Chapter 43

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The next day, Elia woke up super early at 5 am. When she's awake, she notices that she's in the middle of her parents who were still sound asleep. She didn't remember when they crawled into their bed. She usually notices them but guess not for last night.

Elia knows she can't go back to sleep. So, she just slowly gets out of the bed so as not to wake her parents. They need their sleep because they have to be awake at 8 am and gotta be at circuit by 9.30 am.

Elia grabs her hoodie, and doesn't wanna bother showering yet. She goes to the backyard, sitting there taking all the peaceful sounds, the calm sounds though her inside were chaos running wild, thinking about the possibilities of today.

She's tried very hard to take the positive effect but the strong desire to not abandon this feeling is bothering her. Guess, this is the reason she can't sleep properly.

And guess, it's not only her who can't sleep properly. Because there's someone sitting next to her studying her body language who seems to be tense and deep in thoughts.

"Elia" A voice snapped her from her own thoughts before it got worse.

Elia jumps from her seat and panting, holding her chest in shock.

"Jamie, don't scare me like that!" Elia scolds him. Jamie just chuckles and raises his both hands up in the air as surrender.

They just sat in comfortable silence. They both understand each other. What's going on and everything right now.

"It's bothering me too" Jamie started to break the silence after 5 minutes. Elia take a deep breath and exhales shakily

"I just don't want to feel like this. No matter how hard I try to push away that thought, it comes back stronger. It's like giving me some warning but I don't know what and when" Elia stated.

"It's the worse feeling ever" Jamie said agreeing with the comment

"Yeah," Elia whispers quietly.

"You know, maybe a reflection test will take our mind off of it?" Jamie asks

They both needed distraction and right now, only the two people who have the same feelings about it can distract each other.

"That's a great idea. Come on, I could teach you how to focus on your reflection/reaction since you're so sucky at it" Elia said, smirking at the teasing she's thrown at Jamie.

"Okay Miss Olsen! That's rude!" Jamie said pretending to be hurt by the comment while Elia just chuckles.

They both got inside taking 2 tennis balls and started their reflection/reaction test.

It's been going on for about 2 hours doing the same thing over and over again.

Jamie is getting good at it. Elia did teach him the best way to focus on it. They then continued with light warming up, light endurance training. Just getting ready for today's event and not doing the heavy work much.


Meanwhile inside, the adults started to get up and get ready for the day. Lizzie and Seb started to stirs awake at the same time and when they woke up, they smiled at each other and when they looked down, there's one person who was missing. Their daughter

"She must've been awake early again" Lizzie said sighing worriedly

"It's fine. She must've been just roaming in the house. She knows not to go outside in other's people country" Seb assuring his fiancé

"I have had this weird feeling since yesterday. No, since we've arrived in Monaco. I can't describe these feelings but it was this terrible feeling like waiting for something worst to be happen" Lizzie stated

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