Chapter 84

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All the way to the set, Elia just laid in the co-driver seat, next to his father, looking out at the window and still couldn't stop crying.

It'd be a lie if the father wasn't worried about his daughter's condition like this. But he just kept holding Elia's hand while his other hand was steering the wheel.

"Is it the same one?" Sebastian decides to ask because this time seems to be harder for Eliana. He needs to know the context. Can't bear to watch Elia being sad like this.

"I've seen mine and Jamie's car crash into the wall. I- I tried to wake up, Papa but I can't and it- it continues repeatedly" Elia whispers brokenly as her tears fall like waterfall.

Sebastian's heart keeps breaking upon hearing it.

They've arrived at the set parking lot. It is near their trailer and the communal area but Sebastian wants to make sure that his daughters are okay and not too overwhelmed when everyone comes surrounding them.

"Can we go to your trailer? I don't think I'm ready to meet with everyone yet" Elia asks, whispering brokenly. She knows what her father is trying to do and appreciates it so much.

"Of course Princess. I think it's for the best too. Your Uncle Mackie can be a lot sometimes. Honestly I'm shocked with myself that I can stand him until now" Sebastian said, trying to lighten up the mood and it seemed to be working because Elia started to chuckle slightly.

They both got out of the car and went to Sebastian's trailer. Lucky for Elia, her father's team was not here except for Dorman, his assistant.

Seb settle Elia on the bed in the trailer

"Mama busy?"

"Let's text her and see if she's busy or not"

"How about you?"

"I'm free for the next hour"

Sebastian had done most of his scenes in the morning for occasions like this. He'll most likely busying himself with his scenes first to give Lizzie time with Elia to settle in.

"Cuddles with me?" Elia asks softly and pleadingly. Seb just smiles at his daughter's cuteness.

Sebastian gets under the cover, next to Eliana and immediately cuddles with his daughter while he's texting with Lizzie.

And just like what Sebastian's predicted, Lizzie replies within seconds. She must've been waiting for them to arrive.

"Mama's on her way" Sebastian said, putting his phone down and rubbing his daughter's back.


Lizzie and the others are waiting patiently at the communal area.

"I've talked with The Russo's. They agreed to extend your break time for 2 more hours" Bobbi explains.

Lizzie just nodded her head dismissively. She's too distracted to think about.

"Is that how it's always been?" Mackie asks worriedly after all of them were silent for a beat.

Lizzie just shakes her head as a 'No'

"It's never this hard to wake her up and calm her down" Lizzie replied

"I think one of the reasons is because Elia has a fever. So, she intends to be trapped in her dream. Most kids like that" Gwyneth exclaimed.

The others just nodded their heads, agreeing with what they heard because most of them have kids on their own too. So they agree with it.

"Then this means her temperature must've been high" Scarlett clarified

Lizzie just put her head in her hands, sighing in exasperation.

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