part 11

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  I looked at my wife and said,"Jay may not come out this." Mary Margaret and David looked confused.  I continue saying," About a month ago she was attacked by at least 4 guys and when she came home. She was bloody mess and wouldn't talk. Today the doctor found out that she is  pregnant. Sharna has been her rock this bad patch of life. Why don't we just go to the cafeteria instead of your place we want to be close just in case they need us."
    Mary Margaret said," That alright. We can eat here instead.  By the way how are you two holding up?" Kelly always have a strong front.
     We walked to the cafeteria. David and I went to get some  food for all four of us. David said while picking up a tray," How are you really doing?"
     I said,"Well, when I first time heard that she was rape and beaten the tar out of her. I really want to find them guys who done it to my little girl. The only thing that stop me was knowing that my baby girl needed me there with her."
     David said," I would feel the same way if it happen to Emma. I am so sorry that you and your wife is going through this alone. If you don't mind I want to get to know Jay."

  I said with some confusion and sadness,"How are you really doing? What do you think Jay will do?"
   Kelly said while getting some tissues to wipe her tears,"I am trying to keep it together. I really don't know.  That's why I wanted to stay. Can you tell me about that day Emma and Jay was born?"
    I said with some sadness because it was one of the hardest thing I ever had to do giving up both of my little girls,"Well it was a beautiful day and David and I was waiting for the wardrobe to get done. All before the Evil Queen did her spell or cruse. Emma want to come out just moments before the curse hit and just about one minute later Jay came out and whom I  thought was Blu was someone else. Who is the question? How did she get to  your realm or world?"
    Kelly said," Why did the Evil Queen curse your whole world or whatever it is called?"
     I said while thinking back to those days when I was younger and in love with Prince Charming or David," She wasn't always evil just after I got her boyfriend killed by her mother. She let her heart get full of hatred and revenge. We call that a black heart. Some of us can rip people's hearts out. We lived in avery nice, lovely kingdom called the Enchanted Forest. Where did you guys lived at?"
  Kelly said,"On a farm in a small town inthe northwest Iowa. Why?"
Meanwhile back in Jay's room
   I honestly couldn't sleep knowing that you were here all alone. No family. Babe, I'm not going to leave you at all unless you ask it,  I thought to myself. 
   Jay and I moved to the bed and we just laid there in quite for a few moments only which felt like forever. I could tell there was something wrong with JJ but what it is the question?
     Jay broke the silent by saying,"What happens if I told you that I am pregnant from that one night about month ago?"
    I sat up and looked at her pretty face with no make up, look into those pretty green eyes. Jay sat up to when I did I try think why I wasn't going to leave. I held her face in my hands and said," I would be happy for you but the way it happen. You always wanted someone to love like real love between a parents and children. Now if you are pregnant I will be for you til the day one of us dies."
     Jay said while crying," I am pregnant and I didn't know how to say it. I don't know what I am planning to do. If we can't get back would that be alright with you?"
    I was so happy and worried for her because I know has she reacts to certain things. I don't want her to hurt herself or the baby. I said while wiping the tears away," If we don't get back home it's alright. Would you want to leave since your birth parents are here? Don't you want to get to know your parents and your sister?"
    Jay said," I really couldn't tell no or yes. Part of me do want to but the other part is saying run away. Let's see what happens."
About ten minutes later Emma, Henry, Regina came in with two other women. Than all of sudden Jay hid under the covers like a little kid hidding from the monster in the closet.
    I went to Jay and said,"What's the matter? No one will hurt you." Jay slowly came out from under the covers and holding on me like a little kid does when they are very shy.
    Emma said,"Hey Sharna, I want to introduce two of my friends. This is Blu and Belle. Blu and Belle this is Jay my sister and Sharna May her friend."
    Jay waved at them and I said," Hello please forgive Jay's behavior. This is rare for her to act this way. Let me guess you guys are to take look at Jay's necklace?" Belle, Blu, and Henry nodded yes. I tried to get Jay to let them see the necklace. All she whispered into my ear was that I need to keep my eye on them.
   I said," I won't let any harm come to it. I promise. I swear on our future."
  Henry said to me," What's going on with my aunt? Can I stay with her and Emma to?"
   I said," Something bad happened to about a month ago. She is still trying to recover from it. I'll be with Belle and Blu if you need anything. Alright?"
  Sharna, Belle, and Blu left just leaving Jay, Henry, and I alone. Jay had a deck of cards on her he table. Henry went to Jay and said,"Hey Jay, do you play cards? I just want to get to know you a little bit.  Is that ok?"
   To my surprise Jay said in a quite voice," Yes, I would love to play cards. Emma, don't you want to play?" Inodded my head yes. Us three played five rounds of GOLD FISH & Jay show us how to play rummy.
    I said to Jay," Jay, can I ask you a question?" Jay nodded yes with some hesitation. I said," What happened to you that you are acting like a kid at times? I understand the foster system can be a pain."
     Jay said,"What did my parents tell you?"
   Henry and I looked at each other for few moments. I said," Nothing. Not to us anyway."
   Jay said," Well I was adopted about a month after I was born. My adopted parents didn't want a lesbian as a daughter. They gave me back to the system at the age of 15. After that one of my favorite teachers was trying to foster me and maybe even adopted me. It took her about six months to get me as a foster kid. While I was in the system I was abused in every way possible.  I ended up in the hospital and the doctors diagnosis with an eating disorder and mental illness. Than about a month ago I was attacked by 4 guys."  Henry hit my arm I think I had my mouth wide open.
   Henry said," Well, can I call you aunt Jay or just Jay for now? It's your turn mom." I went and I was thinking of my time in the system. Yeah it sucked but nothing that bad.
    Jay said,"Emma, what do you doas a job?"
   Emma said," I am the sheriff of STORYBROOKE. Why don't we go for a walk to the cafeteria. We can play cards down there." They both agreed. All three went to the cafeteria to eat and play cards.
   Jay said," What kinds sport do you like, Henry? "
   Just before Henry could I said," I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Jay and Henry went back to talking and playing cards.
    I noticed my parents and head straight for them. When I got to them I said,"Hey, what are you guys doing here?"
    Mary Margaret said, "What are you doing down here? Aren't you suppose be with Jay?" I pointed over to rhe other side of the room. Kelly look at Jay and Henry smile.
    Kelly said," I haven't seen that beautiful thing for along time. Thank you, Emma. How did you do that?"
    I said," Henry asked if we all three could play cards and we have been almost two hours now. Than I started to get hungry and we ended up here."
     David said,"Kelly, you haven't what beautiful thing for a long time?"
      Jax said while looking over at Jay," I do know what you mean, Kel. I haven't seen that for a long time. David, Jay has been quite, not talking much since the attack. We haven't even seen that beautiful smile she has. She used smile all the time but not much since that attack that change her life. We miss her hanging out with her friends and having wild bonfires. All she does is work, work out, practice soccer, hang out with Sharna, and stay home. That's not our little princess that we know and love."
    Kelly started to cry and she ran off. Jax was about to follow than my mom stopped him.
    Mary Margaret said,"Let me go. Why don't you take with you, Emma?"
   I nodded my head yes and drag Jax and my dad with.
   I said when I got back,"Hey look who I found down here to."
   David said before sitting by Jay," Do mind if I sit here?"
    Jay said," No, I don't mind. How did you get the name of Prince Charming?"

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