Chapter 1

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An alarm blaring at 8 am sharp at Elia bedside table. She groaning tapping on the alarm to turn it off. It's her mandatory to get up at 8 am. Lily, her foster mother set the alarm for her since she's been taking home with them. She has been live with the Drew's for almost 3 years.
They are very strict to Elia. They signed her up on online classes, she never been to school after they take her under their wings. She even didn't even go out much. She always left alone at home. That's why she has social anxiety, trust issues, she didn't like human contact. Another reason is because she lacks affection of parental figure in her life.
The Drew's always go to work early in the morning and then they came back home late at night. They don't even take seconds to ring or text Elia at home to asks how she's doing. The only things that makes them interact with each other is about Elia education. They really make Elia struggle with her education because they say it was priority. They want her to become lawyer. As to why? Elia couldn't figure out why. They also rarely eat together at dining table. Nope, Elia can't even remember have they ever ate together before
Lily then came open the door making Elia startle.
"morning Eliana. Your classes today start at 10 am today. Get up, get ready. Do your morning exercises first then go for a run about 35 minutes" Lily said informing the girl who half awake in her bed while opening her drape to let the sunlight in the room making Elia rolled her eyes annoyingly
"and don't forget, we have sign you up for your F4 or whatever you called it" Lily added
Elia is a sucker for formula 1. But since she's just 14 years old but not official yet, she could join the F4. Though, it's not easy for her because the Drew's don't really want her to be focus on that thing but Elia proved to them with her last semester results and they decided to caved with that.
They seem nice, they are nice but they signed Elia up for everything for her to be abandoned by them. they took her in just for her to fulfill their wishes. And not to mention didn't even act like a family. They just told her what they want and she has to obliged to it.
Lily leaves the room and probably already left to her works. the Drew's both worked at some IT company or whatever it called, Elia didn't care but they made a lot of money.
Elia get up and get ready for the day. After getting ready, she goes to the living room. And she found sticky notes and money on the counter of their kitchen cabinet.
"Lunch and dinner money. Curfew is at 9 pm" The notes said and under it was 100 dollars. Elia smirks to herself. Curfew got expanded today so, she decided to roaming around LA for a while because even if she's been here for 3 years, she never explores LA. Suddenly, her phone ringing. Her best friend or her only friend facetiming her, Isaac.
Isaac: LIA!!!!
Elia: ISA!!!
Isaac: I can't wait for today! I can't wait to met you again. ugh I missed you so much
Elia: I know! I missed you too! And guess what? My curfew is at 9 pm today
Isaac: you kidding right?! I have to go back home immediately after the competition done! I have to go to London for the next 3-month Lia.
Isaac was whining making Elia laughs and then suddenly frowning.
Elia: I just thought we could go roaming LA today ugh Isa, why can't you go another day?
Isaac: I have to go though, family matters and I also got new sponsors from Ferrari for my upcoming event
Elia: OMG! THAT'S SO GOOD ISA! I'm proud and jealous and scared. If today go south and I don't get any sponsors for my F4, I'll be dead because sure as hell Lily and John won't waste their money on this.
Isaac: you will get it! I have strong intuition that says you'll be approach by the famous sponsors and you'll do great for this competition. I'll be watching and cheering for you Lia!
Elia: you better, because I have no one else to cheered for me!
Isaac: okay! I better get going now, see you later Lia. Love you
Elia: love you too Isa. See you soon.
And they hung up after that.
Isaac is Elia best friend since they were 10 years old. When Elia is still at orphanage, she goes to this public school, and she met with him and they instantly became best friend. But after Elia was taken to the Drew's they didn't go to the same school anymore but they always stay in touch with each other. They shared the same passion, Isaac is 16 years old and on formula 4 since he's 14 years old, Elia always supported him on that and now is Isaac turns to supported Elia.
Isaac also kinda famous youtuber. So, he's famous because of many things and sometimes he also doing his life vlog with Elia but not always because Elia loves privacy and she doesn't like crowded people as when she's going out with Isaac, he is bombarded with his fans.
After they hung up on each other, Elia began with her morning exercises and her morning run. Even she was annoyed, but she glad that she had things to do to kill her time.
She came back home after her morning exercises and her morning run, she took her shower and began her online classes till 12 in the afternoon.
It was now 2 pm and Elia is at the race track stadium, nervous getting ready. She was kinda waiting for Isaac but he didn't pick up his phone which makes Elia anxiety skyrocketing. She was all alone with Isaac teams. Isaac has lent her his team to prep her getting ready until she could find her sponsors.
"Lia!" Isaac came running approaching her making her relief
"Isa! I was panicking you didn't pick up your phone" Elia said
"I'm sorry. I came as soon as possible I can" Isaac said hugging her tightly making Elia chuckles
"I missed you too but could you let me go? I'm kinda hard to breath here" Elia said suffocating to breath
And Isaac let her go laughing at her.
With that on cue, the announcer announce that the competition was about to begin. Once again, Elia anxiety skyrocketing and Isaac notices this
"hey, you'll be great. you'll do great Elia. You can do this come on" Isaac said holding her shoulder reassuring her.
Elia took a deep breath closing her eyes and open her eyes back looking at Isaac with smiles on it. she gets ready with her gear and get into her car. When she's in position of her car she shows her thumbs up at Isaac and gone to her track.
When Elia is in her position in the race track, she could see a lot of people in the stadium and she started to gets more nervous. This is ridiculous. She then decided to calm down and luckily it works out.
Elia gets ready to started the racing as she saw the time down on the big screen and then when she hears the horn blaring, she started to races the others. She was in 4th position, but after she pass the third lap, she was leading and she was still leading until the 12 laps.
She can't believe this, she was winning. Everyone was cheered for her.
When she's back at her booth with her car and teams, she immediately saw Isaac and runs to him hugging him tightly
"told you could kill it. proud of you Lia" Isaac said hugging her tightly. Elia just chuckles at him
They let go of each other and just stares at the car and their surroundings
"couldn't make it if you weren't here Isa. So, thank you so much" Elia said still looking at the cars and board showing her killing her final lap. She was proud of herself internally. Is this how happiness feels like? She thought to herself.
Her thought was suddenly interrupted by Isaac team manager approaching them with 6/7 people behind him.
"you were outstanding Elia" Joshua, the team manager said to Elia smiling proud at her.
"thank you, Joshua," Elia replied smiling at him too.
"I want you to meet this people, this is Mr. Downey. He is one of our biggest funders on this sponsors" Joshua introduces them.
"oh, hi. I'm Elia" Elia said waving awkwardly and nodding her head at them. she didn't do handshake, hugging other people other than Isaac.
"you were great out there Miss Elia" Mr. Downey said praising her and Elia just smiles at his comment and then he introduces his friend to Isaac and Elia but mostly to Elia because Elia didn't know who are they. They are the avenger cast. Isaac knows this but he didn't much fan of Marvel much but still likes it just don't have time for it. he knows Elia didn't have any idea who they are

HI THIS IS MY NEW STORY GUYSSSSSS. I got inspiration to write this book from imfinekxx
Her book adopted by elizabeth olsen is so pure good guys 🥺! Go check it out! Oooo I also have several books about the evansson kids 😏 do you want me to publish it too? I have at least 3/4 draft of different Evansson teenage kids story. All of the story been written till chapter 20/30 something. I know I'm obsessed with it. Can't stop writing though hahahaha

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