part 6

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I was scared to find out what she has to say. I always have claim look and I said," What us it? Did I do something wrong?"
Kelly kinda know what type of person I am the one who has tough look but scared easy and said,"I have some news for you. Jax and I wanted to tell you when you got home but Sharna was here. If you want we can wait for Jax to get back home."
I never get good news its always bad. I said with a worry voice, "Can I ask if it's good or bad news? I told Sharna that I would pick her and family up in my pick-up for the grill out."
Kelly said while rubbing my back in circles," Don't worry it is great news. I know that lately you have been getting bad news but I promise you no one will ever hurt you ever again. Why are you picking up Sharna and her family?"
I said," Well for one I have the biggest vehicle in the family and plus they don't know where we live at . Jax said that we need some stuff from the store anyway. I figured that I could hit two birds with one stone." Just as I finished saying that Jax came in door.
Kelly said while looking up at him," I haven't told her yet. I was waiting for you. I was hoping to tell her together. " That's when Jax nodded his head in agreement.
That when I just lost it and blurted out loudly, "TELL ME WHAT!!!!?????" Kelly said in a claim but excited voice, " Yesterday we gotten a call from our attorney and your social worker about your adoption. They did tell us that you are officially ours.The only thing is that we have to do is go to the courthouse at 3:30pm on Monday to get the paper. Our wedding day is only 15 days away from today."
I was happy and extremely freaking excited. I said almost the verge of tears,"Is this true? I am out of the system!!!!?????"
Jax said while looking at Kelly and I,"Honey, you definitely out. Lets wait to tell friends and family." We all went to bed.


I woke up with no Jax at my side but I can smell something totally yummy. I thought to myself while looking that the alarm clock," Its too early for Jay to be up. Yet she might have gone to the gym and worked out. Jax might have gone out to check on the horses."
When I got downstairs it was the both of them talking about something what I don't know yet, because when I got to the kitchen they both stop talking once I walked in. Jay said with the biggest smile on her face, "Morning mommy. How are doing this great morning?"
I thought something is definitely go on here I will just follow a long and said,"I doing great. What are you two up to?"
Jax and Jay looked at each other and Jay said,"We are not up to anything. I just ask Jax if he wouldn't mind helping me to nail a bicycle kick. You just scared us that all."
I thought you know that's more reasonable.I hope. I said with a smile on my face see the two people who I love more than life is here getting along," How did I get so lucky?. What do we need to get ready for today?"
Jax said,"Lucky about what, hon? We need drinks, potato salad, chips, paper or plastic plates, plastic glass, plastic silverware, your rice, and Jay messy sloppy joe mixture and rolls and buns, hamburgers brats."
Jay said," Didn't you guys get somr of that during the week? I can get the sodas, ice, sliverware, glasses, plates, stuff for my sloppy joe mixture. How many people are coming? "
I said," Family and friends equals up to roughly 100 people. We did get the steaks and half of pig."
Jax said,"We will go to Wal-Mart for the rest."


I looked at the clock behind Jax's head and seen it was 8:45am. I text Sharna and asked if she was ready.
Jax said,"Jay, when are you picking up Sharna and her family?"
I said,"I am waiting for her to text me back.I might have to go to the store and then pick them up." Then all of suddenly the song SEE YOU AGAIN start to play on my phone. I look at it and it was from Sharna.
The text read,"I am ready but my parents are not. If you want to you can pick me up than later pick them up."
Kelly said to me,"Who is that, baby girl?"
I said,"It's Sharna,mommy. I am going to pick her up. Her family is not ready.She and I can go to the store. Than after that we will pick up her family alright?" They agreed and I text Sharna that I was going to be there in about 15 minutes.

fifteen minutes later
I was at Sharna's place ringing the boor bell. I wait for an answer and Mr.May said while he was still in his PJs,"Good morning, Jay. How are this fine morning? Sharna will down in moment. Do you want to come in?"
I said,"I would love to come in, sir. I am doing great. Mr.May, are you and your wife going to my family grill out?"
Mr.May said with so worry,"Was that today? Can you pick us up later?"
I said," Sharna said she was ready. I could pick you and your wife after Sharna and I go to the store to grab somethings for today's grill out. If that is alright with you, sir? Sharna can call you to see if you two are ready."
Mr.May," You are the om e for my little sheila. You are to good to her. That sounds great to me. Who teach you to treat women like a princess?"
I said,"Well, my daddy told me once I get a girlfriend treat her like a princess or such precious gem in your life. Can I ask you...." I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and it was Sharna.
Sharna said while coming down,"Hi, Jay. I hope my dad wasn't to hard on you." I nodded my head nope.
Mr.May said," Why didn't you remind us about the grill out?"
Sharna said," When I got home last night you and mama was sleeping so I thought you guys needed your sleep. I'll call you guys to see if you are ready. I am sorry, dad."
Mr.May said,"Don't let it happen again. Jay, you were going to ask me ask me something?"
I got my eye back into my head and said after shaking my head," Sharna, why don't you wait by my pick up. I need to ask your father something." Sharna kissed me on the cheek. Than I looked at her father and said," Can I date your daughter, sir. And other thing what is a sheila?"
Mr.May said with a smile,"Well, let me talk to the Mrs. and I let you know by the end of today. Sheila means in Australian woman or girl."
I said,"Thank you for considering me to date your daughter. I will see you later." I left the house and ernt to let Sharna into my pick-up. Went to the store in town and grabbed what I suppose to get. All of wasn't cheap, $267.89 total. Sharna called her parents and they were ready to be pick up.
On my way home we picked up Sharna's parents and went to my place. They meet my folks. My mom was in the kitchen and my dad was by the barn getting the grill and the pit ready. Mrs. May was inside with my mom and Mr. May was with my dad. Sharna and I was taking care my horse Xena.
Within two hours people starting to show and my mom was wondering why people was bringing gifts. My dad made me and Samantha Garcia go and get my mom's birthday cake from the Mexican bakery. About five pm I brought out my mom's cake it was so beautiful with strawberries all over the cake and in the middle of the cake.
After that Mr.May pulled me to the side and said," We both give you our blessing to date our daughter. We seen how you to are with each other."
I was shaking his hand and said,"Thank you, sir. I will make her happy or try to anyway. I will protect her to." I ran to Sharna and told her. After telling her I went to my parents and told them. My parents hugged my so hard I thought I turn purple. After telling my parents I had to tell my best friends, Mia Angel Carson and Carter Geno Wyatt, they hugged me.
Around 9:40pm Mr.May asked if I could take them home. I went to my parents and told that I was taking the Mays back home.
When we got to their house Mrs.May wanted to talk to me. So Sharna and her father went inside. Mrs. May said," Thank you for invite us to the grill out. Now what are you planning after high school?"

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