snow." I had a feeling that someone was watching me so I turned around. It was Henry. I said," Hey,Henry, what class do you have next?"

Henry said," Biology. How are you doing?" I put my arm around Sharna's waist.

I said," I am doing alright. Why is everyone staring at us?" I really wanted to run away but I didn't run.

Henry said," You are new. They may never seen someone like you before. If I were you just forget about them. Why don't we get to class before we get into trouble." We left to go to class.

I said," Sharna, what do we have left to do for the wedding?"

Sharna pulled out her phone and pulled up the list that she put on her phone. Sharna said," All what's left is who is going to be my bridesmaids and your grooms people and flower girl, ring bearer."

I said," Alright, do you want to talk about it tonight?"

Henry said," How many people will be there at your wedding?"

I looked at Sharna and mouth the word fifty. Sharna nodded at me yes. I looked back at Henry and said," About fifty people. Why? It's also this Saturday. What are you planning?"

Henry looks like he got caught with something and said," No, no reason at all. Why do you think there is something? Robin ask me if Roland can be in the wedding through. I told him I don't know but I can ask you. So can Roland be in the wedding?"

I said," Sharna, why don't he be our ring bearer?"

Sharna look at her phone and said," No. I thought you would want your brother Neal to be the ring bearer."

I said," Why don't we talk about it tonight?"

Sharna said," Alright. Let's finish school today. Than we can met at Granny's."

*** After School*** Henry's POV

After school I went to find Sharna and Jay to see how their day went. I found Jay by Snow's classroom. I went to her with my backpack full of my homework. When I got to her and I said, "Jay, how was your first day? Was everyone nice to you?"

Jay look up at me and I notice that she had a fat lip, black eye and cut on her check. Jay said, "It was going fine until one the girls from my 6th hour class didn't like the way I looked at her. After class her friends held me down and she started to punch me in the face and this is what happened to my face in the ladies bathroom. Sharna heard me swearing up a storm and she came in to help me out. Sharna was in the office with her parents and she is seating in detention until 6:30pm. Sharna overheard Snow and David talking about what Dr. Whale that I can't fight. She also knows that I wouldn't fight in front of the women. "

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