Chapter 82

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"Baby why are you locking the door? Are you okay? Adelaine?"

It's 9 in the morning. Lizzie was knocking on Elia's door to check her daughter. Yesterday, after lunch, Elia got discharged from the hospital after the doctors assured the parents that Elia is now only having a slight fever and her hands are looking good already.

Today is the day where Lizzie and Seb have to start going back to work because their week off has ended. They can't take another day off though because they are running tight on schedule.

"I don't want you to get sick Mama. But I'm okay though" Elia replied as her voice muffled behind the door.

"Elia open the door" Lizzie said, sighing heavily

"Mama, you're gonna be late to go to work" Elia responded

"Well I need to check you first" Lizzie argues

"Do you have your phone with you?" Elia asks out of sudden

"Yes?" Lizzie replied unsure

And then Lizzie's phone rang. It was Elia who FaceTime her and Lizzie accepted the calls. Elia's face immediately lit up the screen. She seems to be laying in her bed.

"See? I'm fine. I've checked my temperature and yes, it's indeed still a slight fever but just slightly" Elia exclaims

"When did you check it?" Lizzie asks

"2 hours ago"

"I'm not gonna leave you all alone at home, Adelaine. Come with me to the set" Lizzie said

"I'm sick Mama. I can't go around and let people get infected by me" Elia replied annoyingly.

Lizzie was hesitate

"Mama, pleaseeee"

"You're sick, Adelaine. No one's at home to take care of you and I'll be at work worrying the hell out of my mind that my daughter might pass out or something worse. Open the door now" Lizzie argues

"Okay, how about this. I'll stay with you on FaceTime the whole day. You'll bring your iPad so that we could keep FaceTime on your iPad if you need to use your phone for other things. I won't end the call if you or Papa are not home yet. How's that?" Elia said, trying to make a deal.

"In that way it's a win-win situation for us both. You have to go to work and still can look after me if I possibly pass out and I won't make anyone fall sick because of me" Elia added.

Lizzie then thought it over and over and reluctantly agreed with her daughter.

"Sometimes it's so annoying that you're so smart and determined" Lizzie muttered under her breath

"Because I'm your daughter"

"Have you eaten?"

"Cereal for breakfast and I know you'll order something for me for lunch soon" Elia replied and shot her mother a pointed look at the last statement. She knows her mother all too well.

"Okay, anything in particular you want or same menus?"

"I could live forever with Fettuccine carbonara," Elia said, smirking. That's her favorite menu ever.

"With shrimp?" Lizzie prompts, matches the smirk on Elia's face

"You know me all too well, Mama. I'm so proud of you" Elia said, grinning mischievously

Lizzie just chuckles and shakes her head while she gets in her car to drive to the set. Sebastian had already gone to the set because he needed to be there early.

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