Chapter 18

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Lucky for them the set was still being prepared for the next scenes and they were on their tea break too. Isaac didn't leave Elia's side for once because he felt guilty for not accompanying her to the car.

Elia has now fallen asleep in her mother's embrace. Her pale face didn't go away and it makes Lizzie worried more and more. And her shaking somehow has tuned down a little bit but if you hug her tight, you could still feel her body vibrating, trembling.

"That's the longest panic attack she's ever had '' Isaac stated broke the silence but never broke the states to Elia's sleeping figure. Everyone looks at Elia and then at Isaac in sorrow.

"And this is her second time having a panic attack in her entire life. The first time it happened was when she's really tired from over-studied at Drew's. She didn't sleep for 4 days straight. Didn't have an appetite to eat and when I came to pick her up, she was having her panic attack explaining to me why she suddenly goes missing" Isaac explained.

"I think it's time to let people know what they want. And then, we can get a restraining order from the police for Elia. And she'll not go anywhere without no one by her side ever again. I mean it" Lizzie said, pissed.

"Yeah, I agree with you. get the restraining order, tell them to keep their distance at least 5- mile radius from her" Scarlett said suggesting and everyone was just agreeing with her.

And then the Russo's come to them in shock seeing Elia's pale face and they just say 'paps chaos' and the Russo's immediately understand.

"We have several problems. Technical, prop and electricity. It's gonna take 2 weeks to repair the damage and we have come to the decision that we'll take a break for 2 weeks" Joe Russo broke the news to them. they just nodded their head understanding.

"Can we go home now?" Seb asks and the brother's nod their heads.

Lizzie was about to wake Elia up but Elia was suddenly shaking and started convulsing, making everyone surprised, shocked and scared at the same time.

"ELIANA, ELIA" Lizzie screams in panic

"GET THE MEDIC" Joe Russo said in panic to one of the crew.

They laid her down to the floor. The medic came in a rush bringing the stretcher and they took a slight look at Elia's eyes and they all could see her eyes turning to all white.

Lizzie was looking at her daughter in horror while Scarlett, Gwyneth and Brie held her down. Seb and the gentlemen were cautious getting ready if they needed to carry her to the car. The medic brings Elia to her sides for 30 seconds and other sides for 30 seconds. They were scared to death and didn't realize they were holding their breath when they saw Elia stopped convulsing. The medic also showed a relieved face. And then they could hear the ambulance coming around the corner.

They put her on the stretcher and they carry her to the ambulance and Lizzie gets in the ambulance with her daughter. She couldn't stop the tears and didn't let go of her daughter's hands the entire time to the hospital. The others followed behind the ambulance in their own cars.

"How long was she seizing?" the medic from the ambulance asks

"5 minutes 30 seconds" the medic from the set replied. Then, they both exchanged worried glances.

"Why? What's wrong?" Lizzie asks, noticing the glance from both medics.

"We have to wait for the doctor confirmation first" the medic from the ambulance said

"Just tell me!" Lizzie said furiously

The medics look at each other and gives in

"She's having a panic attack before seizing right? If she's seizing for more than 3 minutes, we worry if she's going to wake up or not because the oxygen didn't reach her brain. And that would be declared as brain dead. But let's just hope that it wasn't true and wait for the doctor's confirmation" the medic from the set informs Lizzie.

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