Chapter 74

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After her episodes , everyone just goes back to doing whatever they were doing before.

As Elia notice she's the one without a task assigned to, she asks her mother to help

"You could help me cut these vegetables, yeah?" Lizzie said.

They are intentionally not giving Elia any task because there's nothing much she could do. Her hands can't even lift a pen nonetheless helping them with cutting vegetables that required her to lift up and down holding the thing that weighed more than the pen.

"But I don't think I ca-" Elia said mumbling, realizing her disability.

"Come here" Lizzie said, opening her arms and Elia simply obliged and crawled into her mother's lap. Lizzie positioned them carefully and she asked Elia to simply just hold the knife and the vegetables as her own hands on top of Elia's hand.

Elia just smiles through her mother's actions that make her heart swell. Lizzie did anything just to make sure Elia was happy. How come did The Drew's think that they want something from Elia? Even so, what are the things that Elia could give to them? They're superstars, movie superstars for god sake. They could buy anything and everything.

Just a few minutes passed by, Elia's hand started to shake. The pressure on her hands with the muscles that were damaged caused that. Lizzie of course took notice of this and exchanged their hands position. So Elia's hand was now on top of it.


"Yes baby?"

"I think I'm going to have a mental breakdown"

Lizzie stops her cutting immediately upon hearing that. She knew the time would come but she just didn't know when.

"Yeah?" Lizzie asks as she turns Elia around to face her.

"I think it's started to kick in from the meeting earlier" Elia replied as she fiddled with Lizzie's ring.

Everyone in the room could hear the cracking in Elia's voice.

"You know you could cry right? Anytime you want to cry, you can cry. I'm gonna be right here with you" Lizzie comforts

"I haven't broken down since that night" Elia mumbles quietly as her tears flow out of her cheeks.

"You haven't? Why?" Lizzie asks worriedly as she continues to stroke Elia's hair that makes Elia want to cry more for the touch that she's been missing all this while.

"Because you weren't there"

Elia was started to hiccupping to contain her sobbing

"I just have tears flowing down my cheeks but I haven't cry"

"I waited because I was worried that if I cry all alone, I can't stop and it'll make you guys worried about me. So I waited to have a mental breakdown because I know you'll be able to comfort me and make me stop. I wanted to wait so that you could comforts me properly after we've settled things between us"

"It's okay baby. I'm here now. Do you want me to get Daddy?" Lizzie asks but she just shoots a look at MK and MK goes to get Sebastian

"Everyone will be okay if I cry? They don't see me as some weak pathetic girl?" Elia asks

"Nope. We all cry all the time, Bubs. We'll be more worried if you didn't cry" Grammie said

Elia just nodded her head. She was really close to sobbing out loud but her tears kept on falling freely.

That was until Aunt MK came back into the kitchen with her Daddy looking at her while smiling sadly that made her burst out, finally sobbing. Aunt MK must've explained to Daddy before they come. 

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