Chapter 80

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Several day passed by,

Eliana and her parents just simply spend time with each other because there's no doubt after her parents time off from work is over they are going to be very busy with shooting and interviews.

The Olsen- Stan family is trending worldwide after they posted Elia's surprise birthday party and Sebastian's proposal.

They received a lot of congratulations and interviews. Not to mention the interviews to promote the new movies that they are currently filming.

Elia also has been doing her PT back since she'll have to shoot next month. Isa has started doing his training for his character in LA. Elia will have to do it too since she'll be needed to do a lot of hand to hand combat. And that required her hands to be able to handle holding a prop baton.

Elia and Sebastian are completely making Lizzie have a heart attack every time they decide to mess with the mother.

Sebastian was rough but he's not too rough. He knows not to harm their daughter because he'll be so freaking guilty about it but he just loves to see Lizzie's horror expression. And Lizzie is an overprotective Mama Bear.

Yesterday, Elia and her Papa were playing around with Luna in the living room. Mama was sitting on the couch with her books, reading. Cushions were scattered on the floors and Papa decided to play fight with Elia.

"MAMA HELP ME!" Elia screams, squealing when Sebastian tackle her into the cushion and tickles her with his beard at her neck

Lizzie just watches and filming the situation in front of her phone while she's laughing.

"No, no. No Mama or Mama will be attacked too" Sebastian said, continuing to rub his beard at Elia making Elia laugh hysterically.

"It tickles Papa!"

"Does it? Should I trim it then?" Seb stops because he knows when to stop.

"No. I like it when you have a beard. Makes you look handsome and also to let people know that you're a dad to Eliana Adelaine Olsen and also a future husband to Elizabeth Olsen." Elia states

Lizzie just sits there, smiling, listening to her daughter's statement. Elia truly doesn't like to share her parents. It's really cute.

"Well then I'm gonna keep it. It also gives me privileges that I can tickle you" Seb said as he started to rub his beard to Elia's neck once again but this time Elia manages to squirm away from her father and stand up to run

But she wasn't fast enough because her father grabbed her and swung her over his shoulder. That makes Lizzie's heart beating so damn fast. Elia just squeals in response

"Sebastian! Adelaine!" Lizzie scolds as Elia's almost slip out, hanging upside down on her father's back from her father's grasp but Sebastian was holding Elia's leg firmly

"We're fine Mama!" Elia said, looking at her Mama upside down still

"Sebastian put her down, slowly and softly. Now!"

Sebastian just complied and put Elia's in her mother's lap. Elia just giggles at that and snuggles to her mother as Lizzie protectively wrapped her arm around Eliana's body.

"We should do it again Papa!"

"Please for the love of god, stop giving me a heart attack"

"We're not giving you a heart attack, Babe. What are you talking about?" Seb answered as he chuckled and pecked Lizzie's lip.

Lizzie just glared at her fiancé

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