part 5

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I just got off Xena, Jay's horse. She loves that horse as if it was her baby. I was waiting for an answer from Jay.
Jay said," That's Sharna Xena May. She is my girlfriend and guess what Jax?"
I said with such claim,"What? Go on tell me." I kinda knew what she going to say but the doctors told me and Kelly that she needs to say thinfs that are important to her. So Kelly and I do let her say things. Kelly does surprise Jay with a body search for cuts or burn. Kelly and I make sure she eat her meals.
Jay said with such joy in her voice,"I told her about my scares and she push to see them. I think she is the one. Is it ok if she and I walk Xena? Dad please can we?"
I love it when she calls me dad even if I'm not her biologically her father. I looked at her and said," You and your girlfriend can but do you have homework? Supper will be done around 6pm. Ok?"
Jay said," I do have homework. How long have you been walking her?"
I said," I have been walking her for about 30 minutes now. Here is the deal you and Sharna walk Xena for the 30 minutes and feed all animals than come in wash up for dinner and then homework ok?" Jay noddes her head yes and she waved Sharna over to us.


I waited for a sign from Jay after five minutes Jay waved me over to them. When I got there Jay said," I want to introduce you to Kelly's boyfriend of five years, Jax. Jax this is Sharna my girlfriend. I sometimes call him dad just as I call Kelly mom."
I said with a kind smile," It's nice to meet you, Jax. Why don't you adopt Jay? If I might ask?"
Jax said," We ate trying to but every time we get close the courts have ao dumb excuse."
Jay said trying to change the subject," Sharna want to meet my horse Xena and she is a connenara."
I said," Yes I would love to meet your horse was nice to meet you, Jax. Now where is the most famous horse Xena."
Jax said," I'm glad to of meet the who is putting a smile on this daughter of mine. Are you staying for dinner Sharna?"
I said,"Let me call my parents to if I can stay."
Jax said,"You can come in and call your parents? Unless you have a cell phone." I pulled out my cellphone and nodded my head to let him know that I got my phone.

I was by my horse, Xena, and waiting to introduce Sharna and Xena to each other. I said,"What is for supper daddy?"
Jax said,"It is Mexican. Your mom is going to later and that why we are going to eat at 6pm or when Kelly gets home. Alright?" I needed my head yes in agreement. Jax went into the house and started or finish up supper.
Sharna said as she turned to,"Is this the famous horse Xena?" Sharna was going in for a petting Xena on her nose.
I said while rubbing Xena's nose,"Xena,this Sharna and Sharna this Xena. Do you want a moment to call your parents to see if you can stay for dinner?"
Sharna said," Yes, I'd you don't mind." I kiss her on her lips.I gave her the time she needed and I walk with Xena.
It has taking Sharna ten minutes on the phone with her parents. She came to me in our training circle and said,"Jay, they said yes. I can stay until 10pm."
I said, "That's great. Do you want ride Xena for 20 minutes? I will ride with you. So you don't feel a little panic." Sharna's head nodded yes, so we did.
Twenty minutes later
I got off of Xena and help Sharna and we went to the barn and feed the other horses.
Sharna said while help as much as she can,"Do you know the name of every horse in here?"
I said while getting food for Nic the Mustang the male one," I can name them all and tell you what breed they as well. They might have the name tags that I help make. If you want I could tell you another time because I think I hear my mom's car."
Sharna said," I would like that. Let go and get something to eat."I wasn't really hungry but if I don't eat they would take back to the doctor and maybe put me back into the hospital.
I look at Sharna and said," Are you still goin to help with math?" Just before getting into the house I kissed her right on her cherry glossy lips.
Sharna said,"What was that for?"
I said while opening the door,"For you being you. Hey mom and dad what's for supper?"
Kelly said," It's Mexican. Are you two hungry?"
I wanted to say no but I didn't I was shocked by what came out instead. I said,"I am hungry, but little bit. "
Sharna said while looking at Kelly and Jax," I am starving. I like all types of food. Let go and wash up, Jay?" I nodde in a agreement.
So Sharna and I went to the big bathroom on the main floor and washed up. When I was washing my hands Sharna actually seen how small I am. Sharna said," Are you eating at all? If I might ask?"
I was scared to answer her but everyone knew that I only weight about 95lbs to 105lbs and that I had mental illness and eating disorder. I look up at her said,"I am eating it is just in very small amounts. When it comes to lunch Kelly trys to have thr same time so she can make sure I do eat something like a bag of chips or pizza or something. I am fighting this for them and you now."
Sharna said,"Alright. Now can I wash my clean one."
I was laughing and said,"You can. Anything else that you want to know?"
Sharna said while washing her hands,"When did you start having an eating problem?"
I said," When I entered the foster system. The families that I stayed with was very abusive mentally and physical. That when Kelly and Jax took me in. Let's get going before Kelly comes and looks for us."
When we got back to the kitchen Kelly and Jax was putting the food on the table in the dinning room. We went to see if they needed any help. They nodded nope and we sat across from each other. After eating Sharna and I picked up the table and did dishes and went to do homework. Jax took Sharna home so Kelly and I could talk. I not going to lie but I was scared.

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