Chapter 76

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Elia awakened at 9:30 in the morning in her parents bed.

She's not alone but there's one person missing. It was her Mama. Her Daddy was snoring like a truck. She was seriously wondering how she could sleep through it and her Mama? Well, Mama wakes early, which means she can't stand the snore either. Well, dear Elizabeth, you're marrying that man.

Elia then quietly crept out of the bed to not wake up her father and slowly goes downstairs knowing that's where her mother was.

As she goes to the kitchen, there's no sight of her mother which confuses her but then when she looks outside in the backyard, that's where she found her Mama was. Mama was in her garden, phone in hands, probably making Instagram Stories.

So, Elia feels like having a silly mood this morning because honestly they all deserve Silly Eliana back. Elia slowly approached her Mama who was focusing on talking to her phone about her blueberries. Yup, definitely making Instagram Stories then.

"...... back at the garden but today's gonna be a last day since I'll have to go film the new Avengers movie in Atlanta. So, I'll be picking up some blueberries because my daughter loves blueberries so much especially in her yogurt"

Elia heard when she approached her mother closer. It's cute, really. Her Mama loves to brag about her. She steps closer to her mother back but make sure to avoid the reflection from her mother's phone and then she goes hugging her mother from behind startling Lizzie, almost slip out the phone from her hands as Elia just laughs


"Adelaine! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Lizzie said, hands on her chest, panting and her other hand still holding the phone.

Elia was cheek to cheek with her mother as Lizzie was still videoing from her phone.

"I heard someone talking about me and my obsession with blueberries," Elia said innocently.

"Yeah, I was telling them that my daughter was so obsessed with her blueberries. She will literally put blueberries into everything. Blueberries milkshake, blueberries pancakes, eating just the blueberries even if there's another fruit. So, maybe someone out there will send me a ton of supply for the blueberries and I won't have to plant this blueberry anymore" Lizzie replied

"But you love planting the blueberries for me, Mommy," Elia said, pouting sarcastically and letting out her puppy eyes.

"This is why I can't say no to her. Even if she's comitted murder" Lizzie said looking away.

Elia just grinning mischievously at the camera

"Okay, someone clearly just woke up so I need to take care of this baby before the biggest baby wakes up. Say bye bye, Baby" Lizzie said. Elia just waves bye to the camera and Lizzie ends the recording.

"You woke early" Eia said, still hanging on the back of her mother's back and her hands on her mother's neck, hugging her Mama. Lizzie just continues picking the blueberries while hum in response

"Can't sleep any longer. And I've changed the plans for today's activity" Lizzie states

"Wow. You're not scared that Aunties might kidnap me to go to New York?" Elia asks in disbelief as she remembers her mother and her aunties banters last night.

"They would not kidnap you to go to New York without me and you, Little Missy, won't go anywhere out of my sight for a long time because I need my baby by my side all the time" Lizzie started and Elia chuckled on her mother's statement.

"And they all are going to come here instead. We're gonna have brunch together and I've invited others too"

"Others? Who?" Elia asks confusedly as they are now standing up to get into the house because Lizzie's done picking the blueberries.

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