Chapter 2

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"this is Lizzie, Jeremy, Scarlett, Chris and Sebastian. They are my work friends and decided to bother me today" RDJ said introducing them at Elia
Elia just chuckles at his comments. And she just awkwardly waved at them and smiling. They return the gestured but they were in awed looking at the little girl because of her looks. She was pretty, soft and beautiful with her brown and blonde-ish hair colour at the end of her hair.
"kid, you are so fast and I'm not joking when I say I was kinda scared you drove so fast like that" Chris Evans said making Elia blush. she never got any compliment from another person except from Isaac because as you can see, Isaac is the only person that cared for Elia in her entire life.
She was saved by the crew calling her to the stage for award receiving.
"okay kid, time to go. We'll be watching you from here. And when you came back, we can chit chat a little bit more" RDJ said and Elia was confused to why they want to chit chat with Elia but her thoughts were once again interrupted by Isaac team manager asking her to follow him to the stage and she looks at Isaac and Isaac immediately understood that she wants him to be there with her so, that's what Isaac do. Follows her till the backstage.
Elia was freaking out because there were cameras, and people everywhere. Luckily, Elia got security to protect her from all of the crowd.
After the award receiving, Elia internally relief because it was done. Too many people she saw today. And then Elia and Isaac walk back to their booth
"you literally don't know who they are aren't you?" Isaac asks chuckling at Elia
"what? They who?" Elia asks confused which makes Isaac laughs more at Elia
"Mr. Downey and his friends" Isaac said in between laughs
"why? Who are they?" Elia asks kinda panicked
"nope, not gonna tell you till you figured this out" Isaac said. He loves teasing Elia. He knows Elia didn't care much about the entertainment world because she has no time watching TV anyways. She spends her time studying most of the time.
Elia just groaning in frustration and rolled her eyes at Isaac. She actually didn't care much about them. they not gonna be in her life forever. So, why should she care about it? she thought to herself
And Elia is kinda surprised when they saw all of them were still in her booth
"we told you we'll be waiting for you" Scarlett said chuckling when she saw Elia kinda surprised to see them still there.
"how about we go for a drink? My treat" RDJ said
"it's always your treat Downey" Lizzie said rolling her eyes and smiling
Elia was dumbfounded. They want to go for a drink with her?
"come on kids" Evans said to Isaac and Elia
"oh, I'm sorry but I have to rush home" Isaac said
"I'll see you soon Lia, if anything just calls me okay?" Isaac said turning to Elia and Elia was kinda freaking out and sad. Freaking out because she was left all alone with these strangers and sad because she will not see Isaac for 3 months but she nods to him nevertheless. They give each other goodbye hugs.
"bye Isa" Elia said smiling waving at him as he walks away
"come on squirt, we're needs some ice-breaking session with you" Jeremy said clapping his hand to gain Elia attention. Elia just nods at them and she was about to walks away with them when Joshua stops her
"Elia, I'm just gonna give you a heads up. Tonight, you'll received email and after you read the email, you ring me okay?" Joshua said smiling at her making her more confused. Today is the most confusing day for Elia but Elia just nods her head and walk with the others to their car which surprisingly they took a limo.
It was 6 pm by now and it has been 3 hours Elia with them. they said 'drink'. Mostly beer and cocktail for the men but for Elia and the girls just having normal drinks.
Elia just tell them about her F4 journey. Even though she just started the journey but she knows a lot about F4. And Elia seems to have been warm up with the cast.
"so, um sorry if this is too early to ask but I'm just curious, where did you guys work at?" Elia asks bluntly and she swear she could see the adults were shocked hearing that
"I'm sorry for crossing the boundaries, you don't have to answers that. I'm really sorry. I just not great interacting with people" Elia said as she notices the adults faces.
"no, sweetheart. It's not that. we just shocked that you didn't know our jobs" Lizzie said
Elia makes her confused face expression once again. she did not know what are they talking about.
"can we forget what I asked though? I could sense your uneasiness" Elia said
"um, I'm gonna go to the ladies for a while. Excuse me" Elia added and stood up from her seat make her way to the toilet.
