Chapter 38

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It has been 3 days since the friendly match at the LA circuit track. The kids have started to go back into their training. It got a little more intense than before and the kids got exhausted day by day.

Elia told her parents to go for a date since they are on their break from filming until they go to Atlanta. She just doesn't want her parents to be worried when they see how intense her training is.

And good things are, the cast has to finish every interview junket with press and many more before they go to Monaco.

They decided to go to Monaco 3 days earlier than the comp's date which happens to be on the exact date of Elia's birthday. Her first birthday with them. They've planned a blast birthday party for Eliana which is invited for the close family and friends only since it'll be held in Monaco. And for the others, they're gonna do a birthday party and possibly will be her, winning in Monaco once they get back from Monaco.

Today is the last day they are gonna have their training before competition day and they are gonna fly out to Monaco tomorrow.

Elia is now having breakfast with her parents because they are gonna have their last interview too with everyone.

"So, our manager and publicist have discussed this so that we can do our family youtube channel" Sebastian stated while biting his pancakes.

Both Lizzie and Seb have been planning to make a youtube channel for their little family because ever since Elia has come to their life, they've got more audience, more people that are interested in their life. Lizzie and Seb thought it'll be better if they do a family youtube channel of their own so that they won't have to follow many orders from anyone on how to navigate their life and they can choose on what to show to people based on Elia's comfort too.

"Do you want to do that Eli?" Lizzie asks knowing Elia is camera shy but not so because she's getting used to it by now because of Isaac.

"Our family vlogging you mean?" Elia asks chuckling which makes the parents know she's agreeing with it

"Yes. We want to do that if only you want it too" Seb said

"And we're not forcing" Lizzie added

"You're not forcing me. I would love to, '' Elia replied, smiling and grinning.

"YES! I've bought 3 vlogging cameras for each one of us and DSLR camera too" Sebastian listed happily

"Do you have any idea for our youtube channel name?" Lizzie asks

Elia thinking hard for a moment and then her smiles gets wider

"The Olsen-Stan of course" Elia replied smugly making her parents laugh

"OH! I've got a good one! It could be S.E.E. Sebastian, Elizabeth and Eliana" Elia added

"We could totally go by that for now," Sebastian said. For now? What's that supposed to mean? Huh.

It makes Lizzie confused obviously. But she just shrugged it off.

"Have you packed your suitcases for tomorrow? We have morning flight" Lizzie asks changing the subject

"I- um, I don't really know what to pack" Elia said pouting

It's not her forte packing her suitcases/ luggage.

"I know, that's why I ask. I packed half of your stuff last night. We could do it together tonight after dinner okay?" Lizzie replied, chuckling.

"I don't really like packing either. I just pack whatever I see in front of me" Seb said

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