part 3

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I thought to myself, WhAT can this be? I hope she not tell she isn't going for the ARMY or drop oit school. Than I said,"What is it, kido? You know yo u can tell me anything. "
Jay said with the biggest smile that I ever did seen in years, " I met someone and she goes to our school and I invited her and family over for that grill out this weekend. I hope that was alright. I need to go to bed. I have get up early so I can finish up my story foe English class." I am screaming inside my head because I was wrong. I told her good night and went back to work.

It was next day and I went school and I seen Sharna right there by the front door waiting for me I run to her and hug her. I said," Good morning, Sharna. How is everything so far?"
Sharna said with a smile on her face, "Good morning to you to,Jay. The school kinda scares me. I was waiting for you so at least one person I would know." She hugged me like something bad was going to happen.
I said while holding her," It's going to be alright. I swear to you nothing going happen alright."
Than Mrs. Kelly Lopez came up and behind me and said," Hey Jay is this the woman that you was talking about last night? " I nodded my head yes. Kelly said again, "Welcome to SIBLEY-OCHEYEDAN. My name is Kelly Lopez and I am the social studies teacher heew at the high school. Your name is?"
Sharna said in a quite voice,"My name is Sharna Xena May. Are you Jay's mother?"
Kelly nodded yes and said,"I am her foster mother. Welcome again and Jay I'll let your teachers know that you'll be showing around our new student today and maybe tomorrow as well." I said repeated over and over again was thank you.
We went into the school office and asked for Sharna's schedule. I asked them if I can show her locker and they nodded their head yes.
Sharna said,"Do we have any classes together?"
Jay said," Yes, we do. We have English, Social Studies, Science, Lunch and Choir. That all the classes we have together. I can show you your classes if would like?" Sharna nodded yes in agreement with that.I even introduced her to her teachers along the way.
In Choir class introduced Sharna to some of the girls from dance squad. After school I met up with Sharna asked if she is staying after and go for the dance squad?
Sharna said, "I want to try it out. Hey by the way my said yes for this weekend."
I said while getting my soccer stuff out of my locker," That great. Let me tell Kelly."
Sharna said," Are you going to the gym after soccer practice tonight? "
I said while hugging Sharna, "I always go to the gym. After go home and do homework. Unless you want to do something else?"
Sharna said," I would like to go to see your place if that's ok with you?"


I waited for Jay to answer my question which felt like forever.
Jay said,"Ok after soccer practice. If you want you can wait foe by pick-up when you done before me." We parted way Jay wenr to soccer and I went off for dance squad.
After dance squad I waited by Jay's pick-up which was only 15 or twenty minutes after I got done. Jay seen me and I just waved to her. Jay looked so bummed out about something.
I said with a concern look on my face," What's the matter?"
Jay said," My coach said if I don't get my Math grade up I'm off the team. I am just having a very hard time with it. Are you any good in Math?"
I said," I love Math let see what we can do?"

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