Chapter 19

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Seb has come back to the hospital and been informed about Elia. He was happy, relieved when they said she's awake and she's fine now that she's just resting.

Even though Isaac knows she's fine, he is still glued to her side. He needs to know Elia was really fine. And he blames himself for everything that happens. Andrea and Jax (Isa parents) trying to get him to eating, Isa politely declined by 'I'm fine'

"Pal, she's fine. She's awake now. Don't beat yourself up" Seb said trying to convince him too.

"I can't leave her. I don't want to. This will not happen if I stay by her side" Isa said voice wavering

"It's okay Isaac. We don't know that'll happen. We don't know that the paps were there. If I knew the paps were there, I won't let her go to the car" Lizzie said ensuring Isaac

"No Lizzie, you said that to convince yourself too. You also didn't leave her side for once." Isa argues

"Isa, please" Elia's voice startles them. She was awake and she opened her eyes slowly looking at Isaac. Isaac immediately sobs. That was the first time he cried after Lia was admitted to the hospital. He's been holding it back ever since. Elia just let out her arms for Isa to hug her and Isa did it. he was sobbing in Elia's shoulder

"I'm fine, Isa. I'm sorry" Elia said, her voice whispering defeatedly as she hears for the first time Isaac's crying.

"Don't do that Lia. Don't scare me like that anymore. please." Isa said, mumbling on her shoulders crying. Everyone looks at them in sorrow.

"I promise. I won't scared you or others like this anymore" Elia said calming him down

"Who's gonna hold you back from doing stupid things if I weren't there" Elia added jokingly to ease the tension in the air

"Very funny Olsen" Isaac said pulling away from the hugs playfully glaring at Elia and then smiles

"Indeed, it is, Grey" Elia answered smugly. Olsen has become much more influential in her life and she likes it.

"Why don't you go get taco bell? I kinda want it too. We can eat together" Elia said, trying to get Isaac to eat and ease his mind.  

"What do you want? It's fine. I'll buy everything you like. Guys, you gotta try her favorite taco bell menu. She got the best taste of it. You'll love it. Oh! Do you want Mcflurry? No need to answer, I'll buy it" Isaac rambles excitedly and then kisses her cheeks and off to go buy the food with his parents.

And now, it was the adults left with her.

"I'm sorry" Elia looks at them guiltily

"Hey, why are you sorry?" Scarlett asks softly, taking her hands. Elia was still lying in bed and couldn't get up.

And then, Elia looks at her mother who was sitting next to her the whole time.

"I know that look. That's the same look on Isa face" Elia said to her mother

"Eli, if anything were to happen to you, you're my daughter. Of course, I would feel bad about it and I won't take it perfectly well and not blame myself. I'm your mother. I supposed to take care of you" Lizzie argues

"And you did mom. You told Isa that accident happens. If you were known that the paparazzi were there, you won't let me go to the car." Elia said

"Don't blame yourself please. It'll make me feel worse than I already have" Elia begged, whispering at her mother.

"Don't feel bad baby" Lizzie said

"Well, don't blame yourself then mama. I love you so much that it hurts me seeing all of you like this" Elia replied.

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