Part 34

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I woke up to Emma tell Henry not to wake me up. I got up with a bad headache but nothing a Mountain Dew can't handle. I walked down and asked for a Mountain Dew. Emma handed me one of the drink.

Snow said with a plate of food," Hey Jay, do you want something to eat?"
I said," No, but thanks anyway. How is everyone doing?"  I walked back to the dinner table.

Henry said," I'm doing pretty good. I do have a test today in math class. How was the first day beside the fighting of school?"

I said," The fight was the best part of the day but all in all the day was alright."  Everyone just looked at like I was nuts.

David said," That will be your only fight for while or at least until Dr. Whale said some thing different. Jay, why don't you eat something? Please. "

I really didn't want anything to eat but I said," I will try the banana. I have something that I have to give you guys something at supper. "  I didn't want to say anything but it slip out.

Emma said," I will be late but I will be there. Hook and I are still looking into the birthmark. Belle said that she want to Snow, Jax, David, Kellie and not Jay.  I don't know why she don't want to see Jay." 

Snow said," When does she want to see us? Jay and Henry, you two don't want to be late for school."  I went upstairs to get ready and I went downstairs to leave for school.

On the way to school we meet up with Sharna. Sharna hugged me. Sharna said," Jay, how was last night? What about the jewels that we got for your family?"

I said," Last night was alright not great but good and thank you for the push. Now about the jewels for the family could you bring them tonight for dinner. How is everything with you?"

Henry said," Where did you get the jewels? I thought you didn't have any money. ?"

I said," Don't worry bout how I got them, just be happy that I'm trying." I know that he is worried but here's the thing I can't think about what Blu had said last night. Why aren't I mad at Kelly and Jax. 

Sharna notice that I was thinking about something but what she couldn't figure out. Sharna said," Jay, what is going on inside that head of your?"

I said," I am thinking about what Blu ask me to think about. She want to know why I am not mad or scared of Kelly or Jax. I have one idea but I think you will laugh at me. I think it is because they were there through the hard times and never left me. I do love Snow and David and Kelly and Jax."

Henry said," That's not funny. It's just you being honest man. You don't have to explain anything to me." He looked at Sharna and said, "Or should I say us. Jay, I get it. I should be mad at my mom Emma but I wasn't. However I was mad at my adopted mom Regina." 

I said," Why were you mad at Regina and not at Emma?"
Henry said," Because I know the truth about the town and the people in Storybrook. The really reason was because she wouldn't stop lying to me for while after I found out the truth. After while I could forgive her."

We got to school, we had lunch and yes there was another fight. When I went to see Blu so did the other girls.


Blu said," What the heck are we back here again? Who started it this time?

Jody said," I did. Why are we even protecting her? This is not her home we are not  her people. Why is she even here?"

Blu said," She is one of us. She need us to help her out. I saw the blood work from the hospital and she is the twin sister to Emma Swan and the Charming's daughter. Now, Jody for the next three days you and your friends  will spend school days in my office with me doing  homework. Now Jay, we will have our meeting now. Jody, I will see you and your friend here at 8:15 sharp and did I mention you and your friends will have lunch with me as well. " 

Jody said," Did you tell our parents yet?"

Blu said ," Not yet but I will really soon. Now Jody, go back to class. Jay, go and get cleaned up. Come back here. Okay?"

I said," Okay." I got up and went to the bathroom. While in the bathroom, Sharna heard what had happen and she just hugged me.

Sharna said," Are you alright? Who did this to you?"

I said," Don't worry about it and yes I'm alright. I am going to talk to Emma about pressing charges on Jody because of what happened yesterday."

Sharna said," Okay. Why now? What change your mind?"

I said," You and Henry did and I wanted to thank you. I do have to go back to Blu's office. She wants to push the meeting up since I was in the fight. I'll see you after school." I hugged her and kissed her on the check and I left.

When I got to the office my moms was there. I went in and said," What is going? Mom Snow, what is going on?"

Snow said," Blu called us and I called Kelly. We came in to see how you are doing. Kelly want to see you." 

I said," I'm fine. I talk to Sharna about it and I am good. I do need to talk to Blu and Emma alone please and thank you. Snow could you get a hold of Emma for me since I can't use my phone in school?" Snow called Emma for me.

Kelly said," What is really going with you, sweetheart?" I want to tell her how I feel but something is stopping from doing so.

I said," There is nothing going on. I swear. Don't worry about me. I good."  I hate lying to them but I have to.

Blu said,"  Jay, are you ready? I am ready for you."

I hugged Kelly and Snow and went into Blu's office. I went into the office and sat down. Blu went outside to talk to my moms. What I didn't know is that I have super hearing. Few minutes later Blu came back inside.

Blu said," Now Jay, how are you doing? Snow, said that you want to talk to Emma and me."

I said," I was wondering if its to late to press charges on Jody. If I do go throw with it. I mean."

Emma came in to hear what I was saying and said," Are you sure my dear sister? If you go throw with it can be really hard. I don't know how mom and dad will feel about that. The one main question is do you really want to go throw with it. I'll be there for you on whatever you decided to do. "

Blu said," Are you sure you want this?"

I said," If I don't how would that rich, privily, white little twit ever learn if her parents always bail her out of everything. I want to teach them something and if that mean court fine so be it. I really need to do this not just me but my baby that she almost killed. Sharna and I was talking about it and it was one of her wishes. So I am ready to do this and I don't care what mom and dad think about. So Emma, what do I need to do make this work?"

Emma said, " I have a statement from you and everyone else. All I need to is take her into jail and charger her with assult and attempt murder. I will have to call mom, Kelly, dad and Jax and her parents. "

Blu said," They will not be happy. I am here if you need someone. Not everyone will on your side. Let me call her out of class. " Blu left to call for Jodi. Jodi and she came.

Jodi said," What can I do for Miss Blu? Miss Swan?"

Emma said," You are under arrest for assult and attempt murder.  You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you while you are being question. If you can't afford to hire a lawyer one will, one will be appointed to represent you before questioning. If you wish. You can decided at anytime to exercise these rights and not to answer any questions or make any statements."

Jodi said," What chargers? What is going on?" Jodi went with Emma to the police station. Emma took me as well. Blu called all of our parents.


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