Chapter 53

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It has been 3 days since Elia got to go home. And 3 sleepless days. She's only talking when Rose is around and even when Isa is with her sometimes, all she could do is staring. Lizzie and Seb of course notice this and they really need to talk to Elia about this. Elia is getting hard to eat.

And after Elia tires out her body, she finally falls asleep when they are having movie night, just the three of them like old times. It makes the parents at ease knowing she is finally sleeping at least. Seb goes picking her up and bringing her to her room.


And just like what Elia predicted, she can't get proper sleep without nightmares coming around. She was screaming in blood curdling scream making the parents jolted up from their bed and sprinting to Elia's room.

Lizzie, the first one to arrive, flung open Elia's door and saw Elia sitting up in her bed screaming, covering her ears while shutting her eyes. The things that make the parents' hearts break more and more is the screaming Elia throws. It was nothing like pain but it's more to fear screaming she let out.

Lizzie hurried to her bed, hugging Elia from the back, comforting her

"It's okay baby, you're okay. you're safe baby. I'm here, Mama's here baby" Lizzie said whispering in her daughter's ears softly, hugging Elia from the back tightly.

When Elia heard her mother's voice, her screaming turned into sobbing. Another heartbroken sound for her parents. Seb goes in front of Elia while Elia sobs in her mother's embrace.

Lizzie and Seb face sighing and tears falling out from their eyes as they watch their daughter crying, sobbing like this.

"Take it away, please. Make it go away. I don't want this. I don't want it. help me mama, daddy. I can't do this anymore" Elia said while sobbing. She's holding onto her mother, don't want to let it go, scare that if she let it go; her mom will go away

"We'll go through this together baby. I promise. Eli you are my strongest girl, I know you can do this. I promise you, you'll pass this. This will pass" Sebastian said, comforting his daughter.

Elia wants to believe it. She really does but she's tired, she's the one who has been through this. All she can do now is cry in her mother's embrace.

This goes on for 30 minutes. It took the parents 30 minutes to comfort their daughter to stop crying and then she fell asleep. But it didn't stop Lizzie tears streaming down her face though. Worried for Elia.

"You know, we have to get Elia professional help about this. She can't endure this pain, Seb. I can't bear watching it. It breaks my heart hearing her screaming in her nightmares like that. It breaks my heart even more when she begs for us to take the pain away" Lizzie said whispering as both of them laid in their daughter's bed. Don't plan on leaving her all alone anymore.

"I know. It breaks my heart too. She's so scared of it" Seb replied, whispering sadly.

"We'll ask Tristin about this when we go to the hospital today for her PT session" Seb added and Lizzie nodded her head agreeing with Seb's suggestion.

With that the three of them fell back to sleep. Elia's bed is really big, it can fit 4/5 people but right now they all snuggle into each other like it was a single bed fitting 3 people on it.


Elia awakens at 6 am, she's being sandwiched between her mom and her dad. She's not complaining, she loves it instead. But then all of what happened last night came hitting her like a brick all at once.

She feels guilty for waking up her parents in the middle of the night, worrying over her. But she's glad that she got them at this kind of time. All the comfort she needs, her parents gave it to her. She's grateful for it.

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