part 17

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Sharna POV
Who said that? I thought for a moment than I look around the table Regina was eating her cheese burger and Blu continue to say what the different between them. I interpret Blu for a moment and said," How did you know that I ask what's the different between light and dark magic?"
Blu said," You said it or asked it anyway. I'm sorry for what's going on with Jay. I could tell that you love her and you have something to hide don't you?"
How on earth does she know about that? I thought to myself. I have been keeping something from the most wonderful and pretties girl I know, but how did she know that. Than without thinking I said,"How hell did you about that? No one knows expect my parents."
Blu said," Your body language told me. Do you want to talk? We can go for a walk to talk after dinner?"
I said while looking at my food,"Yes,I would like to talk for awhile. I would love to tell Jay sometime in the near future but how? Can you help me out please?"
Henry overheard everything Sharna said and he said, "Don't you want to Jay tonight? Do you want to nothing to Jay? I wont say anything if you don't want me to tell Jay anything. Just say the word. I want you to know I am here for you and Aunt Jay."

I got up to hug Herny and said, "Thank you. I'll remember that and don't tell Jay anything. I want to tell her. Your aunt is sensitive, and she might look tough but inside it's quite soft. Jay can handle a lot but too much could push her over the edge. That's the last thing I want to do, alright?"

Herny nodded yes, and said after looking at the clock, "Belle and I have to run, mom. We are going back to the hospital. We told Aunt Jay that we will be back by 6pm and 6:30pm. Can you come, mom?"

Regina said, "Belle, are you ready to go?" Belle looked like she was on the edge of tears. Belle came back to reality after Blu elbow her softly and Regina tapped Belle's leg with her foot.

Belle said, "Sorry. What is it?"

Regina said again," Belle, are you ready to go?"
Belle looked kinda of confused and said," Go where?" Than a moment passed and said," Yes,let me get a box for my food." After Belle got her box and put her food in the box. Regina transported Henry and Belle to the hospital to go and see Jay. I stayed with Blu, I told Jay that I'll see later. Blu and I stay to finish our food.

When I asked Sharna about her serect she almost jumped out of her skin but she clam down pretty quickly. When Herny, Belle, and Regina left, Sharna stop eating and started to play with her food.
I said," Sharna, what's going on?"
Sharna said while still playing with her food," Jay, is what's going on. I can't lose Jay. She is my world. I don't know what I would do without her."

I said, "What do you mean? If Jay truly loves she wont leave you.

Sharna said with worry in her voice ,"Are you sure about that? How sure are you?"

Just as she got done saying that Kelly, David, Jax and Mary- Margaret came in. I said while waving at David, "I am sure, because I seen it with two of my friends." Mary-Margaret and Kelly sat down at our table. I pointed to Mary-Margaret and said, "Snow White and Prince Charming is a story for you to read before going and seeing Jay. I ask Henry to keep his book here, so why don't you read it here. Snow and David could answer any question you would have. I have to go and check up on Jay's history. I'll be in the library if you want to talk more alright." Sharna nodded yes and I handed thee big, brown book to Sharna. I paid for our food, so Sharna didn't have to worry.


I seen David waving to someone so I look to my right and it was Blu and Sharna. Something was wrong with Sharna. Blu and Sharna is talking what I don't know. I tap Kelly's shoulder I pointed at Sharna and Blu.

Kelly said, "Sharna looks like she is about to cry. What's going on?"

I said, "Why don't we order our food and than go to her and talk to her." We order our food and sat down with Blu and Sharna.
When Kelly and I was about to sit I over heard Blu telling Sharna to read Mine and Charming's story. Than Blu left. Sharna open the book and started to look for My story.
Kelly said to Sharna while she was looking for my story," What's going on? Why are you looking for Snow White's story?"
Sharna looked up and said with sadness," Snow, if I may ask what keeps you with Charming? Better yet, what makes a relationship least?"
I look at Kelly and said," Well, with David and I it is one word honesty. Being honest with each other is good for the soul and the heart. Why are you asking me this and not your mother or Kelly?"
Sharna said with some worry, "Because I admire you since I was little girl. I have a 'What if ' question for you both and I want the truth." Kelly and I look at each other before nodding yes.
Sharna said," What if you have a seriously bad situation that you are keeping from Jax and David? What would you do? Would you them?"
David and Jax came with their food and put on the table. David said before kissing Snow on the check," Tell who what?"
Kelly said," Nothing. Its a woman thing. You guys wouldn't want to know. Unless Sharna wants you two to know."
Jax and David looked at each other, before Sharna said," I have a'What if ' question for you guys as well, but first let the ladies answer my 'What if' questtion."
Snow said," It depends on the seriously bad situation I am in. Give us an expamle, please."
Sharna said,"Let's say that you have terminal illness. Would you tell them or keep to information
I looked around Kelly,Jax and David had confused look upon their faces and I look at Kelly.
I said," If it was me, I will love to take my time to adjust with the information. Than I would try to tell David that I am dying. David' s reaction would be bad , but I think we will make work up to my last day. I would write letters to my kids for special days in their life. Why are you asking?"
Sharna look like she is about to run out of the dinner. To break the silent Jax said as clam as possible," Hey kiddo, you can tell us anything and we can help you with Jay Bird. Alright?"
Sharna put her head down and said with a muffles sounds," I do know I can talk to you guys. It kills me that I don't know how to tell you guys this." She left her head from the book and blurred," I am dying." As fast as the words came out her head went down again. We all look like we are in shock because today my daughter found that she is going to be a mother and now her girlfriend is saying that she dying. Why can't my daughter catch a break from the bad stuff in life.
David went over to Sharna and held her till she stop crying. Kelly said, "We will help you tell Jay. Alright, Sharna, you wont have do this alone. You have us four to be for you whenever you need someone. Don't ever get that Jax and I love you to. I can't speak for Mary-Margaret and David."
I said across the table," You are willing to fight with for Jay and that show me that you are a fighter. We love you as well. We are here for you as well." After that Sharna clam down, Kelly, Jax,David and I ate and talked about to help Sharna tell Jay. I look at my watch it was almost 7:35pm, when I got a phone call to meet Regina at hospital.

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