Chapter 87

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"Where's Eli?" Lizzie asks worriedly

"Who?" Sebastian teases, didn't notice the tense in Lizzie's voice.

"Are you kidding me? Where's our daughter Sebastian?" Lizzie asks once again in panic mode and this time Seb caught it

"Woah, woah, Honey, she's fine. We're in the backyard, stargazing. Relax Babe, she's fine" Sebastian assured his fiancé.

"She's not answering my call" Lizzie said

"That's because her phone is upstairs in her room, charging" Seb informs.

That managed to release some stress over Lizzie's head, thinking that her daughter might be angry or sulking at her because of the boy's incident that she herself didn't notice about.

"Did you guys eat dinner already?"

"We have. Breakfast for dinner" Sebastian replied

"Don't tell me you gave her cereal for dinner?"

"No. She said she wants my blueberry pancakes tonight. I tried to bribe her with anything else but she wants it tonight and gave me those damn puppy green eyes" Sebastian said, grumbling on the last part.

Lizzie chuckled slowly at that. That's Elia's favorite thing to do. That damn puppy green eyes she let out to her parents, always work like a champ and they have to be strong for it from now on.

"And she said tomorrow she wants your toast with the blueberry jam," Sebastian added.

Her Mama's blueberry jam that she made herself for Elia. That's the only jam that Elia will have.

"Noted. How is she? Is she okay?" Lizzie said, started to inspect her daughter, searching for any signs of sadness.

"She's fine. Bullying the hell out of me with Luna. That damn dog always listens to her. But it's good to hear her laughing like that again. I think her fever broke already. I've taken 3 temperatures of her and it all came out good" Seb exclaims softly.

Lizzie, who didn't intentionally hold her breath waiting for Sebastian to answer it, finally breathed out of relief upon hearing it. In addition, Elia's fever finally broke.

"She didn't seem upset at all?" Lizzie asks for confirmation.

"No, Babe. Is there something going on?" Seb asks confusedly

Lizzie then tells her fiancé everything from what Scarlett told her and Sebastian too having the same reaction as Lizzie. Clearly the parents are worried about it because as usual, it's Elia they're talking about.

"She hasn't said anything about it though. She also seems fine to me. If it's really bothering her, and she's hiding it very well, it won't end well Lizzie" Sebastian said, looking out to his daughter who was laying on the pool chair in the backyard with Luna.

"It's okay. I'll talk to her when I get back after this if she hasn't fallen asleep yet" Lizzie said her plan to her fiancé.

"Yeah, I agree. We should talk to her and keep on assuring her that" Seb said, always supporting his best 2- girls.

"Can I talk to her?"

"What if I say no?" Sebastian said


"Because it's my time with her. You'll have it when you're not having a scene"

"No, she's my daughter too!"

"Yeah exactly. She's my daughter too. I was having a blast with her, cuddling, snuggling and stargazing with her"

"Sebastian Leonid Stan, I swear to god if you're not giving the phone to my daughter in 5, I'll come back home right now and you'll sleep on the couch for a week"

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