Chapter 51

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After a while, Elia quietened down her crying. Isaac just sits in front of her holding her hands

"What happened to Jamie" Elia said whispering defeatedly making Isaac stare at her in disbelief, shocked and scare at the same time

"You remembered?" Isaac asks quietly

"It came as my nightmares last night" Elia exclaimed. She remembered everything now and she's hurt that nobody says anything about Jamie to her.

"I think you need that answer from your parents" Isaac responded

"You have to tell them. Can I call them now?" Isaac added and Elia just nodded her head getting ready to face her parents.

Isaac goes to the door and when he opens the door, he sees Evansson, Mackie, her aunts and her grandparents were there with Lizzie and Seb. They look at him immediately when they heard the door flung open

"You can come in," Isaac started. Cutting them off before they could ask him anything.

They all get inside and they see Elia's bloodshot eyes.

"What happened to Jamie?" Elia asks as the tears started to clouded her vision again

The adults in the room immediately froze in their tracks as soon as they heard Elia question.

Lizzie looked at Isaac and Isaac just nodded his head. He knew Lizzie was asking if her memories were coming back without even saying anything to him.

"He died on the track baby" Lizzie exclaimed carefully, stepping closer to her daughter

"And why didn't you tell me throughout these 3 days?" Elia asks with her voice wavering, making everyone's heart break at that sound.

"We're going to tell you once you get better. We promise each other not to keep a secret, aren't we?" Lizzie explained

"But you did keep it as secret" Elia whispers defeatedly as her tears streaming down

"Sweetheart, we don't want this to be a problem in your healing time. You are getting better" Sebastian exclaimed

"It'll be less of a problem if you guys tell me not me having back my memories like this and you didn't think to tell me about it. How am I supposed to trust you?" Elia said crying looking at her parents in anger

"We know. We're sorry but we don't wanna hurt you that's all Eli" Sebastian said softly

"It still hurting me regardless" Elia said in between sobs

"We promise we won't do anything like this anymore okay baby?" Lizzie said go to Elia and Lizzie was grateful that Elia didn't dodge the hugs. Elia just melts into her mother's embrace.

"He's my best friend's mom. Maggie, Jamie and Isa are all my friends. They are all I got. They were there for me these past few months. And he's dead" Elia ranted, sobbing clutching to her mother's chest.

The others watch this with tears in their eyes.

"I could hear him whispering in fear for the last time last night. It all came haunting me" Elia added

"Is that what your nightmares were about last night?" Lizzie asks softly while rubbing Elia's back in circles to comfort her

"It was the day when we had the accident. I could hear his voice, your crying, my crying. It's a memory" Elia said still crying

They all just stay quiet. They don't know how to comfort her anymore. Hell, they can't even comfort themselves from this nightmare. It is all still vivid on the back of their mind.

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