Part 28

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While Jay and Regina was talking inside Regina's office, I was thinking about what Jay said earlier. How can my own daughter say those things. No matter what happens David, Jax, Kelly, and I have to change that. I heard walking behind me, I turned around and seen it to be Jay.

I said," Jay, are you ready to go home?"

Jay said," I am ready to go home. Can we talk without Kelly and Jax?"

I said," Alright but why?" Kelly and Jax  took her in. What is Jay's reason for this talk?

Jay said," Kelly and Jax overreact to the things I say or do. I just hope that you and David don't overreact. I just want to talk you to know me. Honestly."

I said," What about Sharna? Can you talk honestly to Sharna?"

Jay said while holding her notebook close to her chest as if she was waiting for something bad to happen," Yes we made a promise to each other if we lied about anything we would have the right to throw a pie in theirs  face."

I said," Why a pie in the face?"

Jay said," I don't hit women whatsoever. we did do it in front of friends and family, and we have to I meant that we had lied and have to tell everyone what we lied about."

I love that Jay can be honest with someone in her life. I hug Jay. Jay had looks shocked. Belle came up to us and said," Snow, I might have found something about Jays tattoo." I was happy that we have some news about Jay's birthmark.

I said," Belle, can we talk tomorrow?"

Belle said," Yes, we can. How about lunch?" I nodded in agreement. Jay and I continue to walk home. Once we got home, David  was putting Jay's drinks away and making dinner. I went to David hug and kiss him.

David said," How was your visit with Archie, Jay? How was your day, Snow?"

I said," It was great. How Is the tacos coming?"

Jay said," Not good. Can I have some ice water please?" I nodded and since she doesn't quit know this place yet. I got her a glass of water. I went to Jay to give the glass of water. I couldn't see what she has been writing.

I said," Jay, here is your water. Jay, can we talk about something?"

Jay said," What do you want to talk about?  Thank you for the water?"

Henry came in and scared Jay. Jay ran into the bathroom. I know that Jay has problems. Henry said," What's going on with aunt Jay? Did I do something wrong? My mom, Emma said that she might be later. Grandma, can I help you out with Jay?"

I said," No, I got it. Why don't you go and help out David?" Henry nodded in agreement. I went to the bathroom  to get to Jay. When I got to Jay, she was in the tub crying and rocking. When I got to her, I started to hum again to her. It seems to work to got her to calm down.
I said," Jay, sweetie  how are you? What happened?"

Jay said with a soft voice," I was back to my rape. Who came in? I am fine now."

I said," Henry, came to tells us that Emma will be  a little late tonight. Do you want to talk about that night?"

Jay said," Someday maybe, but right now no. Snow why can't I be like everyone else. No magic, destiny, no powers,no past. I don't know how much more I can take."

I said," You are special magic or no magic. I will love you no matter what. Are you ready to come out?" I stand up with my hand out to help her out.

Jay said with a shame in her voice," Yes, I am. Can I hold you hand?"

I said with a smile on my face," Yes, you can. How are you feeling?" I notice that Jay was scared and ashamed, but why ashamed?

Jay said with ashamed look," I am scared about my flashbacks. Why can't I get them to go away?" I feel so helpless for Jay and her flashbacks.

I said," Jay,they won't go away but we can deal with them when they come up. Why don't we go upstairs to talk for a little while before dinner?" She nodded yes. I said while patting her arm," I was there where you are now. I will tell you the story." We walk out of the bathroom. Jay has a good grip of my hand and arm. While walking, I seen David and I said," David, if you need any help just let me or Henry know. I will be upstairs with Jay." While we were walking upstairs, I notice that Regina, Kelly and Jax was here.

Once we got upstairs, I help Jay onto the bed but I notice that she was shaking like if she was cold. I said," Jay are you cold?" Jay was holding her belly.

Jay said," No, I am not cold? Why?"

I said, "  You are shaking really bad. Here take this blanket." I wrapped Jay up in the blanket.

Jay said," Thank you. Why can't I stop shaking?"

I said," If you are not cold, you are really scared. You need to clam down."

Jay looked up at me with sad eyes and said," I am sorry for having so much problems. How is it that you have flashbacks and to what and why?"

I said," I had flashbacks and nightmares of one the sleeping curse and the wars between us and the Evil Queen and King George. I lost a lot of friends during that time."

Jay said with such shock," Who is the Evil Queen and King George? Why were you at war with them?"

I said while trying to sit by Jay," The Evil Queen is Regina Mills. She wanted me dead because when I was a little girl, she told me a secret and told me not to tell her mother,Cora. I told Cora and Cora killed Regina's true love, Daniel. King George is Albert Spencer. He wanted and still wants your father to die. Few months before I meet your father, David was to marry someone else. David and I meet we fallen in love and King George tried to get rid of me but it didn't work."

Jay looked up at me and said," How is that possible? Did George believe in true love? How did you get through it?" 

I said," I think he did at one point but once he lost his wife. He lost his son as well. His son is also your uncle. We knew that we had each other that is what we only  needed. How are you doing, Jay. I hope that help you."


Once Snow got done on tell me that story or answering my questions, I felt that I could maybe see the light at the end of this darkest tunnel but there is a part of me that is still unsure about my whole situation. I said with some nervousness in my voice," I am fine, Snow. Can I stay up here until supper or dinner?"

Snow said," Yes, you can. If you need anything you can come down to me or someone else. I will come and get you for supper. Once supper is done, alright?" I really wanted to know what Belle found out about my birthmark.  Snow hugged me and left. I tried to get some sleep before dinner because after dinner is tuxedo try out for my wedding. I laid down for three minutes and  I was out.

♧♧♧20 minutes later♧♧♧
Regina Pov

Snow had ask me if I can get to Jay for dinner. I did what she asked. Once I got up there I seen Jay tossing around on the bed. I tapped her shoulder and she sat up really and yelled the word NO. I ran to and held her for a while.

Once she calmed down, I said," Jay, do you have another bad dream?"

Jay just hold on to me and nodded her head yes. I said," Jay, are ready to eat? You can sit by if you want." Once I said that Jay kinda seemed happier. When she got up from the bed she grabbed my hand and won't let go.

Once we got downstairs we ate dinner and Jay tryed on tuxedos. It took about an hour before she pick an ocean blue as the main color and iris hints. After that we all left expect Kelly and Jax. I didn't know why they stayed. I was walking with Robin when I hear my name being called from behind us. When we turned around it was Emma and Henry, and I thought they was walking home with Hook. 

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