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My mom, Emma, was talking to Sharna before my grandparents and Jay's parents came out if the room. I walked over to Emma and Sharna to find out what they was talking about. They both stop as soon as Sharna seen me.
Sharna said with weird clam to her voice, "Hey Henry, what can we do for you?" I know I only got to know her for little bit, but the way she said that sentence was uneasy for don't know why. It just that uneasy.
I said, " I just wanted to know how you to holding up? " Down deep I didn't think I want to know that answer.
Emma said," We are fine, kido. Why don't you check on Belle." I nodded and went to Belle to go and talk. Than we all seen my grandparents and Jay's parents coming some in tears other not at all in tears. Emma and Sharna went to them and help them to the seats.
I went to Belle to see how was holding up. I said to her," Hey Belle, what's the matter? You look worried about something? What is it?"
Belle looked at me with such a serious look to that I never seen before and she said," I never kept anything from your grandma, Snow White. Jay might be stronger than the Dark One. She might ev en have the ability to destroy the Dark One. Please Henry don't say anything to anyone."
I said with out thinking ,"Yes, I'll keep your secret. What else is there about Jay that you didn't tell my grandmother? "Belle looked sad as if there is bad news.
Belle said," Let go and grab a bite in cafeteria. We can talk more there." We got up and left for the cafeteria.
When we got there, we got something to eat. I broke silence and said,"What's the problem? Do we have worry about Jay and the town?"
Belle said, "We have watch Jay very carefully and with caution. I don't know powerful is her powers are or will get. There is nothing that can kill her if she is the protector of the savior. Many say that she can heal people that has serious injuries. But.."
I looked and said,"But what. You can't leave me hanging. You should be able to have one person to turn to."
Belle said,"But she can't heal herself. The book also said that she can't go bad or good. Not matters what happens her heart won't turn balck it will stay white until there is no savior any more. Thanks Henry for listening to me. Don't say anything to anyone until we know for sure. Alright? " I nodded yes to keep her secret. I got up and hugged her.

Meanwhile with both Jay's parents
Emma POV
After Henry came to see how Sharna and I was doing Mary Margaret, Kelly, David and Jax came out of Jay's room. Kelly just lost it and Jax was trying to hold her up Sharna came to help them out. Mary Margaret lost it to my dad was trying do the samething Jax was doing but couldn't I went to help.
"Why is my parents taking this so hard? They don't even know her that well." I thought to myself.
Kelly said while crying," I feel so helpless for her. This feels like that one horrible night about a month ago. Why can't anything go great for us?"
I thought to myself,"What happened a month ago? Did anything bad happened to my sister? It seem like Jay and are alike than difference." I finally said to Mary Margaret,"Why are you losing it? You don't even know her. Do you know something that I don't? "
David and Mary Margaret looked at each other and waited for a few moments with anger on their faces. Mary Margaret said,"Emma!?!? No matter what had or will happen she is still your twin sister and other daughter. I love all three of you just the same."
All I can do was to say I am sorry. Than I looked around to see if I can find Henry and Belle around here. I took out my cell phone and called Henry. He told me that Belle and he was in the cafeteria.
I said to Mary Margaret, Kelly, Jax and David," Do you guys what to go and eat or play cards in the cafeteria? It's better if you guys get your mind off of Jay for a little bit. You guys won't be any good if you guys don't take of yourselves first. "They all agree and went to the cafeteria and I went to the desk where nurse was at.
I said," Excuse me, nurse. If you time to let Dr. Whale know that Jay's family went to the cafeteria." The nurse nodded yes and went to the O.R. , operating room, to give him the message. I went back to my family downstairs to the cafeteria. They all were eating and playing cards.
I couldn't get Jay off my mind. David looked like he is trying to do the same thing but can't.
Emma came back and said," How is everyone doing? I told Dr. Whale where we were at."
Sharna said," How is she doing?"
Emma said," What I saw she is doing great and yet again I'm not doctor or a nurse."
Henry got up and pulled Emma to the side. It got pretty ugly fast.
