Chapter 75

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Dinner went relatively well. Everyone gets to know Elia better. Not just Elia but her father also because this is the first time for her father to be meeting the big Olsen family too since they are engaged.

Which is also maybe still a secret from the world with everything that had happened. Elia doesn't know if the media knows about it yet or not but she thinks they are about to know because Elia's surprise birthday party at Monaco the night before the race will be published on their youtube channel.

Aunt MK and Ash decide to spend the night at Grammie's while the others go back home. Aunt MK, Aunt Ash and Mama got into their nth time of silly argument about spending time with Elia.

Aunt MK and Ashley threatened Mama with an embarrassing childhood photo and Mama just challenged them back saying that she also has tons of their embarrassing childhood photo to show Elia.

But Lizzie just loves to mess with her siblings. Of course they'll come back tomorrow since tomorrow is their last day to spend in LA before they have to go back to Atlanta.

"If you're not here by 11 in the morning, I'll come pick her myself and bring her back to New York with us"

"Don't. You. Dare"

"11 in the morning and she won't be following us back to New York"


Elia just watches from the side in amusement.

"You know, I was really intrigued. What if Elia had siblings and she fought like this with her siblings. I really want to see Lizzie's reaction on how to handle it" Maia said sarcastically. Though she knows it will be only Elia. She just wants to tease them.

But that caught Elia off guard

"What?" Elia asks breathlessly making everyone look at her in alarm

"What siblings?" Elia added as they all didn't understand on what she just said

"Little brother or sister" Maia replied

"Are you- "

"No, no baby. I'm not. We've talked about this already. Remember the evening after we've signed the adoption paper?" Lizzie cuts her daughter off as she sees Elia's worried face.

Oh god, they are not expecting Elia will react like this about siblings.

Of course Elia remembered her Mama can't get pregnant but that doesn't mean they can't adopt another one.

A baby.

No. Eliana doesn't want to be replaced by a baby. She had enough of that in her childhood.


"Eli, baby, you're enough for me. I'm happy with what I have right now. Same goes with Daddy" Lizzie said

"I don't think I can love another kid other than you. So you really are my little one. Just you and no one else" Lizzie added

"Only me? There'll be no one else?" Elia asks skeptically

"You're handful enough. I can't add another one" Lizzie answered

"Good, because I don't want to share the both of you" Elia mumbles shyly, making every adult in the room just stare at Elia in awe and disbelief.

They didn't expect Elia to be the type who doesn't like siblings because they've watched Elia with Rose but at the same time they understand that Elia hasn't had her parents' love ever since she was born. So it makes sense that Elia loves being an only child.

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