Chapter 96

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Scarlett, Chris and Isaac walk inside the house, slightly worried and hoping that everything is okay.

It is currently 5 in the evening.

And as they walked inside, they saw the family of three were snoring on the couch and Luna was on Sebastian's left. In the middle of Lizzie and Seb was Elia, who were looking peacefully after everyone noticed her exhaustion in her face.

"Huh, they really took advantage of their break time" Scarlett said, scoffing sarcastically but nevertheless she's happy seeing the family of three back together again like this.

"Oh yeah I can't be mad at Elia for this" Isaac said.

They are supposed to be picking Isaac at the airport an hour ago but clearly they aren't seeing as they are asleep on the couch.

Isaac then called Scarlett to ask her about Lizzie, Elia and Sebastian since she's their neighbor but Scarlett was on set and on her break with Chris so she picked Isaac's up with Chris and went to the house straight to check up if something had happened to the family.

"Well, let me take pictures of this first and we can wake them up with hell" Chris said, taking a several pictures of the Olsen- Stan family and setting up his camera to record the 'hell' he's about to waking up

And Scarlett just stands aside, shaking her head fondly at her boyfriend and laughing lightly.

Chris then starts to scream at the tops of his lungs "HELP! HELP! I'M DYING!"

With that the three of the Olsen- Stan family wake up with startle and gasping for air. Elia, Lizzie and Sebby were jumping from the couch in shock and it took them several blinks to see who's laughing their asses off and when the vision was cleared, the Olsen- Stan family facial expression turned into annoyed.

But then their face turned to shocked as they saw Isaac standing next to Chris with an eyebrow raised

"I am so sorry. We just- We were-" Sebastian stuttered

"We were clearly asleep as you saw just now" Elia amended as there is no point in lying because they did see them sleeping on the couch.

"Well, I'm glad you're finally asleep. Don't want you to be pass out tomorrow in the middle of our scenes" Isa jokes which Elia responded with a glare

"Well, are you hungry?" Lizzie asks, scrunching her face.

"It's fine Lizzie. I'm okay. Scarlett and Chris pick me up" Isa replied, chuckling at them. Lizzie had become some sort of his second mother since Lizzie's in Elia's life. "But to answer your question, I'm not hungry but I'm starving"

"Well, why don't you go change and clean yourself up while I cook something for dinner? Scar, Chris, you're staying right?" Lizzie asks and the three of the others nodded their heads.

"Well come on let's go to your room. Honestly I just want to give you the store room but apparently Mama said it's not nice" Elia said, taking Isa and Luna upstairs.

"Wow, I'm so flattered Adelaine" Isaac replied, as he climbed the stairs, following Elia.

Lizzie just took a deep breath after hearing the banter. It has begun....

"Babes, no running in the house until you both finish your scenes. Mama's don't want any of her kids getting injured when work is not finished yet!" Lizzie yells from downstairs

Yeah, Isaac and Maggie are included as Lizzie's kids just as much as Elia's to the other adults too.

"Fine, Mother" Lizzie received both responses in grunts.

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