Chapter 13

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Somehow with all the excitement Elia got informing them she got a full mark on her math test, she forgot about the early conversation she caught between the adults.

They were now on their way to the set and Elia was eager to meet everyone because she's been missing them from her 3 days off because of her small accidents. Lizzie also didn't stop warning Elia to keep alert on her surroundings and be safe.

Seb was in his own car because he got scenes till midnight but he'll still come back to the apartment. Well, surely after this he'll move in with Lizzie and Elia at their new house.

"Sweetie, tomorrow I have scenes from morning till evening. So, your aunts will come and bring you shopping tomorrow, okay?" Lizzie informs her daughter

"MK and Aunt Ashley gonna come tomorrow? Yes! But why can't we just stay at home?" Elia said excitedly

"Because you need a whole new closet. As much as I want to choose your closet too, we can't postpone it anymore. so, you'll buy what you need with your aunts and then we'll continue shopping with me when I got an off day" Lizzie stated

"Okay mama," Elia agreed nonetheless.

Then, they pulled up to the set.

They get to Lizzie trailer first and then Elia waits for her mother to change her make-up and costume and they'll find everyone.

In the time being, Elia was face-timing with Isaac.

"I've got a week off and coincidentally my family too. So, I'll be flying to LA tomorrow!!" Isaac exclaimed happily

"Really?! I miss you!" Elia said shocked

"Oh my god I miss you more dork. You don't know how lonely I am here" Isaac said pretending to shed a tear making Elia laugh at him.

"So, how's your morning today?" Isaac asks. Even though they face-time each other every day, they'll ask about how their day's going, which is adorable.

"Sebby is still around and I love it because he's like a father to me you know? We're discussing my F4, what it'll be after this. Mom hired a bodyguard, an assistant and a driver for me. I was almost quitting from this because of the words spreading about me. You know how I feel about my privacy and I don't do any good with human interaction except for this family that I've just met. But luckily, mom and Sebby talk me into it. And my spirit lift back up" Elia informs him

"I'm so happy for you Lia. And don't worry you'll do good enough Lia. They see you as a talented girl not just because of your pretty face. Remember that!" Isaac reminded her, making Elia playfully roll her eyes and laugh at him.

They talked more for about 30 minutes and then they bid their goodbye because Lizzie is done with her make-up and costume and bringing Elia to the set with her because there's no way she'll let Elia wander off around the set all alone.

Once Elia and Lizzie arrived at the set, she saw everyone was there and Rose!

Rose immediately run to Elia excitedly and hugging her making everyone in awed at the situation

"I missed you! we can play together today while mommy and everyone filming" Rose said

"Aww! I missed you too pretty. Of course, we can. We will have so much fun today" Elia replied

"Hey, you didn't see me for 3 days. Doesn't uncle Christopher deserve a hug?" Chris E exclaimed and Elia had a good idea to tease him. She puts Rose down and pretending to be thinking for a moment

"I don't know. What do you think, Rose? Should I give him a hug?" Elia asks jokingly making Evans pretended to be offended

"Nah, you could only hug me today" Rose joining in

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