Chapter 73

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After Elia finally gets what she wants, what she needed from The Drew's, it puts her anger towards her parents subdued.

She's got a very good explanation from the person herself but it doesn't deny the fact that the new information she received makes her want to curl into a ball and break down.

But she has her very first family dinner with the Big Olsen family.

So a breakdown could wait. A very much needed breakdown. Because she hasn't cried once ever since the big reveal about The Drew's a month ago.

It is so overwhelming but she just swallows it. She put aside her need for breakdown and put a brave face. Or most likely a blank face expression as everyone saw it.

They bid their goodbye with The Grey's. Andrea was giving Elia a hug that she craved to give to the young girl ever since that night.

Isaac and Elia also hug and bid their goodbye though it's still awkward for them. Because maybe Elia still resents him for lying to her.

Welp, now is not the time to settle down her feelings all for once. It is a very confusing time.

Once they got inside of the car, Lizzie didn't leave Elia's side and sat on the back with her daughter.

"We could call Grammie and Grandpa to cancel the dinner. They'll understand this Eli" Lizzie said

"No. It's fine. I miss Aunt Ash and Aunt MK's. We've also postponed the big dinner with your whole family for several times now. I'm good Mama" Elia replied quietly as lean her head on her mother's shoulder.

Lizzie just pulled Elia close to her.

"Okay. I think everyone was there already to help Grammie make dinner" Lizzie informs.

Lizzie then nodded her head at her fiancé and Seb started to drive to Grammie house.

It is 4 in the evening. They will have their dinner at 5 or 6 at the latest. And everyone just wants to be there early since Grammie is all alone making dinner for everyone and they just have a healthy relationship with each other even Maia (Grandpa's current wife) and Grammie.


Throughout the entire ride, Elia was quiet. Lizzie often caught a glance where Elia's tear cascaded down her cheeks and hurriedly wiped it out so that nobody notices but unfortunately, Lizzie saw it and decided to not comment on it.

Though it worried her mother to no end when Lizzie saw that her daughter pushed aside her emotion.

30 minutes later, they arrived at Grammie's. Elia was too caught up in her mind to notice the various cars in the driveaway, meaning everyone was there.

Elia doesn't even know when her mother leads her inside of the house until she feels someone hugging her and the scent that is too familiar for her.

So instead of pulling away, she just hugs the person back.

After being touch deprived for a month now, she's finally getting all the huggers back. Oh, this will be amazing when she goes back to Atlanta and her Aunt Scarlett obviously would not let her go.

The person that hugged Elia was Grammie.

She knew today was going to be a lot for Eliana.

"You okay there? Do you want to go take a nap before dinner?" Grammie asks worriedly as she pulls away and checks over Elia's body looking for any injuries.

Seriously, do they think that Elia is gonna go into war with The Drew's? She just simply wants to talk with them.

"I'm okay, Grammie. I promise" Elia said, smiling at her Grammie.

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