Chapter 30

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3 hours later, Elia's awake in her own room, alone.

She takes a look at her surroundings and notices that her blinds were closed, which makes her room dark and she could see her phone on her bedside table. She picks it up, tap on the screen and the clock shown '4:15pm'

That's a long nap.

She was contemplating whether to either call her mom to pick her up or just walk to the living room. She decided to call her mom, and didn't wanna make everyone shocked and worried when she was supposed to be bedrest.

But then, she decided to let them rest from treating her. She could stay in her bed, scrolling her phone, maybe study a bit? Can she? Yeah, she could study a bit though. Well, it's not making her walk so, she'll do that.

She takes her iPad, goes through all the notes that she made and soon to be made thoroughly.

30 minutes later, her door open to be reveal her mother and Lizzie was shocked when she saw Elia's on her iPad

"Hey baby, you're awake" Lizzie said smiling sitting on the edge of the bed next to Elia and kissing the top of her daughter's head and then her cheeks.

"Why don't you call me? I put your phone on the bedside table" Lizzie added

"Decided to give you a rest" Elia replied

"I am resting even when I'm with you. we won't do anything, we'll just simply stay in the couch watching movies" Lizzie said and then glance at Elia's iPad and raise her eyebrow at Elia

"I'm not walking" Elia argues when she saw Lizzie looking at her iPad

"We've talked about this" Lizzie said

Elia just pouts and essentially transfer herself into her mother lap carefully and hugging her mother tightly making Lizzie chuckles at her daughter antics

"You're gonna be the death to all of us Adelaine" Lizzie said laughing and then kissing her daughter head

"Bold of you to assume I'm gonna let all of you died" Elia replied

"I know baby" Lizzie said and lay on her daughter's bed making Elia on top of her mother. Luckily, Elia's not so heavy and Lizzie loves to baby her daughter like this.

"Does it hurt anywhere anymore?" Lizzie asks, breaking the silence while she's rubbing her daughter back up and down softly.

"Nope. I'm comfortable enough. Especially right now" Elia replied, sighing and smiling, making Lizzie smile at her clingy daughter.

Then, more silence. Comfortable silence while Lizzie just slowly rubbing her daughter back gently comforting Elia's.

"We've watched your videos" Lizzie started and Elia just hummed in response

"Including your song," Lizzie added. Elia who was fiddling with her mother's hands immediately froze. Lizzie notices it. Lizzie doesn't want to lie to Elia, in order to make Elia comfortable with them, they have to be honest and not keep secrets and Lizzie wants to get to know her daughter better.

"Baby, from now on whatever you've been feeling, you come to me or your dad okay? That's what parents do. They helped their child in every situation. I don't want you to go through everything all alone anymore because you have us now. No judgment, baby. because we love you no matter what and my love for you is getting bigger day by day." Lizzie explains to Elia

Elia just stays silent when Lizzie explains it to her. No tears because she's running out of tears for today.

"I know mama. Thank you for being the mother I've always wanted. In fact, you are more than what I wished for. I love you so much" Elia replied, whispering.

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