Chapter 88

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As Lizzie just continuously stared at her daughter, who is currently on the verge of sleeping, Lizzie decided to just talk it out.

"You know that Mama and Daddy love you right?" Lizzie started. Elia cracked an eye open to look at her mother in question but nonetheless she just nodded her head. Of course she knows it.

"You know that Mama and Daddy don't want anyone else anymore to become our daughter, our kids. We have you and that is enough" Lizzie informs.

Elia was frozen when she heard that and her Mama could feel her daughter tensing in her embrace. That just made Lizzie's heartbreak over and over.

"Eli, Baby, we would never replace you if that's what you are thinking about. We'll never replace you, especially with the boys. We understand where that thought is coming from and we'll always be here to assure you that no one could ever replace you in our heart, Baby." Sebastian said softly as Lizzie shot him a pleading look and a heartbroken look. She couldn't do this without breaking down but at the same time she can't because then Elia will absolutely feel guilty to make her Mama cry like that.

"And in order for us to be there for you to assure and comfort you is that you have to tell us what's bothering you so we'll understand you better. Like Mama said before, she and I are still trying to be a perfect parent to our sweet girl" Sebastian added.

Lizzie was beyond grateful that she got Sebastian with her to go through this parenthood. She's lucky to have him and she knows Elia is also lucky to have Sebastian as a father too.

"I just don't wanna sound like a pathetic needy child" Elia mumbles quietly.

"There's no pathetic term when a child is needy to their parents. No one will judge that. It's normal for a child to need their parents. What's not normal is when a child is distant with their parents. And god forbid you will be distant with us because Mama and Daddy are also needy with their Adelaine" Lizzie states

"Such as snuggles and cuddles. Like all the time. If I can keep you on my side when I'm working, I'll gladly do it" Lizzie added as she dug to Elia's side, making her squirm because of the tickling feelings.

And not going to school in person are another sign of her parents 'selfishness'

Especially after everything that had happened, they want to keep a close eye on their daughter. Not gonna let her out of their sight for more than 4 hours.

Elia just sighs in content.

"I'm sorry for keeping it from you guys. Just don't wanna worry you both and I understand that it's all because of your line of work. So it's all fine actually but I'm glad you both talk to me about it nevertheless" Elia exclaims as she looks at her Mama and Daddy back and forth.

"I know I've said this way too many times before but I'm just so glad that I got a wise baby girl and so grateful you're here with us" Lizzie states.

"I know. I'm awesome just like that aren't I?" Elia teases while she snuggles more on her mother's side.

"Oh NO NO! You're spending way too much time with your father" Lizzie said, flabbergasted.

Elia just chuckles with Sebastian

"Can we go to sleep? I don't feel like I wanna be grumpy tomorrow because of my lack of sleep." Elia added

"Yeah, yeah. Go to sleep Baby" Lizzie just rolled her eyes playfully. "You're spending too much time with your father. I'm gonna change that"

"Hey, it's cute you know when she became my mini me" Sebastian defense himself

"Yeah, no. I can't handle 2 Sebastian Stan. I barely survive my heart attack when you both decide to go against me every, single, time"

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