Chapter 57

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After Elia's panic attack accident, she slept for the entire day. Seb has to wake her up for dinner but then as soon as dinner is done, Elia goes back to sleep. Her episodes always take a toll on her body. It's always exhausting for her.

So, this morning, Seb is making breakfast while waiting for Elia to come downstairs. Elia also has an appointment for her PT and therapy session. Uncle Chris is gonna keep Seb company while Elia's in therapy.

When Elia comes to the kitchen for breakfast, Seb could see her brave face that she put up and he didn't like it one bit. How can this turn into this?

They bid their morning as usual, Seb fixes her breakfast plates as usual and Elia just eats it.

"Eli, why don't you say something like this to us?" Seb started, breaking the awkward silence that fills in the kitchen.

"What do you want me to say? That I'm a pathetic teenager that can't be apart from her mother or father? Especially when they have work to do? I know my trauma is traumatizing you guys too okay. I know you both deserve a break. Who am I to oppose it?" Elia argues

"You guys have been there with me for 2 months straight. Not leaving my side. And I don't want you to leave me too but I know I can be a burden sometimes!" Elia added, her voice started to crack and tears streaming down her face. She wipes it angrily.

"Eli, it's our job to do that. It's our choice to not leave you in those 2 months. Because it keeps our mind at peace knowing our daughter is still in front of us and nothing bad will happen to her" Seb comforts her daughter.

"I heard what you said to mama! I know mama is tired mentally and physically. The least I could do is be strong for her. She deserves it" Elia replied

"Elia, I didn't mean it like that when I said that to your mama. I know you mean well, sweetheart. But baby, your well- being is more important to us. You're the one who endured all of this trauma. We might feel heartbroken but baby, you're the one who goes through this. We just wanna be there for you so that you're not alone." Seb explains

He also took a mental note to carefully choose his words after this because he worried that Elia might have misunderstood it again.

Seb stands up from his seat in front of Elia and goes to Elia, hugs her tightly and Elia just returns the gestures. Seb could feel the damp on his shirt and he knows Elia must've cried again. He just keeps on comforting his daughter.

"You said if I were to go to this therapy, it'll be better but why does this seem to be worse? I feel like I can't breathe if mama or you weren't here with me. I don't wanna be like this anymore daddy. I don't like it if I keep feeling like this because I know this will affect you and mama. I don't wanna be like this for you guys. I want to be a better daughter for you both" Elia sobbed into her father's shirt.

It continues to break Sebastian's heart upon hearing that. Despite everything, Elia still wants to ease their parents still. She doesn't want to make her parents worried. How did they deserve Elia, it is still beyond their amazement but they are always grateful for that and promised they won't take her existentialism lightly.

They deserved each other.

"With time, Eliana. I can promise you that with time it will heal whatever it is. And your mama and I will be there with you in every single path, guiding you. I promise and even if your mama wasn't here right now, you know she'll say the same thing as I am" Seb said, pulling away, cupping his daughter's face with both his hands, leveling their eyes.

Elia could see nothing but the truth behind his father's eyes. She just nodded her head and then rested her foreheads on her father's shoulder.

"I miss mama so much," Elia said, whispering sadly.

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