Chapter 10

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The next day

Elia wakes up at 8 am because she's used to it. She looks up to see Lizzie still sleeping and her arms wrap around Elia making her smile to herself.

How could her life turn out to be this drastic in just one week knowing Lizzie? She thought to herself. She was so happy she found the beginning of the happiness she's been looking for. She has someone she could crawl up in the middle of the night if she didn't get to sleep, someone that would truly care for her, comforts her when she's crying. Sure, it won't be a beautiful ride all the time. There are no such things. It will have a roller coaster mood but she's ready to be on that journey with Lizzie. Her mom.

She finally could call someone her mom. She's been craving to do that but then she stopped thinking about it. Then, when she met Lizzie, her hopes were high back. And she was beyond happy when she finally could.

"hm, what would my baby girl thinking at 8 in the morning" Lizzie asks making Elia snapped out of her thoughts

She was smiling to herself

"Morning mama" Elia said and kissed her mother's cheeks and Lizzie returned the gesture but with a sloppier kiss making Elia giggles.

She would never tire of hearing that giggles.

"Why don't you go get ready and then we'll have breakfast together" Lizzie said as they both sat up on the bed.

"Don't you have work today?" Elia asks confusedly

"Yes. We could go after breakfast and then you could do your online classes in my trailer" Lizzie said

"I could do my classes at home mom. I don't wanna be a bother in your trailer" Elia said furrowing her eyebrows

"Don't be silly. I don't want you to be alone at home. It's gonna make me so much relief if you were in front of me whole the time and knowing you were there making me calm" Lizzie said

"Are you sure?" Elia asks again. she's not used to this much affection in her life before so, it's a bit strange for her at first.

"100%. I can't sit knowing my baby is at home alone" Lizzie said sternly making Elia playfully roll her eyes and laugh. She gets up and leave the room to get ready

"I'm 14, not a baby anymore" Lizzie heard Elia's muffled voices from the hallway to her bedroom.

She just chuckles at her daughter's remark. And at the same time, she's worried because Elia is used to getting up at 8 am. They're gonna have a lot of changes and new rules for sure to adapt.

Then, they were both getting ready and Lizzie was preparing breakfast for both of them when Scarlett and Chris came in.

"Hey, squirt" Chris greets Elia who were just came to the kitchen with her school stuff

"Uncle Chrissy!" Elia greets back happily

"Hi aunt Scarlett" Elia said hugging Scarlett because she's near her.

"Woah that's a lot of book" Scarlett asks when she notices Elia's school stuff

"How many classes did you have today?" Lizzie asks

"Uh biology only for today" Elia replied

"So, why is there biology, Physics and LAW?! You studied law too?" Lizzie asks shocked

"Don't I have to study after my classes?" Elia said much more confused

and with that all the three adults fell into silent tense.

"Eli, it's okay. Today you'll just bring your biology book. Did you have any other assignment that you should've submitted for tomorrow?" Lizzie said

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