Part 35

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At the police station

Emma POV

I said to my sister," I do have to go through your statement and I'll talk to Jodi to get her side of the story again." Jodi was yelling the whole way into the jail cell.

Snow said," What is going on here? You two will start explaining yourselves." I  pulled Snow, Kelly, David and Jax into a room.

I said," Jay want to press chargers on Jodi. Jay and Sharna talked about Jodi for what she did."

Kelly said," Finally, some justice for my little girl. Now what do you want us to do?"

Snow and David," Jodi is just a kid." Snow said," Emma, are you really going to go with this. Are you really going to put a kid through this?"

I said," Jodi did break the law by attacking her while she is pregnant. Not the greatest idea. If she is found guilty she could be in for 15 to 20 years. "

Jax said," That is good. Her parents can't bail her out of everything."

Jodi's parents went into the room and Mrs. King was pissed. Jackie said," Why is my daughter locked up? I damned an answer."

I said," Jodi is being chargered with assult and attempted murder. Jay changed her mind and before you say anything no I didn't talk her into it."

Jackie said," You told us that it couldn't happen. Now what do you us do?"

I said," You should get a good lawyer. She is looking at a long time in jail. " 

Tony said," How long are we talk about it?"

I said," 15 to 20 years or less.  That is if all party came to an agreement or plea. What I'm about say is as a sister to the victim. Jodi shouldn't have target her while she is pregnant and Jay is my sister and put her into the hospital. I could have lost my sister and niece or nephew. You guys don't even give a crap about that now do you?"

Tony said," Jackie, call your dad. Emma, no we don't care about your stupid's family never have. They should have stolen my family's kingdom. Highly doubt that your dear grandpa told ma dear how they got the land."

Snow said," No, he didn't. All I know is that my great grand father and your great grand father was at war for something that I don't and my great grand father won. That all I know about that."

Tony said," Yes, that is true but the one thing you are missing is the war was about a women that they both loved. Her name was Maria Walsh and she choose your great grand father, King Mark. Maria was suppose to marry my great grand father, King John, but she didn't love him. She loved your great grand father. King John was murder by King Mark at less that is the story. I was told. Unless you know a different one."

David said," Yes, I did. I went back through time and seen it was Queen Maria not King Mark. King John was poison to make it look it was a stabbing. Maria said,' I was born a princess and your family took it from me. This is my pay back for all my family  that you murder in front of me.' I swore  to you that is what I saw. "

I said," How did you find that out? Dad, who were with when it happen?"

David said," I was with Jay when it happen. I was holding her hand when she was out cold at the hospital and I really don't how it happen all know it did."

They went out of the room to see Mr.Lopez and Jackie. Mr. Lopez said," I need a room with my client and I want to see everything you have on this case."

I said," Here is the file for you Mr. Lopez. Any question come to me and no one else. There is your room. I'll give you guys ten minutes to get your story straight." I pointed to the room where we left.

Tony went to Jay and started to yelling at her. Snow saw the terror in her eyes. Snow ran into the room with Jay to get Tony away from her.

I went into to see what I can do. I said," Tony, what are you doing to my sister? Don't you dare look at me like I am the bad one here. You want the truth in time you'll get them but not now."

Tony said," No, I want them now not later now. Jay will give me that now or else."

I said," Are you threating my sister? If that is a threat you will be charged with threating a minor. So the next words that is going to come out of your mouth should be no."

Tony said," Yes, I was in  way and you know what must be done. " I grab my hand cuffs and I arrested for threating Jay.

Tony said," I will keep on threating her until she does what I want her to. That is what I can promise you. Jay, will show me what I want to see."

I throw him into jail. Mr. Lopez came out and to talk to me.

Mr. Lopez said," There is no real case. The judge wont give her hard time because it is her first charge."

Kelly said," No, there is real case. She put my daughter into the hospital and we will not take a plea deal. Snow, don't say it. "

Mr. Lopez said," You have a fight on your hands. I don't go out with a fight. So, you better find a good lawyer. "

Kelly said, " I already called one. She will be soon. "

**** 20 minutes later ****

Jay's POV

I was in my sister office to wait for my mom's lawyer. Emma came in to check on me.  I said without worry in my voice," How bad is it? Don't you dare lie to me? I want to believe all my parents but honesty is that I don't. I want to know how to do that. Why is it that I trust you, Henry and Regina? I wish sometimes I could be a normal kid."

Emma said," I hope that one day you could trust our parents and your adopted parents. It's not bad and it's not good. I believe that we can get through this just like everything else. Sis, don't worry about being normal. Who likes normal anyway? You have a lady who loves you like crazy man. You have a family who cares and loves you. You may not see it but they do. Why don't you come in and talk to your lawyer.?"

I got up and went with Emma into a room where my lawyer was at. Kelly seen me and said," Hey Jay, this is your lawyer Alex Hellson. She is an old friend from college."

All I wanted to do is to run and Emma was behind me so I couldn't run. I shook Alex's hand and I said," Nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you and now what do you want me to do now."

Alex said," Why don't you and I talk about the case without your parents all four of them. Even your sister can't stay." They left and I stayed. Alex said," So Jay, can you tell me what happen that day you got attack?"

I said," I started at the school with my girlfriend and everyone knew that I was Emma's twin sister.  Jodi and her friends came up to and started to tonette me. Couple of girls grab my arms and Jodi started to hit in the face and then worked down to my stomach. I yelled don't her my baby and she didn't even care. I fight like hell to get away. Sharna and Henry must of heard me yelling for help. They got them off of me and these two took me to the hospital. I was out cold. Once I came out of  my trauma and I deicide not to press charges. Last night I talk to my girlfriend and she change my mind about the charges. Now we are here. "

Alex said," Ok, I see that all in the report but what I don't understand. Is why are Jodi and her friend up you?"

I said," My birth mother's grandfather killed her great grandfather. My grandfather got his kingdom after his death. That is all I know and the true killer was my great grandmother. "

Alex said," Well that is some bad blood. Well this isn't going to be easy. I going to be straight with you. There is two ways this can go. One way is Jodi and her friends can go to jail for at least 3years. The other way is Jodi and her friends could get off with no probations for any of them. I hope we don't have to go to court.  We could do a plea deal if you want.?"

I said," What kind of deal are you think about. I want there to be some jail time. "

Alex said," How long do you think they should go to jail? What about 18 months and 52 months of probations." 

I said," How 24 months of jail and 52 months of probation. Why don't we see if they will take it and go from there."

Alex agreed. I left and went outside for some fresh air.

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