"What could make him so angry so fast? Where is he going?" I thought to myself. Emma came back and say that she is sorry for earlier.
Kelly said," Where is Henry?"
Mary Margaret said,"Emma, what's going on? The last time he it that when you yelled at him to go back to GRANNY'S ."
"He is probably going to Regina. His is mad at me for something I did earlier. He'll be alright,"Emma said.
Two hours later still in the cafeteria
Dr. Whale came back to Jay's family and said," Jay is doing great. She is in a recovery room. In another hour you all can go and see her." I was worried about Henry as well so I asked David for Regina and Henry's cell phone numbers.
David said," Why? What's going on?"
I said," I'm worried about Henry something was off when he ran. I don't know what it is. "
David said," You know what? You maybe right. Why don't you and I go and find him."
We both went to tell Kelly and Mary Margaret that we will be right back.
One hour later
Mary Margaret Pov
Dr. Whale came back and," You guys can go and see her now. She may not be up for another few more hours. She is a fighter that you got there Kelly and Snow White."
Sharna said,"Where is Jax and David? Dr. Whale, how about the little one?"
Dr. Whale said," It's doing great and Jay can leave once she eats at least half of a plate. Kelly, how did you and your husband get her to eat?"
Kelly said," It helps to know what she likes to eat. Sharna and her pet horse Xena help to. Why do you ask?"
Dr. Whale said," We are having troubles getting her to eat anything. She put up a fight."
Sharna said without a hesitant moment, " Why don't I stay here with her.? I mean if that's not a problem? Unless someone else have an idea?."
I said," Why don't we try me.? She ate a little last night."
Kelly said, " Did she go to the bathroom after eating last night?" I tried to remember.
I said,"No, why?"
Sharna said in firey voice," It means that she thrown up. She has two eating disorder." I was shocked that she would talk to me like that.
Kelly said fast and snappy,"Sharna May!!!! You will change that attitude quick or go to GRANNY'S . You need to apologize and clam down. I know you want what best for your girl but you to clam down. If you want why don't you and Emma go for a run or walk to clam down.?" I looked at Kelly and Sharna. I thought to myself,is Jay gay or what?
Sharna said," I am so sorry. I just frustrated about this whole thing. Emma would you come with me for a run? Kelly can you give my girl my love for me? Give this to her as well." Sharna hand Kelly a piece of paper with Jay's name on it.
Emma and Sharna went off. Kelly, Belle and I went up to recovery. We followed Dr. Whale to Jay's room.
Kelly kiss her forehead and said, " My little fighter is going to be alright. What are we going to do with you?"
Than all of the sudden Jay moved and said," First of all no crying unles someone is dead or dying. Second tell me what the fuck happened it feels like someone used me as a door opener or got hit by a train."
Kelly wiped her tears away and seat by her bed. Belle gave Jay a hug. I just stood there like an idiot. Not knowing what to do hug the girl or kiss her.
Kelly said," You had an operation to relieve the bleeding in brain. By the way Sharna wanted me to give you this." Kelly hand Jay the piece of paper that Sharna gave Kelly earlier.
Jay said," Where is dad and David? Mary Margaret is everything alright? You like you could kill someone and hug them at the same time." Than she points to Belle and said," Forgive me if evrything is a bit foggy but you are Belle Gold? By the way mom when can get the hell out of this joint?"
Kelly said," You and the little one can get hell out once you start to eat about half of plate. Dad and David went to find Henry."
Belle said, " Yes, Jay that me. I was wounding if you and I can talk later? Without anyone to interrupt us." Jay nodded yes.
Than I said," No Jay, I don't want to kill anyone. I just don't know if I should kiss or hug you. I so happy that you are ok."
Jay said," Dr. Whale told you about me and that thing inside of me.!!!??? Don't be like I should keep it. I don't know if I want it. "
Kelly said,"Whatever you decide I'm behind you. I really do want to think long and hard before doing anything."
Belle and I both nodded in agreement. I really want her to keep the baby , but it's not my choice.

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