part 15

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David and I went to Regina's house to see if Henry is with her. David knocked on the front door.
Blu answer the door and said," How we help David?"
David said with some worry,"Have you guys seen Henry? He ran out of the hospital after having disagreement with Emma."
Regina overheard the conversation and said," What happened? I haven't seen him at all. There might be a few places to look. Jax and I can take park by the beach, Blu can you get someone over to Gold's shop and David check the library." They all agreed and went off.
David found Henry in the library rereading that big, brown book of his.
David called all of us to the library.
Blu came first than it was Regina and I. Regina ran to Henry and hugged and kissed him on forehead.
Henry said,"What is the matter? Is aunt Jay alright?"
Regina said," You can't just run off like that.!.!.! Why did run away from Emma?"
David said,"Jay is out of surgery alright. Now can you tell us why you ran away from Emma at the hospital?"
Henry said," Emma asked you and grandmom why you two care about Jay so much since you two don't even know her that well. Jay seem like a cool, great preson. I told Emma she is being childish about sharing Mary Margaret and David. Jay may have had a harder life than mom did. I know that Emma and Jay are powerful. Mom don't think about it might be hard on Jay and her family and friends to come here. To find out you are related to Snow White and Prince Charming. The people who you think or make up in your ain't them it can be really hard."
Jax said," Kelly and I won't take your aunt Jay away. Mary Margaret and David wants to get to know her and be a part of her life. It might be hard because of the walls she has up and all of her disorders. She let me in maybe you can show her there is nothing to worry or be afraid about anything. Why don't you get her to believe in herself again." They all agreed. Henry, David, Jax and Regina went back to the hospital.
Once I woke up to my moma was crying had no idea what happened expected my head and body feels like I got hit by a train or got into a real bad fight and lose horribly. They told me what happened within ten minutes.
Mary Margaret said,"What kinds of stuff you like to do for fun? What would like to do when you get out of here?"
I said," I would like to ride a horse if that's not to much trouble. I would also like to play soccer. I would like to clear my head. Why? Are we going to do something?"
Mary Margaret said," If it's ok with Kelly and Jax. David and I could that you horse back riding once you get out. We can have the whole day to ourselves. What do you think?"
Kelly said right awaym,"Let's see what your dad say about it. All we want you to do is to eat a little. Please eat."
I said,"Where is Sharna? I know she gave this. Who ticked her off? No one gets hurt my babe and get away with it." Kelly looked at Mary Margaret. It was quiet for about five minutes or so.
Kelly said," Dr. Whale ask me how we got you to eat? I told him Sharna, Xena and your work outs. Than Mary Margaret said that last night you eat for her but didn't answer if you went to the bathroom afterwards. She didn't understand the question so Sharna just blew up on Mary Margaret pretty good. I think that Sharna got jealous that she is not competiting against a horse or a gym but she is competiting against your birth mother. By tomorrow she should have calm down to talk to."
I looked up at Mary Margaret and said,"No I didn't went to the bathroom after my meal. We talked for awhile than Henry showed up with his big brown book. He put it on the bed and I touched it. I had everyone else memories in my don't ask me how. I just do." I looked at Belle and said, "How did your mother passed?"
Mary Margaret said," Jay, what are you doing?"
I said," Trying to prove a point."
Belle said,"By an ogre while saving me, during the Ogre Wars. Why?"
I said,"What it look like to was a different way. Not by much. I would tell later. Now the thing about having two set of parents. How is that going to work out?"
Kelly said," We all should seat down and talk about it. Once the guys come back from finding Henry."
It took us about twenty minutes to get back to the hospital to see Jay. When we got there Belle,Mary Margaret, and Kelly was talking to Jay. I knocked on the door and Kelly let us into the room. Jax went to hug Jay after Jax hugged I went in for a hug.
I said,"Hey how are you doing,Jay? I'm sorry that your dad wasn't here when you woke up."
Jay said," Henry it's alright. I am feel like a train hit me,but I think I'll be alright. Do you want to hang out later? What happened while I was out? Please let me say I'm sorry for running off like that. I mean before in that apartment."
Everyone was looking confused but David said,"Jay, what do you mean?"
Jay sat up in the hospital bed and said," Back in the that apartment when we first got here. We all took turns and I was last. When I got done I just sat in the tub overhearing all of you talking about me and the book and Emma. I was softly sobbing. I was scared all I wanted was the urge to hurt myself to go away. So I got out got dress and shortly later I ran out. I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry. It's starting to come back to me slowly but surely it's coming back."
Regina said," How much do you remember?"
"How could she ask that? Hey, Henry it's Regina. I don't care what is going on with Jay is my aunt and I promise Jax that I will help Jay out with and wall issues. " I thought to myself.
Jay said," For right now just what happened at the apartment. I am working on getting my memory back from my blackout. Since I got my family in one room. I was hoping that I could talk to Jax, David, Mary Margaret and Kelly for a little bit. If you don't mind?"
Regina,I and Belle looked at each other and nodded yea but Belle told her that she will be back around 6pm.
I told that I'll be back around 6:30-7pm. Jay nodded yes for understanding. We left and went our Belle went back to the library and Regina and Henry went back to GRANNY'S to get something to eat.

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