Chapter 11

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"She's with Evans. She- she's. uh her nose bleeding" Seb said stuttering out of breath and with that everyone rushed to where Elia and Evans were.

When they arrived, they could see Evans was panicking but Elia looked somehow relaxed. Her face didn't show any kind of pain at all

"Eli, what happened?" Lizzie asks worriedly approaching her daughter. Elia just looks at her mother and everyone and then she laughs

"I told you it's fine guys. It doesn't hurt at all" Elia said looking at Mackie and Seb while laughing

"What happened, Eliana Adelaine Olsen?" Lizzie asks sternly

"My nose is bleeding. That's all mom. Don't worry" Elia said assuring her mother

"How and why?" Ruffalo asks then Elia looks at everyone and her mother

"You won't be mad at me or them, right?" Elia asks sweetly

"Eliana" Scarlett said eyeing her suspiciously

"Lizzie, we're so sorry! We just played around giving her a piggyback ride and then she slipped while at me and landed on her face first. I'm so sorry" Evans said apologizing at Lizzie

Lizzie just sighs and the look at Elia

"Does it hurt anywhere?" Lizzie asks to give her the new tissue since the old one was full with the blood already.

"Nope. Not hurt at all mom, guys. It's totally fine" Elia said laughing

"Yeah. the problem is-" Seb started and Lizzie turns to look at him in the eyes for him to continue but he was nervous by the look at mama bear Lizzie

"It won't stop bleeding and it's been going on for 15 minutes and also" Seb said and then pointing at the stack of tissue that full with her blood making everyone breath hitched at the stack of tissue full with her blood

Elia just grins cheekily at everyone

"Okay, that's it. We're going to hospital" all the ladies said in unison, making the gentleman scared for his life because they knew they would get 2 hours full with lectures.

"I'm gonna tell the Russo's" Paul B said and left to find the Russo's.

Elia couldn't stop laughing, making them worry more about her.


Scarlett, Chris and Seb followed Lizzie and Elia to the hospital and the others said they were gonna come too after they change. The whole ride to the hospital both men couldn't stop apologizing to the ladies. But Lizzie assured them it was fine. Accidents happen.

And then Elia suddenly groan in pain

"Okay, my head hurts," Elia said, wincing in pain. Her nose still couldn't stop bleeding.

Scarlett was speeding off when she heard Elia groaning in pain. Lizzie and Seb calm Elia's down and all Elia could do was shut her eyes for the pain to be gone.

When they arrived at the ER, Elia was immediately going to take an MRI because the doctor was very concerned about her head when the adults explained to them what had happened.

30 minutes later, all of the cast had arrived at the hospital and they were in the waiting room.

The doctor came, making everyone standing up abruptly

"She's fine now. The bleeding stopped 15 minutes ago. and she's just having a minor concussion. We already give her pain meds. And she's good to go in an hour or so" the doctor said and everyone sighs in relief

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