Chapter 56

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It has been 2 days.

Meaning that today is the day where Lizzie has to leave Elia here.

She was dreading this day.

Elia has shown to her that she was literally okay with Lizzie going but it's all just a show to not worry her mother.

She can do this. She has to be okay with this. Lizzie deserves a rest. Elia had enough on burdening people with her trauma.

"I swear to god Stan. Don't have too much fun without me. AND don't do anything stupid. Elia's bones are still healing. I don't want a call telling me that she's in a hospital again" Lizzie warns them as they are now at the airport.

"Mama, we never do anything stupid" Elia said

"No? I'm sorry, let me recall" Lizzie said as she sarcastically thinking

"What about the day that your nose can't stop bleeding because you guys are playing piggyback ride until you slipped and have a minor concussion? And then your nearly sprained ankles at the backyard jumping on the trampoline and your nearly second concussion when you and your father decided to backflip at the pool?" Lizzie said. Scarlett, Chris and Seb behind Elia.

"Okay, point made" Seb said when he saw Lizzie was about to listed it more

Elia then giggles quietly and cups her mother face with both her hands

"Mama, I promise I won't do anything stupid and I'll wait for you to have much more fun together okay?" Elia promises her mother softly and pecks her mother's lip in a daughterly way.

Lizzie's heart melted at this. She really hit the jackpot to deserve this kind of daughter.

"I love you and I'll miss you so much" Elia added

Lizzie's eyes started to form a tears

"I love you much more, Adelaine and I'll miss you so much too" Lizzie replied, sniffling.

"You're gonna make me cry mama" Elia said quietly, pouting.

It's true, Elia was gonna cry when she saw her mother's eyes clouding with tears.

"Okay nope. No tears both of you because then I'll have tears too" Scarlett said interjecting before it gets worse.

Elia hugs her mother one last time for longer and pulls away from the hug.

"Please take care of her," Lizzie said while hugging her fiance.

"She's my daughter too, you know" Seb said, laughing and then kissed Lizzie for the last time before they had to go.

"I know. I love you both" Lizzie replied

"We love you too, mama," Seb said.

"Evans-" Lizzie started as she looks at Chris but Chris cut her off

"I already got plenty of threats from Scarlett. I promise I'll be the mature one and keep an eye on Elia and her father. Not to leave Elia alone with Mackie for too long" Evans said

Lizzie just raised her eyebrow in shock at Scarlett. That's exactly what she was about to say to Chris but apparently someone beat her to it.

"She's basically my daughter too you know" Scarlett answered while rolling her eyes. Elia just laughs quietly.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. Just you wait till you have your own kids" Lizzie said

"Yeah, in the next 20 years" Seb said while protectively wrapping his arms around Eliana.

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