Chapter 31

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It's been 3 days since Elia's impromptu shoulder accident with the kids. And for 5 days they are on vacation at Lizzie's beach house. It's been good but Elia couldn't do much, much to her dismay.

Also, today they're gonna go back home after sending the Grey's to the airport because they have to go back to London for 2 months and they're gonna come back before Elia's birthday and competition.

"Take your meds, follow the rules though I know you are the goody one. And most importantly no secret anymore Lia. Facetime me whenever you want, you know I'll drop everything for you. You should know that by now since we have known each other for 7 years now. And also, for the love of god don't make me have a heart attack anymore" Isa listed off.

They are now at the airport and the Grey's have to board their plane.

"2 months is long Isa" Elia said sadly pouting

"I know. But you're not alone anymore. So, I'm at ease a bit. Your family gonna be there for you always now" Isa replied

Elia smiles sadly at his statement. 'her family'. She found it surreal still that she has a family now. And Isaac know the reason behind the smiles she's given

"I know. It's surreal for me too. And I'll say this to you forever that I'm happy too for you" Isaac grin

"God, I'll miss you princess," Isaac said. They have to bid their goodbye right now or they'll be running late.

"Text me, facetime me when you're landed" Elia said hugging him but not to tight since she still in recovery

"I'll probably just text you because surely when I'm landed you've asleep already" Isaac exclaimed

"I love you Minnie" Isaac bid his goodbye

"DON'T SAY IT OUT LOUD AND I LOVE YOU TOO DUMMY" Elia shouts because Isaac is walking away to their gate while grinning.

Another nickname that Isaac gave to Elia was Minnie. Because she loves Mickey Mouse and Minnie. It's her favorite ever.

"Yeah, I won't miss him," Elia said, rolling her eyes. The adults just smile to themselves because they know that is far from the truth.

"So, what's up with Minnie?" Renner asks teasingly

They could see Elia started to blush. Contemplate whether to tell them or not but she promised her mother no more secrets between them and she knows her mom is dying to know the backstory of it. it's just that she felt embarrassed somehow to share about it.

"You're not gonna laugh at me when I tell you this?" Elia asks sheepishly looking at the ground, making the adults confused but eager to know now.

"Hey, we won't judge if that's what you worried about" Lizzie comforts her

"I love Mickey Mouse and Minnie. I used to have a simple collection like the Tumblr, phone casing, and Isa once bought me a Minnie bear but it all had to be thrown away because Drew's said matured woman doesn't play with that stuff. It's childish" Elia informs them

New things they learn about Elia and her obsession.

"Well, I'm a matured man, I have career, my salary is more than them and I'm obsessed with tangled" Evans said once he notices everyone stare at Elia in shocked and pity

"Really?" Elia asks interested on the topic

"Yeah. It's like your comfort movie, comfort stuff. It's normal for people to have them" Evans explained further and Elia just smile nodding her head

"It's totally what I feel every time I watch Mickey Mouse. I could totally forget everything. Like my escape place besides from music room, game room and when I'm driving" Elia stated happily

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