"she did not know who we are" Lizzie said when Elia was out of their earshot
"she's pure" Evans said
"too pure for this world. Could you see how she acted like? How old is she?" Sebastian asks
"too mature for her age. The way she talks with us" RDJ said
"but, I'm more concerned about her social skills. She didn't touch anyone other than that boy we saw at the booth today. And she said she's not good interacting with people. I'm gonna assume she has social anxiety" Lizzie stated.
"why don't we just ask her more. For the past 3 hours she didn't once talk about herself or her family" Scarlett suggested
"that's actually a great idea and I suggests we don't tell her about our jobs either." Lizzie said agreeing with Scarlett and the others just nodded their head agreeing and waiting for Elia to be back
When Elia is back and sat back on her seats the others just staring at her making her feel uncomfortable
"so, Elia. You're 14, right? What school did you go to?" RDJ asks first
"yup 14 but not official yet. My birthday is another 2 months. And I didn't go to school. Um I was signed up for online classes" Elia answered. Even she just met with these people but she feels safe around them even when they are suspicious sometimes.
"what about your family?" Jeremy asks and Elia tense hearing the question and everybody notices that she instantly looking at the ground.
"don't have one. um I live with my foster parent. They don't even care about me. All they know is they want me to be lawyer, they want me to follow each of their dreams but they didn't even call or text me once to ask how I'm doing" Elia accidentally pour her hearts out at them. and she regret it immediately
"I'm sorry" Elia mumbles
The others were stunned hearing what Elia just told them.
"don't be. It's okay. Are there anything else you want to tell us?" Lizzie said comforting the poor little girl. She has such maternal instinct immediately.
Elia just shaking her head as no.
They decided to changes the topic seeing Elia is uncomfortable
"okay. About our jobs. Why don't you find out yourself?" Chris Evans said smirking to Elia to lighten up the mood
"how?" Elia asks arching her eyebrow confusing
"you know our names. You could google us" RDJ said
"I don't like googled people because most of what internet said is not the truth. And I like to see what you guys are from my perspective not google perspective" Elia said informing them
"are you sure you're 14 years old?" Scarlett asks stunned at how mature that girl is.
Elia smiles at them
"it's okay though. You guys can tell me when you're ready. And If you don't want for me to know it's up to you too. I respect your decision either way" Elia said
Once again, the others were taken a soft spot for Elia in their heart.
They talk more and more about F4 seeing as that was the only topic Elia could talk about for now, they decided to have dinner too. They lost their track of time and Elia check out her phone to see what time is now but her phone is died already.
"um can you tell me what time is it? my phone just died" Elia asks
"10:30 pm" Jeremy replied looking checking the time at his phone.
Elia eyes was widened for a while and then she calmed again because she remembered the Drew's doesn't really care about the curfew. They just care that Elia for straight A's in her exam. Not just straight A's but Straight A+.
"what time is your curfew?" Evans asks
"um 9 pm I guess" Elia said
"it's 10:30 pm already Elia. Come on, let's get you home" Lizzie said
"they don't really care actually. They just care about my grades that's all" Elia said mumbling but loud enough for all of them to heard that.
"but anyway, I need to go home. I'm kinda tired and I have full day of classes" Elia added smiling at them to ease the tension
"you have classes on Saturday?" Scarlett asks
"don't Saturday and Sunday is a holiday?" Sebastian asks
"for others? Yes. For me? Only Sunday" Elia answered casually like it was the normal thing for her
"and what did you do on Sunday?" Renner asks
"um revision" Elia replied quietly knowing how they will react
"you spend 7 days a week studying? Did you actually go out enjoying what teenagers usually does?" Lizzie asks concerned.
"I didn't do much human interaction because my foster parent said that they care about me getting straight A+" Elia replied
"STRAIGHT A+?!" Everyone asks in unison making Elia flinched at that sound
"so, you're genius? Like literally genius?!" Evans asks astounded at the information
Elia just shrugs her shoulder
"I don't do well with history though" Elia replied nonchalantly
"damn" Elia heard Sebastian mumbled under his breath impressed. In fact, everyone was impressed.
"could- could someone send me home if it was not inconvenience for you?" Elia asks
"come on, I'll send you home. Let's go" Lizzie said standing up from her seat and waiting for Elia saying goodbye to everyone and guiding her to her car.
Ooo! Elia is pure for this world! Protect our baby girl at all cost! ❤️
For this story I'll update every day and I've decided that I'm gonna post my Evansson twins story but soon since I'm busy with my internship for the time being.

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