Chapter 39

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Elia arrives at Ferrari's private training/ gym room.

All of the kids and their instructor, coach were there on their very last day. Elia and Jamie have the same comps day while Maggie and Isaac 2 days after Elia and Jamie.

As usual, they started with warming up their muscles before they began their training.

As they started their training, this time it was intense and tiring as hell for the kids. Their physical and mental health were draining.

Even so, they still do the training perfectly well. From only 3 hours of training, it adds up to 6 hours. The managers have told the parents already about the extension time of their training.

-6 hours later-

Elia, Jamie, Maggie and Isaac were laying on the floor panting, all sweaty and red cheeks all over their faces.

"I think Johnny might have to pick me up to get to the car. I can't feel my leg" Elia slurred. She never felt this tired with her physical condition. Mental? All the time.

"I don't think I want to get up at all" Isaac agreed with Elia and pretty much everyone too.

"Today is the last day for training guys. You get to rest after this but don't forget to do your reflection test every day though" Coach Yen said chuckling looking at the kids.

"We can't get up. We need help" Maggie cried sarcastically and the coach and instructor helped the 4 of them to the waiting room, waiting for their guardians to pick them up.

It's now 6 pm. Almost dinner time and surely, Elia's parents are done with their interview junket stuff.

Elia sitting on the couch with Isaac next to her, laying her head on his shoulder tiredly.

"Have you packed for tomorrow?" Isaac asks knowing Elia didn't like packing

"Um-hm. Mama pack it for me" Elia replied tiredly while she still closed her eyes.

Isaac just chuckles at her.

"Oh, you know, daddy's gonna propose to mama on my birthday dinner" Elia said looking at Isaac excitedly when she remembers the conversation she's having with her dad this morning before coming here.

"WOW! THAT'S HUGE!" Jamie said happily

"oh, it's supposed to be a secret. So, please don't tell your parents because my dad says he's gonna tell them himself and plan it with them." Elia said

"No worries, we keep lotta secret from our parents" Maggie said smirking

"Good. I can't wait for that night though" Elia replied smiling. She genuinely can't wait to see the smiles from her parents. She's happy when they are happy.

Isaac, Jamie and Maggie also know other secrets too. They're gonna surprise her at the supposed birthday dinner. The adults told them already.

Then, soon enough Johnny came to pick her up just like what she wanted. To go home and sleep. She's tired.

-25 minutes later-

They've arrived at Olsen-Stan residence. Elia was flat out sleeping, meaning that Johnny had to carry her inside making the parents confused but slightly chuckle. They also could see the exhaustion on her face.

Seb continued to carry his daughter and bid their thanks and goodbye to Johnny. He carries her upstairs to her room with Lizzie trail along behind them.

They didn't have the heart to wake her up but they have too since she's just got back from training. The germs from the sweat are not good.

"Eli, could you wake up a bit? You need to shower babe. You're stinky" Lizzie said and tease on the last part

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